weed brownies, i guess maybe kevin and linda shouldn't do weed, it doesn't mean other people it doesn't work for. it doesn't make sense to me to make something illegal or say it's bad because of a story. there are plenty of people who have been bad for me does that mean those people should be illegal? no, not all of that. >> may i just say one thing, we're talking about anandamide, that's just one thing in the brain. there was a time in the eggies when we said exactly the same thing about endorphins. >> yes. >> so this notion we focus on one chemical and that's it - - >> doesn't it lower your stress, though? isn't that also why athletes do it? it lowers the anxiety they have. >> certainly. cannabis can do that, a number of drugs can do that. >> i'm having anxiety what i said earlier to harris was weird. >> kat, you have no worries, i love you with all my full heart. >> i'll hopefully sleep tonight