cake. you have to cut the cake, if i can, and take it out and look at it. you have to see -- can i have a plate? you have to see all the layers, all the layers of this particular cake. so you can see the layers of the past. how is this made up? what layer is good. what layer is bad? what are the ingredients so we'll know in the future. so things won't happen like that again. ♪ ♪ >> glenn: hello, america. tonight, an hour on america's civil rights history. did you know that president lyndon johnson got corrode for passage of the civil rights bill but another president, a republican, pushed to get the first civil rights bill passed. we can only scratch the surface tonight. you have to do your own research. don't take our word for it. let this be the opening for you to go back and learn history i don't think is taught anymore. begin with a period of u.s. history that is in the textbooks. not the whole story. december 7, anniversary of attack on pearl harbor. the bombing alone wasn't enough for americans then, the actions taken by our government following the attack would nearly destroy the nation. ♪ ♪ >> december 7, 1941. a date that will live in infamy. >> glenn: it was a date that would live in infamy. so was the date ten weeks later. february 19, 1942. executive order 9066, signed by franklin roosevelt, order to grant broad pow torres military to exclude people from parts of the country where the national security might be threatened. it led to a mass violation of civil liberties. perhaps on the grandest scale of all time on u.s. soil. >> when the japanese attacked pearl harbor, our west coast became a potential combat zone. living in the zone were more than 100,000 persons of japanese ancestry, two-third were american citizens. military authorities determined that all of them, citizens and aliens alike would have to move. >> glenn: more than 120,000 americans and japanese nationals were rounded up and then relocated or interned for years. many arrested without charges, without lawyers, without any word on where they were going or why they were held. signs were posted around the cities in towns in the coastal areas, telling japanese civilians to evacuate in days with only with what they could carry. >> i was 19 years old when the japanese attacked pearl harbor. >> when the war started i was nine. >> ruth and mitch were family friends. both americans. born in san diego. both unwelcome inside their own country. >> i was an american citizen and i did not feel it would come to the point where they would relocate american citizens. we were given six days' notice to leave for camp. can you imagine losing everything you had and having to dispose of it in six days? >> they took us by train to santa anita, the racetrack. then we were transported to posten, arizona, camp three. >> we didn't know if we were going to some place warm, or hot or some place cold. >> for kids like my age, going to summer camp. the bad thing is the summer lasted 3.5 years. >> the government is erecting camp towns, towns in which they live unmolested, not as prisoners but free to work and paid by the united states government. >> we were not free to leave, not only that, but there were barbed wire. there were guards watching and threatening you if they tried to get near them. >> new area, land that was raw and full of opportunity. >> bathtub. yes, all the comfort of home. >> dusty, hot, humid, barren, cold. we have didn't have walls within each bar -- baracks so we were hanging up walls to separate bedroom. if you thought a rubber coat was called your home, so be it. >> propaganda films produced by the government to justify internment for the american public showed images like this one. happy children waving from trains. they didn't show the devastated adults who knew their lives would be changed forever. >> meanwhile, anti-japanese sentiment was spreading like wildfire across the country. racist posters were circulated. even the military commanderer who pressed president rosenfeld to approve -- rosenvelt to approve, spewed comments regularly like "a jap is a jap." in 1944, two-and-a-half years after signing executive order 90066, fourth term f.d.r. rescrippeded his order. the last internment camp was closed by the end of 1945. >> to this day there is no case of japanese espiage or sabotage throughout the war. in 1988, president ronald reagan signed the civil liberties act granting apology to the japanese citizens and monetary redress payments. ruth vorgees says he is not bitter about what happened but she does pray that history doesn't repeat itself. >> it is important to me history is reformed and know evacuation happened, because we don't want it to happen to another group, which is possible. >> mitch agrees. >> the constitution didn't work for us in those years. it's possible it could happen again. but i hope not. >> may their stories and the tens of thousands of others remind all of us how frail the freedom and liberties can be and how important it is to safeguard those things we think will always be there. >> the fifth amendment says no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due you process of law. f.d.r. ignored the nation's laws with the excuse it was protecting the american people. japanese americans weren't the only ones rounded up and interned. not a lot of people remember it was the germans and the italian americans that, too, were interned. did you know that? >> i'm arthur. >> i'm suzy. >> i was born of german immigrant parents. >> i'm a u.s. born son of german immigrants. >> my family, sister, mother and father were held in internment camp in world war ii. >> almost 11,000 german americans interned and more than 50 camps throughout the united states. >> students in school are not even taught about the germans. that there were germans in the camps and italians and the people from latin america. if you are going to tell history and talk history, well, you know, tell the whole story. >> pearl harbor. it must never happen again. >> following the pearl harbor attack, in december of 1941, my father was arrested as an enemy alien. mier who was left at home with three small children. the family was reunited at internment camp in texas. >> i was 11 yearsed when my father was arrested in november of 44. they suspected he was a nazi, which he was not. he was taken off to ellis island and they didn't know where i was. i wrote a letter to the justice department telling them what they did to my father was un-american. i got a response that sort of said tough, your father will remain interned. >> i was eight years old when my father was interned. taken by the f.b.i. in the middle of the night and the family was placed in january of '44 to crystal city, texas, in a family camp. >> crystal city facility shows how detainees of the world war ii lived, worked and play ed under the traditional american standards of decent and humane treatment. >> it was surrounded by barbed wire. we had guards on horses going around all the time. >> there were japanese americans, german americans and italian americans. >> there were several hundreds italians and italian americans who were interned during the war. some 600,000 were not citizens and cast as enemy aliens. could not own certain things and could not own fire arms and short wave radio reception. they couldn't own cameras and they could not travel beyond a 50-mile radius. i know the story intimately because my mother was one of them. various restrictions on her. the three of us were american citizens and therefore we should be entitled to the benefit. yet, the curves and the restrictions placed on my mother impacted all of us. it shows what happens when the government is all powerful. constitution was ignored. my father was never given due process. i wasn't given due process. >> every american citizen and legal citizen in the country is entitled to due process. this is something we need to remember. >> if we are serious about documenting and remembering civil rights, these are thing s that should be included. >> i think for people to be aware of the history, know the whole story, it would be helpful to prevent future repeat of the same thing. >> if we do not know about the past, likelihood to repeat same mistake increases immensely. >> glenn: another progressive was responsible to lock americans up in internment camps. let's look at the early 20th century progressives. i hate this guy. woodro wilson, lauded by scholars, ranked eighth on a u.s. news survey of the greatest presidents. who did they survey? your professor. you think wilson was a wonderful president. in the beginning of his tenure, minorities had great hope for president wilson. trotter. where is he? this guy. he graduated magna cum laude from harvard. devoted himself from the national equal rights league. threw support behind wilson who came in at the end and promised change. things changed after it departed from the campaign message. in an era where trotter but trying to end segregation, wilson, this s. o.b. -- i hate this guy. he had different ideas. he started to do all kind of things. the first people to round people up and put them in a camp. woodrow wilson. he had 6,000 people forced to internment camps. wilson made the decision to -- listen carefully -- resegregate government offices. trotter went crazy. he sought a meeting with this guy. finally got to him and spoke to him. didn't go well. wilson was angry with trotter and told him, "segregation is not humiliating, it's a benefit." your manner offends me. oh! excuse me. the love and tenderness of wood row wilson. s.o.b. historians laud this guy. they praise him. eighth best president of the country. why? a guy that thought segregation wasn't humiliating. they hadn't been segregating if america for decades. he said it's not supported by the facts. for 50 years, negro and white employees worked together for government department in washingt washington." you know how it was reported? the beloved "new york times"? do i have a copy of it? put it up. i love this. president resents negros' criticism. oh. there is the quote that trotter gave to president wilson two years ago. regarded as a second abraham lincoln. now we support those who supported him as traitors to the race. social justice, now the newspaper, this guy, a race traitor. so now we have the government, and religion. the president didn't budge. he stood by the policy. policy of segregation. we are talk about the racist republicans. wilson was a democrat. in early 20th century progressive, read up on this guy if you want to see the future. where some republicans and some democrats have stood on civil rights next. this is a fox news weather alert. i'm patti ann browne. you are looking live at the scene in new york city. one of the cities paralyzed by the blizzard that slammed in the northeast the day after christmas. traffic is slowly moving there again. many roads remain closed with cars stuck obsnow filled streets, blocking plows. commuters have been climbing over snow mounds to get to work. three major airports are finally starting to open up again after yesterday's shutdown. laguardia opened an hour ago. j.f.k. and newark are planning to open at the ends of the hour. even as the flights resume, not all of those stranded passengers with tickets will be able to get on board. boston logan airport says airlines predict rebooking could drag on to friday. more headlines on the storm that is of coursing millions ten minutes from now. glenn beck will return in just a moment. i'm patti ann browne. >> it's a special hour tonight on america's civil rights history. which president actually first took the lead in securing equal rights for minorities? dwight d. eisenhower, republican. in 1953, he appointed this guy. this is judge earl warren. he was the chief justice of the supreme court. the warren court that was appointed by a republican that ruled unanimously that segregated schools were unconstitutional. this was the guy. the to appoint african-american to level position if white house. frederick morerow, the administrative officer for special projects. that guy there. eisenhower was the first since reconstruction to meet in the white house with black civil rights leaders. you have to be kidding me. >> democrat adelaide stevenson wanted to change things. here is eisenhower and the challenger stevenson. he tried to accuse, again, of eisenhower misleading the public, arguing the democrats started desegregation in the armed forces. but they remember where the desegregation started again. progressives. eisenhower shot back. he was a general in world war ii. he said -- quoting. "i was the first combat commander that ever used negros incorporated actually into white units on the battlefield." do you know any of this? is it just me that missed this in school? the civil rights act. lin don b. johnson -- lyndon b. johnson, guy that gets credit for passage, but it was actually eisenhower. it was eisenhower who in 1957 pushed to get it the first civil rights bill passed. but 1964. that's when the civil rights bill finally passed. it actually had teeth in it. it could get the job done. what happened in 1957? well, what happened there? what happened in congress is there was a senator who was the majority leader in congress who wouldn't allow it to pass. he said part three of this had to be taken out. eisenhower said no. part three is the most important part. what was part three? it was designed to give the attorney general authority to file suit to protect all constitutionm rights including school desegregation. in other words, the real problem, the teeth were taken out of the bill. it was nothing without it. that's why it wasn't untilsen years and multiple attempts -- until seven years and multiple attempts later after martin luther king and everything else that a civil rights bill was passed. who was the senate majority leader at the time that watered down the civil rights bill, demanded that was taken out? anybody know? the guy who gets the credit. the hero of the left. was the villain, in '57 and hero in '64. interesting. why don't we know that? now, one former democratic president who wasn't exactly a friend to native americans in his day. democrats like andrew jackson passed things like this: the indian removal act. i mean, it sounds -- i mean it is what it sounds like. removal of the indians from the united states. moving them some place else, willingly or by force. removal of native miles per hours through the indian removal act which jackson signed in to law wasn't a problem for him in 1930, wasn't a problem for him. it's manifest destiny. perversion of the divine providence and bestowed by god, spread by north america. if you believe it's destined to be a shining example, blessing to the world, not by force, i'm with you. if you are destined to break every treaty we make, the ends justify the means, wipe out entire populations, and we're given that right by god. you're out of your mind. don't get me wrong. wigs initially opposed the concept of the manifest destiny. the democrats and the wigs. but both of them, both of them, both of them helped along the way and they both helped prolong slavery. why is it now that so many people believe that the government, the government would be the key to solving the racial problems in this country? it's the government that enslaved people in the first place. it was the government that lied to, wiped to out the indians. how is it all of a sudden the government is the good guy? that they are the answer to everything that is a problem? next. the native american history that's completely erased from the textbooks. i'm patti ann browne. airports are slowly opening again across the northeast after the monster snowstorm, but it could take days to get the stranded travelers to the destination. more than 3,000 flights were canceled. a quite day on wall street. the dow fell 18 points. trading is expected to be light throughout the week. the founder of wikileaks is going to release some more information in the new year. this time about himself. julian assange struck a book deal that could be worth more than a million dollars. we have a blizzard update shortly. you can read more about the aftermath on fox glenn beck returns in a moment but first, shannon bream previews "special report." >> coming up, president obama grows tired of washington. republicans take aim at defunding obama care. and we'll go to the front lines in afghanistan. join me in 32 minutes for "special report" but now back to glenn beck in new york. >> glenn: welcome back. prevailing wisdom on native americans is now that they were primitive savages with inferior intellect. that's what we are taught that the founders and everybody else back then taught. that is not true. not everybody thought that way. george washington loves the indi indians. thomas jefferson had a different view of native americans. he dug out on his property 12-foot high mound. it was something he couldn't figure out. he found several complex layers of barrels and concluded that the mound was the work of indian ancestors. jefferson began to ponder this. he believed that the indians possibly came in his words from egypt or asia. he looked at some of the ancient writings, he compared them. he was fascinated with language. he compared egyptian and indian. he started to say, you know what? they're not as primitive as everybody thinks. jefferson in many circles toward the late part in 1700s was attacked for the belief. called a howling atheist because of some of them. john adams was not one of them. john adams and -- john adams had dispute with thenate iver americans. but they weren't savages. in correspondence from later years they talked about the native americans and discussed the intriguing theory that the indians were descendants from jews because they had the same laws, the same ceremonies and sacrifice. the same priests, prophets and fast. even the indian dialect seem derived from a common prototype of the hebrew bible. they didn't brush off the native american as wild animals. they were intrigued. intrigued. thomas jefferson sent lewis and clark out. part of it is he wanted to see burial mounds, find out what those are. in the beginning, jefferson was outspoken advocate for sovereignty. he wrote indians had undivided independent sovereignty as long as they chose to keep it, and that might be forever. two years later he added it may be taken for a certainty not a foot of land will be taken from the ind yaps without their -- indians without their concept. unfortunately, later, when commerce and government started to collude when america needed land, things changed. by early 180 0s, jefferson sought ways to get indians off their land without force. the first idea was to let the indians see if this sounds like a familiar tactic. let the indians get deeply in debt, and then whey they couldn't pay they'd have no choice but to concede the land. does history repeat itself? these next examples go against everything manifest destiny teaches about native americans. we first learned about them from a documentary called "the lost civilians of north america," which explores why the artifacts and evidences of ancient civiliations have been lost and largely ignored. there were ancient cities with advanced ark checktures across north -- architectures across north america. hundreds of years before columbus came. the indians, they didn't scar the land, but that's not true. they were as large as any in the world at the time. london or rome. they were metropolises. archaeologists found evidence of 200,000 actual cities of mound like structures across north america that were here long before columbus. little known. why? take a look at this. this will blow your mind. see this here, first, let me show you the great pyramid of giza. have you seen this? one side of the great pyramid of giza, if you measure it, it's from the bottom to the apex 606 feet. that is important. that's an giant unit of measurement. it's referred to as the staid. now show you this. this is the earth works here in ohio. earth works are made, they're structures that are made now of earth, that has been built up from the ground in a perfect circle. here it is. a perfect circle. a perfect octagon. from 300 b.c. to 1418. let's look at these structures here. bring this up. i want to show you something. if you square the inside of the octagon, the square and here is the square. if you square it. this is what surveyiers do when they're measuring. they square the circle. divide it to four equal parts or cube. you find each cube is made up of 606 feet, 606 feet, 606 feet. 606. it is made up of stades. exactly the same. if that is not interesting enough, look at the angle of the great pyramid of giza. if you take the angle of the great pyramid of giza, the slope is 51.8 degrees. go back to the earth works. if you measure the line that goes straight through the center of the structure, right here. then you go due north, it's 51.8 degrees. that angle is exactly the same angle as the pyramids of giza. the same math and same calculations as the ancient egyptians. one more, in 1860, david wyrick, he surveyed the earth works and was digging in a mound near them and found a coffin made of oak. they opened up the coffin and found a skeleton of a man holding a little box. it was about 8.10 inches in size. the box had been cemented shut here. this this by the way is sitting in ohio. well, he opened up the box and he found a little man inside. a little black stone. they took it to scholars and they looked at it. the man seems to be carrying something. writing here, but first they couldn't recognize. the writing is hebrew. then they found rabbis in the area. rabbis looked at that. they could read it. they said it was an old, old block. it was rendition of the "ten commandments." here is what we should ask ourselves. i don't know the story of these. did you know that? do you live in ohio and did you know that? why not? were the american indians wrong? yes. yes. if we were bad to the american independent yaps. forget about this in the past. the question should be the ones that the founders asked. who are they? what knowledge do they have? can you imagine the difference we would have now if we had the differences aside and put our past in the past and concentrate on today? native american history restored. we all know how slavery in america ended with the civil war. but does anybody in america even know any more how it all began? next. >> glenn: we know how slavery ended in america. how did it start? in the early colonial slavery, it wasn't slavery. it was indentured servitude. what is indentured servitude? it's not the same as slavery there are important differences here. i think it share misof the same things. where are we? over here? it share missame things in con with illegal immigration today. i believe illegal immigration is modern day slavery. i said that on the program before. if you are an illegal and you're working this new york, you barely get paid enough to rent a bed. not a room, a bed for eight hours. you have enough time to sleep in it and then you go back to being at mercy of your employer. you have don't have any real rights. government is not going to help you. nobody will help you. you don't exist. you're not in the records. in theory, indentured servitude is like that. it promised a light at the end of the tunnel. after your contract with the master was up, you got what were called at the time freedom dues. you got freedom dues. usually land and a gun. the most important part of freedom dues were freedom. indentured servitude was a practice throughout the globe. english, spanish and portuguese, everybody used indentured servitude. it was like slavery. like slavery, but not quite. it's not an american problem. it's a human problem that happened all over the world. now there were criteria on which people were used early inden toureder is -- indentured servants. this is what is not taught? if i said white man or black man was the servant? it was original it will not based on color. it was based on creed. non-christians used as servants. contr they didn't identify themselves as white. it was englishmen or christians. white, blacks you name it were all used for the form of slavery. if indentured servant broke a contract, they got the same as those as collar. it was christianity. that's how it was. if you were christian, christian and you said i accept jesus, you can't get out. i don't know why more people didn't say i accept jesus. you really didn't want to do it. this is bad, but this isn't slavery. how did it happen? nudge, a shift, a slight shift. bit-by-bit. we shifted and judged and moved a little bit. from servitude to slavery. but how? here is massachusetts. the first colony to legalize and recognize slavery. other states followed. why? because it was profitable. like virginia. do you know who owned the first state sponsored slave in america? who owned? who was it? who was this guy? that puts a slave -- you know who it was? his name was anthony johnson. except he wasn't a white man. he, believe it or not, was a black man. have you ever heard that? how did a black man own a black man? well, let's start with him. before he was an owner. what was he? he was an indentured servant. he was a black endentured servant. not a slave. he worked in virginia. 1621. it's recorded in the census. his name was antonio. they recorded his first name and his race. well, he wasn't considered a slave. he was indentured servant. he worked in virginia on tobacco farm. his master allowed him to use his own plot of land so he perfected his skills on that plot of land for 15 years on that plantation. during that time he married, he had four children. after all, after all of those years antonio finally negotiate and bought his own freedom. so, he gave money to this man. he bought his own freedom. that's when he decided he was going to become an owner. he changed his name to anthony johnson. and in 1640, anthony and his wife bought a plot of land and hired not slaves, because there weren't slaves yet. he hired indentured servants. got it? that same year, in another place, there was another guy. anthony was, well, anthony was doing all of these things. there was a court case involving three indentured servants who escaped. there were three. here. two white guys. and a black guy. got it? this is different. than anthony who is over here. now, these guys ran away. they escaped. they were caught. two of them had their servitude extended by four years and the third one had it extended for life. can you guess which one got life? which means you no longer can buy your freedom, so you in effect become a slave. it was this one. are you asking the same question i asked? why did these guys only get four years and this guy get life? oldest story of time. this was the beginning of slavery. he was black. this is the beginning of the real, real nightmare that took a long time to get out. back here. these guys here. anthony again. anthony slave is john caster who is also black and he complained to a court that he extended the servitude. he emancipated him and said you're a free man, you can go. but anthony went back and tried to convince a court that caster belonged to him and should be his for life. he won the court case, believe it or not. he won the court case, and he became a slave. do we have it? he became a slave. the first one. i tell you this story to show you that it's a human problem. it doesn't matter. it's not a white condition or a black condition. it's a human condition. man will enslave any man when he can. this is a warning sign. it's happened throughout history. it's one of the layers of cake. back in a minute. . this is a fox news weather alert. i'm patti ann browne. you are looking at times square in new york city. it is supposed to start getting planes in the air in the local area at j.f.k. airport for example, just about 15 minutes from now. nearby newark airport in new jersey is also going to open up again soon. it closed yesterday during the blizzard that dumped more than 20 inches of snow in the new york area. many passengers are going to remain stranded. possibly for days as airlines struck to return service to normal. some ticket holders have been sleeping on baggage carousel. in boston, the city snow emergency will be lifted minutes from now, but the mayor there says residents should continue to drive with caution. the post christmas snowstorm turned out to be the heaviest december snowfall in six decades for the northeast. not only has it crippled travel, day after christmas is one of the busiest shopping days of the year and could take a while for retailers to recover from lost sales. >> glenn: real solutions don't usually come from the government. where do they come from? why is it difficult for americans to get the heads around where the real solutions come from. people. it usually starts in church. in the 1800s, reform started in the churches. i told you this. reform starts with this guy. not a good guy entirely. then it just takes off. people knew they couldn't continue to enslave other human beings and be right with god. some people put their head in the sand just like today. people are like how are you doing this? even before independent pep dense, some groups argued that slavery was compatible be teaching of christ. the founders did the same thing, but it goes to the 1800s. 1835. ohio slavery society in gainesville holds a first meeting. these are religious whites vehemently opposed to slavery. by the 1840s, ohio abolitionists like coughlin helped thousands of slaves escape to freedom as we now know as the underground railroad. harriet tubman. remember that? you know about her but do you know everything around it? a devout christian and one of the best known conductors of the underground railroad. a hero, miraculous. miraculous. she not only escapes, she went back in and escorted 300 slaves to freedom. if i'm not mistaken, i hate to speak out, i think she went back for her husband and her husband was with another woman, and she's like you're staying there. she moved on. she was born in slavery in maryland and married a free slave, escaped north. risked everything. returned back to the south to save her family members. then there is harriet beecher stowe. who wrote about uncle tom's cabin but they also sheltered slaves in their own home. many people probably already put this together but ohio is not predominantly black. in fact, it was quite the opposite. so now white people aren't all bad. it was the religious white people that woke up the nation, the rest of the white people and said what are you doing? it was the real -- this was -- it was the realization that this was wrong and the party, the two parties weren't doing anything about it. they weren't going to stop this. the government wouldn't stop it because of commerce. science was backing them up. somebody suggested a new movement, new party. third party if you will. destroy the whigs. it was called the republican party. the republican party doesn't mean then what it means now. the name was chosen because it alluded to equality and reminded people of the thomas jefferson republican party, small government. in 1860, in 1860, the first republican is elected. abraham lincoln. firmly established the new party as a major political party of the united states, because the other two weren't doing anything. another one came in and said get out of our way. we'll do it. a party that was libertarian at the time. the party and president that brought the abolition of slavery. now you'd think you might hear it from time to time in the political discourse. but no. the democrats that believed in social justice, no. no, they took the nation by the hand. all the while fighting rich, white republican racist tooth and nail. they don't talk about that. led the nation down the path to eemancipation proclamation. no, that's -- none of that could be further from the truth. it's this guy. it's this guy. group of religious people that finally say, you know what? nobody is going to do anything. so we will. final thoughts next. x/óñxújç5wxoossw>soñ?ññu= >> shannon: tonight, we're trying to show you some of the layers of this cake. the cake boss. i love you, i watch your show all the time. some of the layers of this cake that make up the history. if you can squeeze in, you see it's not what you might expect. our civil rights history, it's not just one layer. you've got to know things that led to the horrible disaster that was slavery. and then what culminated on the civil rights movement. we're not done on this, we're never done with this. you have to get an indcation of where we're going and where we're headed. this is a common theme that happened since the beginning of time. commerce, religion, government and science. if you look at them. you will see patterns throughout history. and the patterns that need to be avoided involve collusion. it is the only way to prevent evil that a comes from combination of these. you have to look when they start to collude. this program is not intended to be the end all and be all. we don't have enough time to go through every single layer of 400 years. what we're trying to do is send you history that you aren't taught to inspire you to go out and ceremony more information. one of the mantra of the shows is question with boldness and question everything. if you are going to college, don't listen to professors. don't take it from them. you question them. you read everything they tell you not to read. you read everything to tell you to read and then you read everything that they tell you not to read.

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New York ,United States ,Japan ,Giza ,Al Jizah ,Egypt ,Germany ,Texas ,Afghanistan ,Santa Anita ,California ,Boston ,Massachusetts ,Portugal ,Columbus ,Ohio ,San Diego ,Virginia ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,United Kingdom ,Arizona ,New Jersey ,Rome ,Lazio ,Italy ,Maryland ,Newark ,Spain ,Americans ,America ,Egyptians ,Spanish ,Portuguese ,Englishmen ,Italians ,German ,Germans ,Japanese ,American ,Egyptian ,Lyndon Johnson ,Anthony Johnson ,Martin Luther King ,Ronald Reagan ,Woodrow Wilson ,Andrew Jackson ,Julian Assange ,Thomas Jefferson ,Abraham Lincoln ,Harriet Beecher Stowe ,Earl Warren ,Dwight D Eisenhower ,Patti Ann Browne ,Harriet Tubman ,John Adams ,Glenn Beck ,Franklin Roosevelt ,David Wyrick ,

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