protect. if the media needs to even avoid talking about themselves to protect the narrative which is very hard for them to do, obviously they're willing to do it for the cost. >> greg: what do you think that truth is they are so worried about? >> the truth is that you have narratives that are inconvenient to their worldview which is there are bad people and good people. much of it is racial. and if you tell a story too loudly that vindicates bad people like you and other people of this network, that is more harmful than just telling the truth and even what happened, sort of like an unfortunate casualty in the truth war because the larger truth and are more important to them. that's not journalism. that's ideology but that's what much of the media is engaged in. >> greg: i thought it was interesting there was a huge rash of the sophisticated looting while you are away, kat. i know you went on vacation. i was waiting to see any blonde hair underneath the ski masks at