i know. here's my question. why didn't . think of that? this is so. here's how it went . et b according to rules set by the academy on air talent could win individual emmys, but not as part of the staff of a show. so to skirt this rule, espn skirs on emmyfake name submissions under the guise of a fake na associate producer. now, for those of you unaware y of what an associateou una does, [l laundry. >>au but if they won and they dd ,they really engraved the awards and then gave thethem to on air personalities n. actually didn't wi >> i know what's hilarious e is for the fake names espn made up, it's like they were barely trying were ba to hide it. so lee corso was lee clark kirk. >> herb street with kirk. henry desmond howardherb ss , dk howard, samantha ponder with steve ponder.