c'mon, let's go! ♪ ♪ >> glenn: hello, america! somebody asked me, in fact joe, my head researcher asked me right before, he said, "glenn, why does it matter? how does your vote count? why go out and vote if it's not going to come down to one person?" for instance, we live in new york. really? gee, i wonder who is going to win governor tonight? here's why. because doesn't it send a message when you see the voter turn-out in iraq? when you see 75, 80, 90% of the people who have their lives threatened and they will go out and vote, it sends a message to the politicians in the washington, don't take me for granted. i am paying attention. we are involved. you have to come through us. through the negative ads, they want to discourage you, but you are anything but discouraged. on my first day here at fox news, nearly two years ago. january 19, 2009. it was the day before president obama's inauguration. i remember thinking after the election, in fact, the day after election, that it was great. i did a monologue or two on the radio. people were very upset, at least in my audience, that barack obama won. i said first, we just elected our first african-american president in our history and it has gone off without a hitch. that's something to celebrate. we changed as a nation. it ain't the 1960s anymore. then i said at the time, this election is going to wake people up. john mccain is a progressive. had john mccain won the election, most likely we'd still be asleep. i believe john mccain and barack obama were taking us to the same place, except one was walking, or maybe on a steam train from time to time. the other is taking us in a spaceship. one of my very early shows here on fox, i continued to warn as i did on the other network of the possible economic trouble ahead. here is what i said. >> today, i want to start with the most urgent threat. that's the economy. despite what you might hear from television and talking heads, this crisis, i believe, is far from over. we aren't even close to the beginning of the end yet. more like we're nearing the end of the beginning. >> glenn: there were warnings before that with five days to go before the election in 2008. obama used language like the fundamental transformation of america. in his first press conference while still president-elect, he talked about the need for stimulus, and regulation, and green cars. i'll get to green cars as soon as i get the flying car. talking about it was one thing. but once the dominoes began to fall, the reality of what we were really facing began to set in with you, the american people. the stimulus bill that no one read, no one even knew who wrote it. i remember walking in to the kitchen one day, back at my studios, and i was talking to the news people. i said okay, guys, who wrote this? they said i don't know. congressman. no, no, no. nobody else wrote this. this is far too complex. how did they write it? how long did it take to write it? nobody even asked who wrote it except for us. it got jammed through. massive bail-out came, talk of a giant healthcare bill started up. suddenly stopping the big government onslaught seemed a monumental and impossible task. they were overwhelming the system. many people felt like giving up. it was at that point that -- this is two years ago now -- i took a call on the radio show that opened my eyes. i played it that night on television. here it is in part. >> i really tuned out. not a magazine, not a paper, nothing. i mean nothing. the only thing i have in the background is you and rush, as background music. major headlines. i have didn't even know israel, you know, was tossing bombs around to the palestinians. i knew nothing about that. one day i saw a headline when i went to buy some gum. i really tuned out i think a little more than you think. i am one of the zombies that i complained about for 20 years and i'm one of them now. >> glenn: this guy said i've given up. i made him promise not to give up. to give me a few days. well, that call inspired the you are not alone special, which we aired and it was a monumental and highly watched special. our aim, our goal was to show people they were not alone. conservative values were not dead. we had to stop talking about politics. the 9-12 project was launched and amazing things started to happen. on september 12, six months later. thousands gathered in washington. for the biggest rally of its kind. certainly the largest for small government conservatives. most people had never taken part in anything like this. it began to take on a life of its own. same time, the tea parties were springing up all over the country. though the media openly mocked with the hilarious jokes about the etea baggers you persisted. you never gave up. you kept coming to your local town and you can't standing in your local squares. though the media did their best to mock you, ridicule or ignore you, remember, "time" magazine the year in pictures, none of these were even mentioned. it's so amazing to me. even though that happened, you persisted. you weren't discouraged. you never gave up. even though they threw healthcare on you. some people got beat-down but you kept standing up. some people had their fingers bitten off by the union thugs. you stood your ground. they called you every name under t sun. while that happened, i started telling you about 8-28. this is the logo of restoring honor. august 28, 2010. i'm going to be on the stes of the lincoln memorial and we are going to talk about honor, our founders, washington, lincoln, and whom we really are. there won't be one word of politics in it. i invite you to be there. to restore honor to this country because that will solve all of it. >> glenn: all the black panthers said they were going to show up. unions went crazy. the media went crazy. al sharpton marched, you know, on the other side of the tree. but you came. you were not afraid. you gathered in a way that could not possibly be ignored. once mocked, once considered an easy target. once called racist bigots, hate mongers, terrorists. you were an easy target for the establishment to gobble up and spit out. but you turned the tables. now, powerful. they come crawling to you today. they initially said it would be bad to create a third party. you don't want an etea party. that would be bad. really? was it? they said it would be better to work in the party and go through the primaries. good point. let's do it. let's do it. teddy roosevelt started a third party. bull moose party. progressive party. it failed. they lost. progressives went inside both parties. oh, have they failed? the etea party decided to go through the primary process. in many cases they won and won with huge margins. the establishment kicked and screamed. in some cases threatening not to support the candidate who won the primary, because it wasn't their hand-picked candidate. you don't know. you're too stupid. look at joe miller in alaska. lisa murkowski refused to step down. she is now running as a write-in candidate. in delaware, the g.o.p. did everything they could to defeat christine o'donnell etch after she won the primary, beating out mike castle. but you stood your ground. even charlie crist in florida is like oh, no, i'm a life-long republican. really? are you? guess who had to relent? they did. not you. uh-huh. why? because you actually believe in something. that's what they don't understand. you are not going to beat the american people. when they are locked in to values and principles. they are not going to beat them. they will not sit down. they'll sit down for politics, political reasons, a lot of reasons, but not for values and principles. no. the end of the day, in fact at the end of this day, it is you, you the individual american that has the real power. two days ago -- sorry, two years ago we had forgotten that. we had been so beat down by corruption, and money and everything else that we felt powerless to do anything about it. we didn't even know how the system worked. most of us didn't even know our history two years ago. think of where you have come from. think of what you have accomplished. think of what you taught yourself. how many books have you read in the last two years? powerful labor union. special interest group. rich billionaires. george soros. you're standing against george soros. you powerful career politicians. how do you go up against that and continue to stand in maybe some day somebody will write a book about that. because you did. it all started one voice at a time, saying no, i'm not alone. and even if i am, i'll stand and speak, because it's the right thing. today, today is the day that americans unlike any other place in the entire world prove that one voice matters. when americans come together, and unite on common principles, oh, yes, we can. change. what does that change look like? here it is. new poll. shows 75% of americans feel they are worse off since the last election. that is higher than it has been on the eve of any midterm election since the question was first asked in the mid-1970s. might be a significant change tonight. some say it's not. you know the phrase all politics is local. i think this is the one time where the two ideas, referendum on obama and all politics are local intercept. let's go through a couple of races. start in wisconsin. that's the birthplace of progressivism. it's probably the most progressive place in the country. it's where joel rogers, the professor of the university of wisconsin, madison. he is the wizard. the guy behind the curtain. big brains behind things pushed by the president and the tides foundation. george soros again. he's the guy who started the new party. the socialist party that decided that they would eat the democratic party alive if they had to. destroy them. they have. he started the apollo alliance. that is the group that we found out wrote the stimulus bill. harry reid verified that. apollo alliance is the tides foundation. that's george soros. so now let's see how progressive ideas are working out in wisconsin. since the fabulous joel rogers stimulus passed, they have lost only 84,700 jobs. that's it. they had 19,109 property seized due to foreclosures. but the good news they rank ninth in the country for tax burden. so they get a lot of taxes, too. isn't that great? in 2008, obama won the state 56-42%. his approval rating there now is 48% approve. 51% disapprove. 56% of progressive wisconsin wants to repeal the healthcare law. it is so bad that local politicians passed on appearing with the president at a recent rally at the university of wisconsin madison. notice joel rogers isn't anywhere to be seen here either. he's already lurking in the shadows. no politicians here. even russ feingold from the mccain-feingold bill. if only we got rid of both of them this time around. russ was the one who skipped the rally. think he would have skipped it in 2008? no. feingold's seat was considered safe earlier in year but now the progressives have done what they did under wood row wilson, they spooked the american people. they know what they are. i guess attempts to label an opponent as ambitious businessman aren't resonating. when did ambition become a bad thing. now let's move to colorado. colorado is another deep blue state. it is now. it's the birthplace of something near and dear to obama's heart. organizing for america. they had the democratic convention there. but it wasn't always a blue state. less than ten years ago it was a solid conservative state. so what happened? well, this happened. this is blueprint. you should read this book. how the democrats won colorado can and why republicans everywhere should care. it tells in great detail how a group of rich progressives, spooky dude is involved. over the course of five years, we're able to literally turn the state on its head by the 2006 election cycle. just two years ago, everyone in the progressive circle is saying you got to look to colorado. do this all across the country. they use progressives to boot them with policy maker. they successfully put in structure -- turned the whole state democrat. a stronghold. how is that working out for you? since the stimulus passed, the state has lost only 93,400 jobs. 7200 in the last three months alone. 35,345 foreclosures in same time. obama won the state by nine points in 2008 and now his approval is 47%. tom tancredo, a republican, joined the race in august to run against the republican as a third party candidate and he is now in a dead heat for governor. never been done before. the senate race between republican ken buck and democrat michael bennett is in a dead heat. with the republican having a slight advantage in the polls. also in colorado, the republican scott tipton has a slight lead on democrat john salazar. go to california. i don't have to tell you how progressive they are. it's a tell-tale sign of progress. they're sporting 12.4% unemployment rate. third highest in the country. they have the second worst tax climate for business in the country. and they're so desperate for cash now, gee, i wonder if these things are -- no, i'm sure it's not. they started releasing prisoners early, even violent criminals in order to save money. this is a state that says we have to release prisoners. they do it. they have lost 592,000 jobs since obama signed the stimulus package. that is progressive bliss. senator don't call me ma'am because i work hard to destroy business, senator boxer or babs as i call her has been in congress since 1983. does term limits come to mind? she won by 20 points in 2004. now she is hanging on by her pretty jet-setting fingernails. she is hanging on against carly fiorina. the cnn poll has it within five points and real clear politics says it's close enough to call at it toss-up. you weren't thinking about voting today? get off the couch. one last state, nevada. when the stimulus was signed by harry reid, they had 10.1% unemployment. now with the stimulus, 14.4%. number one this the country. we're number one. we're number one. it's sad that harry reid selling point for election is how indispensable he is for saving jobs. he said the world would be in chaos if it weren't for him. people in nevada are making it clear he'sdispensable. yeah. he is losing a tight race against sharron angle. nobody even knew who she was. up an average of 2.7. think of this, harry reid, one of the most powerful people in the world losing to this chick. even if it's close. who is she? regardless of what happens with the results remember how far you've come. if i would have told you that harry reid would be bested or almost bested by a chick you never heard of, you'd say oh, please! you would have laughed me out of the building. but remember, this is just the first step. progressives spent 100 years building this unsustainable structure. 100 years. they lost the first election they tried it. a lot of work to be undone. the first step is to vote. if you have voted, would you do me a favor right now, would you pick up the phone and call a neighbor, call a friend. this is a buddy system. we're all tied together. ah! is this a collective voting theme? obama must be for that. you need to make sure that everyone you know is voting. even in places where you don't think your vote is going to count. show them in numbers we're paying attention. now fox news is having all the election coverage starting tonight. the polls start closing in 40 minutes. first polls start closing in 40 minutes. they'll have all kind of coverage tonight, all of the experts. i am doing something a little different. while you are watching fox news, get your laptop and join me for my election coverage. i'll be on insider extreme at with all of my experts. let's just say that mine might get a little more giddy. you don't want to miss it. at that coverage starts at 7:00 p.m. eastern, and last time i think we did this in 2006 or 2008, it went until 4:00 a.m. it's a little different and fun. join me. insider extreme. 7:00 p.m. tonight at  >> glenn: election day in america is great because we get to exercise our right to vote. we remember those who fought for our right to vote. we choose who represents us. let's do a little more homework this time. we debate and come together. we used to. today is great for another reason. this one. political ads are finally over. >> he wants to put social security in the stock market. >> he voted with nancy pelosi 93% of the time. >> guess who lives in this spectacular washington ritz carlton? >> 20 speeding tickets. once for going over 90 miles per hour. >> my family loves her, but she can make a mess. we have to clean it up. >> bail-out, debt, government healthcare and job-killing energy taxes. >> more jobs shipped overseas. >> 1,250 jobs gone. >> they take care of special interest. they don't care if lobbyists write the laws. >> what kind of person votes against re-enlistment paper for the national guard? >> what kind of person eats pup by dogs on saturday night? political ads don't reveal anything about the candidate. it reveals what the candidates think of you. when someone creates a media message, they are trying to find a message that appeals to the most people to buy a product or vote for or vote against a candidate. i think what they're trying to do is suppress the numbers of people -- they turn this off and say i don't care anymore. they really believe that the nonsense will make you say herb nerfelmeyey wants to mutilate my children? yes, he is at the g.o.p. headquarters with butcher knife sharpening for your children right now. we can't vote for him. are we this stupid? the sad part is most of us just turn the television off and we don't buy it, but we tolerate it. so we keep putting the same dopes in office over and over and over again. some of the people out there, i cannot believe they're not getting blown out of the water. guys like this guy, well, he is getting blown out of the water. i'm happy, yes, i am. alan grayson. this is the biggest person that shouldn't be in office. this is a guy that said republican healthcare plan was just to die quickly. i'm going to have a party tonight when it comes out -- join me on insider extreme, at, will you? this one i'm going to enjoy. he said republican plan was just to die quickly. many other stupid things that are too long to list. we'd be here for a week. we only have an hour. he's trailing by seven points. he should be trailing by 97 points. barney frank. he shouldn't be able to show his face in public anymore. he was accomplice to fannie and freddie $150 billion failure. yet he is still winning. yeah. alex sink, she got caught cheating in a debate, but worse she lied while trying to spin it later. i thought it could be a message for my daughter in europe. really? the aide clearly says it was a message that said, "staff." don't call me ma'am, barbara boxer and all of her arrogance, somehow she is still four points ahead in the polls. amazing. jerry brown, hey, dude, rock on, dude. a guy who just admitted he never had a plan for the state when he was first elected. he said, i was lying. now he is campaigning on the same thing. why would you believe him now, california? have you smoked so much dope you don't see what is coming? richard blumenthal, this guy, these guys, a lot of these people are clowns. this guy, i believe, is dangerous. dick blumenthal said he served in vietnam, which he didn't. then he said oh, i misspoke. yeah. he's winning by seven points. that's going to end well. harry reid has a 29% approval rating. and it's still a dead heat. this guy, his staff is so concerned they enlisted the help of a lobbyist to get the harrah employee, the casino people, no corruption there, to coordinate with the culinary union because the union had money available for buses to take the employees to go vote. here is all the -- we find them today. can you imagine, can you imagine the corruption that we're going to find when the republicans finally get in office? these are the memos back and forth. then you had nancy pelosi, she has a 33% approval rating. but she usually gets 70 to 80% of the vote in the elections. so how is it that we keep managing to relecht the same people that most americans universally despise? well, one reason is the stupid attack ads that we keep falling for, just turning off. the other is gerrymandering. it is easy for you to get re-elected when you can turn your district to silly putty. this is from a new book i wrote. this is answering three questions. the you have asked me. the most important one that you have asked me in the last two years is what do we do about it? the answer is in here. please. please. consider buying this book or just go to the library and look at the answers. show you the gerrymandering. they are all in this book. that is gerrymandering. this is north carolina, third district. now here is what i like to call the gerrymandering of the chicago jaws of life. this is his district. how did you come up with that? how? this does not breed moderates. it's because of this, you get crazy people on the very left and the very right. the founders wanted those to be square blocks and the way it should be. this is who is controlling our government. take pay attention to the negative ads. the only way to waste a vote is to not vote. the only way to fix the system is to get up and vote. get up and vote now. i will tell you that as i said a few minutes ago, what difference does it make? in new york, you think cuomo is not going to win? it makes a huge difference. send a message. and then grab this. look what i write about term limits. i mean the answer to the line item veto is in this. when you read about the line item veto and you see the game that has been played on you, blood shooting right out of your eyes. you won't be able to take it. at least you'll have an answer and stand up with the people that you are putting in office today, and say here is the answer. push for it. go. we've got your back. because manual the difference that you are going to make in the next two years. back in a minute. ñ÷ >> bret: the smartest names in politics joining us all night long. this is america's election headquarters. i'm bret baier. >> i'm meghy kelly. >> they'll join us on the step. >> plus army of reporters from vegas to new york and florida to alaska. the team of correspondents spanned out to cover the tightest and most contentious races in the nation. >> we have forecast for specific races from the decision desk. the political experts look at the early return and make calls once the polls are closed. >> and what voters were saying after they voted. exit polls like you've never seen them before. plus, the touch screen, the fox big board to illustrate the latest trends show you the most up to date information and tell you what it means for the balance of the power in the house and senate. >> the election day headlines, president obama urged his supporters one more time to get out and vote. he gave a series of interviews on radio programs, mostly gooer -- mostly to insist things have improved under his leadership. >> president will hold a news conference tomorrow afternoon to talk about the election. the many people think of his presumed house speaker to be john boehner who is promising to make jobs a priority and repeal the obama healthcare law. >> it kicks off right here. "special report" at 6:00 with this guy. then shepard smith takes over. >> then we'll see you here all night long. election night. >> see you then. ♪ ♪ >> glenn: i think i just got a tingle up my leg. it's getting close. all right, we told you last week that president obama apparently considers 65-#0% of americans who are in favor of legal immigration, you know, who just care about the rule of law, those people are enemies. when he said this. >> if latinos sit out the election, instead of saying we're going to punish our enemies and we're going to reward our friends who stand with us on the issues that are important to us, if they don't see that kind of up surge in voting in this election, i think it's going to be harder. that's why it's so important that people focus on voting on november 2. >> glenn: you heard this rhetoric before. is there any doubt in your mind that he said exactly what he meant? enemies. see, he's off the prompter. that's where it gets dicey for him. have you ever heard an american president refer to those who have a different point of view on one side of the aisle or the other, differing point of view of his policies as enemy? i haven't. well, now, he is saying something different. he is walking back on that comment. here is the latest. >> i said you can't punish your friends. the folks who have been supporting you. now i did also say, you know, if you're going to punish somebody, punish your enemies. i probably should have used the word "opponent." now the republicans say i'm calling them enemies. i'm saying you're an opponent of this provision, comprehensive immigration reform, which is something very different. >> glenn: yeah. he said reward your friend, punish your enemies. that is definitely not what he said. he said to a latino audience those who oppose comprehensive immigration are enemies and you should probably have used the word opponent, mr. president? really? i guess you could have used insurgents. hey, how about "freedom fighter"? i like that label. freedom fighter. label us freedom fighters if you want, mr. president. that's what we believe we are. he has been much more divisive in his rhetoric than george bush ever was or any president of my recollection. he's desperate. he's trying to fire up latinos against the g.o.p., consider them enemies and to punish them. it's also reminiscent of the founder of a.f.l. the american foundation of labor. this guy. his name is samuel gomperd. most people don't know who he is. he is quite famous in the labor union circles. one of the famous lines, this one. reward your friends, and punish your enemies. that's what -- hmm. i guess president obama is mr. union mentality to the bone. andy stern was one of his most frequent visitors to the white house when he headed seiu. i think soros has been there four times, but i get sidetracked on that. obama is signalling to all the allies, while the times seem desperate, don't worry. labor unions are afraid they put so much in the election that the big four intend to spend $200 million by the time it's over. they would like a payday for that. the agenda could be gone. card check, cap and trade. comprehensive immigration reform. all of it. that's why they're organizing on the ground. to speak out. armed security now is going to be on hand at 36 unemployment offices around indiana. spokesman said the agency is merely being cautious with the approach of an early december deadline when thousands of indiana residents could see their unemployment benefit end after 99 weeks. who has been organizing? and been there holding these 99ers and saying we care about you? seiu. they have already organized this unemployed force, stirring up anger. when you look at the deadline, the 99ers benefit, tax cut will expire, report on the economic council for the budget cuts for the framework. all of these deadlines strangely are happening in a couple of weeks in december. isn't that weird? progressives are thinking way ahead of you. they are already on to 2012. all of this is in place to face the next congress and to stir up anxiety and agitate. we have to face reality. tomorrow, the fed decides whether they will print $500 billion or $1 trillion more of cash. just print it. meaning more debt. meaning your dollar loses value. according to experts whatever you have in your bank account will be worth 20% less than it is right now in a couple of years. in other words, you have $10,000 in the bank. a couple of years, that's worth $8,000. if you are on a fixed income, what does it mean to you? i warned you from the beginning, the weimar moment. we'd buy our own debt and print dollars. it happens tomorrow. tomorrow. all of this is in place. this is what you have to do. you have to real iize what is happening. you have to realize they're printing extra money. more debt, more debt. what does that mean to you in the grocery store? come next year, come next year, you are going to see prices skyrocket. prices skyrocket. i have charts for you. i'm going to show them to you next. my mother froze everything. i was 18 years old before i had my first fresh bun. the invention that i came up with is the hot dog ez bun steamer. steam is the key to a great hot dog. i knew it was going to be a success. the invention was so simple that i knew i needed to protect it. my name is chris schutte and i got my patent, trademark and llc on legalzoom. [ shapiro ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to legalzoom today and make your business dream a reality. at, we put the law on your side. >> glenn: all right. if you do the shopping in your house, you may have noticed that prices are starting to rise at the grocery store. since the beginning of july, milk has gone up 6.5%. remember they say there is no inflation. 6.5. butter up 19%. butter substitute, 6%. women's dresses, 6%. candy, 13%. footware, 45%. beer, 6%. you haven't seen anything yet. mark my words. please. please. be prudent. please. they're going to print $500 billion to $1 trillion. they will announce it tomorrow. most of the price increases have not been passed on to customers yet. i want to show you the other chart. the blue line is what you're paying for in prices. so you see that it is relatively steady. but it's going up. this is what the manufacturer has to pay. this is where they are here. this line must catch up. they know that it pretty much balances out. when it's like this. it pretty much pays for themselves. they can keep it flat. when it goes up this much, they have to start going up. general mills announces they're going to raise prices of cereal to keep up. they announce a price hike for november 15. coming to a cereal aisle near you. i know it's election day and we are hoping for great things. that's probably bringing you down, i know. i told you beer is up 6%. but prices are going to go up. things are going to get tougher for a while. you need to know that. it's not all sunshine and lollipops. tomorrow it is going to get tough. some of it is intentionally tough. what will save us? the 9-12 project. 12 values and the nine principles. go to the website at or beck and learn these values and the principles. that is what will turn our country together and what will unite us so we can again be the greatest generation of americans and save our country. back in a minute. >> glenn: i started this program asking you remember how far you've come in the political process in the last two years. i want to end here. look how far you've come intellectually. what you know about history in the country. how many books have you read in the last two years compared to the two years prior? how much do you know that you had no idea? i want to show you -- remember, you're the stupid one. i have a clip now from the restoring sanity rally on saturday. you have to know a keynesian policies is basically stimulant. bail it out, keep putting more stimulus to start the economy again. it's john maynard keynes. kensynesian economics which obama sflt watch when someone come cans to microphone and a sign about the keynesian economics. >> why do you have the sign? he's keynesian, and not american? is that what you are saying? >> we're asking a question. >> he was born in hawaii. state of the united states. he's born here legally and president. >> is he a ken -- keynesian? >> it's possible. >> it doesn't matter. maybe it would matter on his views on things. most of us come from ireland, germany, italy. most of us come from different countries. >> until there is proof to the trer -- >> what do you want? he gave you proof. he was born in hawaii. what proof do you want? >> you think it establishes he's definitely not ken seeian? >> yes, it does. >> it's not relevant to the presidency. >> that sign is stupid. and americans, i tell you what. hopefully on november, people will know that most americans are not stupid and don't buy this. >> i don't know what his economic policies really are personally. i can't answer that question. >> hard to know until we have proof one or another. >> i thought you said keynan. >> even the guy who knew, this is a guy who knew didn't even know what barack obama's economic policies are. uh, stimulus. hello! but you're the dummy. don't buy into any of this crap. find that video at send it to your friends. it's fantastic. it's fantastic. we'll be right back. 

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