crashing the republican national convention. who are the convention crashers. start guessing because that is all straight ahead. right now, brace yourself. rush limbaugh says president obama's second term is not the country's biggest wore arery. he says something else is. so what is it? here is rush. >> i think that the country could survive four more years of obama. but i don't believe the country can survive in a country full of people who would reelect him. that is -- that is is the great fear that i -- we can handle obama. but if -- i don't know what we can do about a majority of people who would reelect the guy. american spectator has a column out today that says bluntly obama is is going for the moron vote, the people that hang around with their mouths open all the time because they don't know what else to do. idiots. obama is going for the moron vote. no question obama is going for the moron vote and democrats calculated there are a majority of morons that are going to vote and they can win them and that they are content to let romney and ryan get serious and talk about these things that really matter because the obama people don't give a rat's rear end about this. they don't want to think about this stuff seriously. all they want to know is is, there going to be an interruption of what they are getting? and if it there might be an interruption of what they are getting they are not going to vote for the people that are going to cause the interruption. that is what obama's calculation is. it always boiled down to that for us. i know it has for you, too. four years we can handle obama but can we handle a country with a majority of people that would reelect the guy? >> greta: karl rove joins us. good evening, karl. >> good evening, greta and that is pink, is isn't it? >> greta: that is pink. it is to get your attention. anyway, it got sean hannity's attention earlier. i may have to retire this jacket i have been teased so much. >> no, it's great. >> greta: i guess it is plain where rush limbaugh stands on the election. any grey area with rush? >> not at all. remember, he was quoting bob turrell's piece on this. this all starts with bob who is quite a wordsmith. >> greta: and i guess there is no doubt where bob turrell stands on the election going into this november? >> i would have a slightly more nuance view. i do think president obama's campaign has made a very cnnical decision they can win the election without offering a concrete agenda and a thing they have to do and what they focused their efforts since may 15 is trashing in the battleground states the character and persona of mitt romney. accusing him of outsourcing jobs to china. a charge to ridiculous even the washington post ran an editorial calling it bunk. they are looking at the voters and making a decision we can just trash this guy and put outread slow kates and television ads and call him a felon and run out the ads that suggest he killed a woman with cancer through his own indifference. we can do these things and create such a negative reputation and image of mitt romney that he can't win. i also think there are a lot of people concerned about the fact that we do have an increasing amount of people in america who are dependent upon government for most of their livelihood. and that people want to protect as rush alluded to, want to protect what they have got. i have a slightly more optimistic view. i think a lot of people you hear the statistic one out of every two voters get most of their money from the government. that includes people who paid into social security and that is their money it that they paid in and i found older americans, senior americans are those among the most concerns about deficits, debt and future of the country and are gravely concerned about the direction of the country and want to get it going in the right direction. >> greta: i think one other strategy and this is a recent one we hear a lot from the obama campaign about this war on women. i think they looked at the polls and saw the gender gap between the two candidates and i think that they are going for broke on this. you know, trying to -- because they know that sense 1980 more women have voted in the elections than men. there is this giant current undergap. reading your op ed piece i was curious you you said that president bush in 2004 narrowed the gender gap that democrats always had the higher number on that. how did he narrow that gender gap in 2004? >> well, by making an appeal to what were then called security moms making it clear that he would keep the country safe and do everything to keep americans, the american homeland safe from additional foreign attacks. you know, though, let me step back for just a minute, though. president bush won the male vote, the men vote in 2004 by roughly the margin that most republican candidates do. he narrowed the gap among women. the problem for president obama is this, you are right there is a big gender gap but the bigger gender gap is among men. president obama is losing among men by much larger margin than do the normal democrats. he is trying to offset that by trying to run up the numbers among women. he has made a determination his camp made a determination that it is tougher to narrow the gap among men than it is to try and widen the gap among women which is why they have done things like the war on women. so there is a gender gap but let's be clear what it is. it is that president bush is running way behind where a normal democrat does among men and trying to offset that by running up the numbers among women. >> he would ideally president obama would love to peel off the male votes from president or governor romney and governor o romney would love to peel off the women votes that seem to be weighted towards president bush. i'm curious, how do -- >> i think you are right about governor romney 86 think he wants to narrow the gap among women but i think you are wrong about president obama. i think his attitude is i can't win any more male votes so i got to try and extend my lead among women. >> greta: let me zero in on governor romney and the women vote. what does he do at this date in the campaign what does he do to get the women votes? how does he get the women to be convinced that they should leave president obama and go over to his side of the ledger? by talking about the issues that women and ironically enough men both care about. jobs, economy, deficit, debt spending. healthcare, medicare. is remember in most families i suspect and this may be the case in your household it is the woman who is generally the care giver and in charge of the family's health. they know the doctors who the kids go to. they are the people who know the policy numbers and who is in the network and who is not. they are intimately familiar with what grandma's healthcare, what the docs are giving her, what medicare will cover and so forth. so you know in talking about these issues of jobs and economy and deficit debt and healthcare and treating everybody alike but making certain that you talk to women that you are seen with women, that you are -- that you put your are wife out there in order to talk about the substantive issues is important. the second thing is that it strikes me mitt romney has a big challenge in sharing more of who he is. both men and women and i think this is particularly true among women want to know what makes him tick. where did he come from. what is the arc of his life. what are the values that are engrained in his heart. what is it that he seems authentically concerned about doing and the more that they get to know him. you said late in the game. remember, for the people who have not yet made up their minds this 6 to 8 to 10% undecided. the 12 to 15 to 18% who might be persuadable or undecided, you know, this is still relatively early. they have heard about the campaign. they have paid attention about it. but they he don't know as much as they want to know and they are going to start absorbing more information here in the next couple of weeks to help them make up their minds. >> greta: so how does a candidate, candidate governor romney get the narrative over to the issue of jobs and economy if the media prefers and i think the media does at least now they like the sort of sexier gaffe type stuff. medicare and jobs are very important but we heard so much about it that sometimes it gets way down in the weeds and i think that it is really hard to drive the message home on whatever your program is. >> yeah. well, next week they will have the convention and be he able to showcase elements of his plan each and every day. you do it like he did today with the hobbs in new mexico and talked about the energy plan. laid out a concrete plan. these are the things that are sort of the elemental blocking and tackling of a party, of a presidential campaign. this week a good debate about medicare and then along came todd akin and his unfortunate comment on sunday and that dominated more of the coverage this week than governor romney and his team would like to have i'm sure. >> greta: let me go to the convention. i heard from you and also from reince priebus this is a chance for a candidate here governor any to sort of introduce himself. is so much riding on his speech? is it that important? >> it is that important. it is not the only thing that is important because look, the convention is like -- everybody knows they are contrived and that we no longer make big decisions there. it is a big, if you will production. it is like putting and a play. you need to have a narrative and people need to be interested which it and walk away learning something new and needs to entertain them and keep their attention and be well produced and they know it is all an event. so but, yeah, at the end of the day that speech is really important. the question is do they say things in a way that if powerful and reenforce what they -- what the campaign wants to be the principal theme. are there moments of work. al gore i thought at the time it was completely phoney but when came out there and put the big smooch on tipper gore, i thought it was completely phoney but guess what it worked. on the other hand i don't think it worked in 2004 when john kerry came out and gave the snap. >> salute and said john kerry reporting for duty. raised the issues of the -- his comments after he returned from vietnam where he basically slandered all those that served in combat with him by accusing them of having raped and pillaged in a manner ri reminiscent of khan. >> george w. bush had a great speech in that introduced him as a man he was. man with deep values. family values. a man of entrepreneurial background. these things are important and the speech becomes a vital part of the connection. >> greta: both gentlemen have high negatives and a i imagine a lot of people vote by who you have a gut reaction as the better candidate. i will ask you about governor romney is since he is your candidate. how does he get his high negative down to aer with range? >> first of all, both of these guys negative its are essentially the same. i wrote about this in my "wall street journal" column. both have their federal government tips in the high 40s. the worst condition we have seen for both candidates in any modern presidential election. different negatives. president obama's negatives are performance. people think he has done a lousy job in the economy. he hasn't solved it. overpromised and underdeliverred. they don't think he is doing a good job on the big issue of the day, jobs, economy, deficit, debt, spending and healthcare. mitt romney's negatives are more diffuse. it is a question of who is he. is he the vampire capitalist he has been painted out to be? a guy rapes and pillages companies and outsources to china? is he weird? so people want to know more about him and where he came from and what he is all about and what it is he is going to do. president obama is going to find it hard to change the reality of the economy. on the other hand, most people don't know very much or an awful lot about mitt romney and this is a chance for him to share more of what he is all about and what his family is about and what his life has been about. what it is that he wants to achieve for america. the concreteness of his plans. more people going to watch the convention next week, particularly that speech than have watched any activity in the campaign. i don't mean by a little but by a lot. >> is the election night going be close? >> i don't think we know. i think the greatest likelihood is that it is going to be very, very close. on the other hand this could be like 1980 where in mid august jimmy carter was is leading ronald reagan the race remained relatively close until the debates and then at the debates the american people said look we made a judgment about the incumbent and found him wanting and this actor from california has given us the reassurance that we need to be able to vote for him. i think this have very much up in the air. if i were a betting man i would say this is going to be a very, very close, close election and we will be spending election night well into the morning trying to figure out what is happening. on the other hand, the debates by the debates may start to widen out just like it did in 1980. >> greta: karl, thank you. see you next week in florida. >> you bet. looking forward to it. bring that pink thing. it is awful strong. >> i'm retiring this now. >> greta: straight ahead a new message for washington. the message is leave us alone. why do they say that? dick morris here to talk about it next. also, senator john mccain is here and says president obama is awol. it doesn't get any better than endless shrimp at red lobster. with a wide variety, you can mix and match all day. scampi, grilled, the fried -- there's nothing better. 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i've gotta run. a cascade product has been chosen by consumers as best new dish detergent for multiple years. >> greta: a short time ago we he spoke with senator john mccain. senator, nice to see you, sir. >> nice to see you, greta. >> greta: senator, the usually mild mannered congressman paul ryan said about president obama he needs to put up or shut up about the automatic cuts. i'm curious if you are sort of as agress hive with the president about the sequestration cuts and where it is headed. >> he shut put up or shut up. he is the commander in chief, the foremost and most serious responsibility is as commander in chief and if we going to have debts ex-is 'cus 'cuse mes beginning the first of january of next year, a few months from now, he should at least tell the american people what those cuts are going to ensur to ent. they are cuts that the secretary of defense has said would be devastating to national security and our uniformed military have said they won't be able to carry out their mission if the cuts are enacted. first of all, he should tell the american people what is going to happen. second of all, greta, he he should call us over and sit down and we can avoid itth. he is is commander in chief and right now on the issue of the most serious national security consequences he is awol. i'm not sure he knows what that means. >> greta: it is sort of interesting because this is such an important issue and i realize this throw the football passion on both sides and this will have an impact on a lot of americans. on augus august 7 the president signed the sequestration transparency act and within 30 days must tell you how it will be implemented which is the day he gives the acceptance speech. i don't know which is going to dwarf the other in terms of news. is he talking to anybody in congress as to how he will attempt to implement it or will it be his idea his way and is that the way it is supposed to be? >> he said in the last couple of days it can wait until after the november elections and he he would be willing to address the issue. but, of course, republicans have to agree to tax rate increases. and, of course, that is not the way you sit down and negotiate. that is not the way you should address an issue of this transkennedient national security importance. i don't think the president understands the importance of national defense. he hasn't shown it to my satisfaction. >> greta: i don't think he has. not the way i read the law. the law that he signd that passed the senate unanimously and the house passed 414-2. he signed it august 7. it says it requires the obama administration to send congress a report within 30 days on its plan for the $1.2 trillion in cuts to domestic and defense programs that going to take effect early january. he signed this bill and the way i read it maybe i'm much too literal but it says he has 30 days. i don't think he can wait until after the election unless you all agree. >> there is something else there, too. we passed a law a long time ago walled the warren act and what that requires is that if there is going to be layoffs in defense industries, then the workers have to be notified 60 days ahead of time. that is a law. coincidentally if you count back from the first of january 2013 you are look at the first of january -- excuse me, the first of november of 2012 just before the election. that means people all over america in defense industries, jobs will lejob letts be notified they are losing their jobs. they are saying they don't have to do that. that is again in direct violation of the law. >> greta: the reason we are into this particular mess at this stage is because a year ago we were up against a debt ceiling and the deal that was struck was in order to raise the debt ceiling by $2.4 billion was that the supercommittee was created and the supercommittee had until november to work out some agreement and if they couldn't work out an agreement we went into the automatic cuts the sequestration and so that is where we are the automatic cuts. form ula, you agreed to it and president obama agreed to it and even congressman paul ryan voted for are it. you have agreed to it. nobody has done anything since then and now we are coming up against the deadlines and if governor romney is elected president doesn't he still live with the consequence of the sequestration whatever the deal is? >> well, he does. in fact, january 20th or 21 already some of those cuts could have been already begun to be enacted and the layoffs would have already begun. this is what argues for immediate action. by the way, in retrospect it was a bad idea. it was a bad vote on my part. and i will plead guilty but now is the time to do something about it. the president should call us over to the white house and we should sit down together because the consequences to our national security don't take my word for it but from our uniformed chiefs and secretary of defense saying we cannot adequately defend this nation. what could be more important than that? and the president at least recently a couple of days ago said he would be willing to talk about it but he comes in with preconditions demanding that we raise taxes and, of course, that is not the way you seriously negotiate. that is not the way ronald reagan negotiated. that is not the way bill clinton negotiated and i was there on both occasions. >> greta: i spoke recently with speaker boehner in wisconsin and asked him because the deadline is looming and said has president obama called you up, i realize it is hard and there are a lot of differences of opinion. but he said the president hasn't even contacted him and he was critical that the president was off campaigning and not dealing with this much more urgent problem. i don't know who is supposed to make the first phone call but it is evident that this deadline is looming and that is is being done. certainly doesn't appear to be a lot of heedership in this -- leadership in this city getting this one done. >> let me finally say lindsay graham and kelly ayotte around i and many others believe that senator levin understands the seriousness about this because we had conversations with him about it and actually some negotiations. we would be eager to join in a bipartisan effort to address this issue but it is the president's leadership. i would like to be president. i tryd that once. but the fact is that we need the president's leader shelling attacksship on this and he is no where to be found and it is almost dirties dereliction of . >> greta: i don't know if you have seen the jake tapper report. of abc news, a blunt straight reporter made a remark to laura ingram on her radio show saying in 2008 the media tipped the scales in favor of president obama. i suspect at this point you don't disagree with jake tapper on that? >> probably not. but i still believe it was the economy and a bad campaign that we he ran. i will take credit. i will take the blame. i really think the economy had something to do with it. but i also want to emfamous again there are certain areas that should transcend party politics. as a george mason study said, 1.1 million job letts be lost. over a trillion dollars out of the gdp. we are just starting to sew some signs of improvement in the economy. i guarantee you in arizona losing 3,650 jobs and 300 -- and $3 billion out of the state's economy will drive us right back into a recession. we are not only talking about national security security, we are talking about the nation's economy. >> greta: coming up federal agents say the obama administration is forcing them to break the law. find out what show are doing. that's next and in two minutes we showed you congressman dancing and singing but this might teak the cake. which congressman or congress woman was caught on camera this time and what was he or she doing? 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[ male announcer ] get up to 795 miles per tank in the 2013 passat tdi clean diesel. that's the power of german engineering. see your local dealer for special lease and finance rates during the autobahn for all event. >> greta: former president bill clinton has a new starring roll. no, no, not a reality show. a campaign ad for president obama. >> this election to me is about which candidate is more likely to return us to full employment. this is a clear choice. the republican plan is to cut more taxes on upper income people and go back to deregulation. that is what got us in trouble in the first place. president obama has a plan to rebuild america from the ground up investing in innovation, education and job training. it only works if there is a strong middle class. that is what happened when i was president. we need to keep going with his plan. >> i'm barack obama and i approve this message. >> greta: we are back with the panel. steve, you are first. take the first shot on this. >> look, i think any time bill clinton is back in the discussion makes it more fun and more interesting. he has credibility on these issues and people see bill clinton and think about the 1990s and good economic times so it is obvious why president obama wants him doing this, wants him carrying this message and i think it is why we will hear quite a bit from bill clinton at the convention. is in a down side? i think it. it does feel like you are reaching way, way back. president obama wants to blame president bush for the economy today because of what he inherited four years ago and to sort of celebrate bill clinton's city now that is 12 years gone by. a real reach at this point. >> the polling shows a good chunk of americans blame george w. bush for the the bad economy so why not bring up the guy who was bush's predecessor and remind people that 8-12 years guy when that guy was in charge things were going well if obama is aligned with him why wouldn't i want to vote for him again. phenomenal that that issue still resonates with voters and, yes, a huge huge chunk of americans still blame bush. >> obama is not the first person talking up what clinton did in the 90s. romney mentioned it and praised what he called the new democrats and some of the policies they referred to. also in the 2010 mid term elections we saw democrats out in the field polling and they saw that you clinton was their most effective messenger on the economy even then. he is still one of the strongest voices for them on the issues and in an election about the economy who better. >> greta: i can't think of anybody more likely not to get people to watch the giants cowboys game the night of the convention. the campaign put him up against the game and the giants fans are probably not going to watch the con. convention. >> giants fans assuming most live in new york. their coats really don't matter that much either. cowboys fans at the same time. he is a a good messenger on the issues. some risk in appearing to try to piggyback on somebody from so long ago especially when you had president clinton publicly disagree with barack obama on a couple of issues. he caused problems for president obama on bain when talked about bain and said mets had a good business record and sort of defended bain. he caused problems for barack obama when seems to distance h himself a little bit from the pitch that the current president is making to raise taxes on the wealthy. i mean he is fine if he is on script. it is when he is talking extemporaneou i sly he he causs problems. >> we have seen is that in fits and starts over the course of the administration. whether the two appearing together at the briefing room in the white house. >> greta: or when president clinton stayed and president obama left. >> right. i mean clearly there has been a concerted effort to make sure that the democrats are putting together a united front and this will be a close election. they need everything they have on the table. they need everyone in their corner and bill clinton knows that as well as any one else. >> you know, we are talking about him. that is what bill clinton wants and if bill clinton is happy the white house will be happy. >> greta: he was roaring -- when it was roaring when was president. panel, thank you very much. steve, casey and ed, thank you. coming up, is vice president joe biden eyeing a new title? you have to hear what he just said. that's next. 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