the remaining orphanages with a raise the children as if they were livestock in the children were damaged forever. the good news is, not that i know a lot about romanians, but their dictator was giving a speech when he was in power one day and it took one person and back tl "shut up" and everyone else started yelling and before you know it he was executing them and 20 bars and no people were free >> greg: do you care to respond to that question mike >> worse things to catch at a strip club -- >> greg: ask hunter biden. >> or another guy i know. but i digress. the great point about the masks. that is true, you can catch children at a strip club which i would argue i would take covid any time. but i love them. what is frustrating to me is the mask is literally if you follow this science, it is for you. i feel like we keep repeating ourselves. doesn't keep you from getting