nikki haley who is running for governor of south carolina. remember, there was this controversy where they were calling her names. that doesn't narrow it down much. anyway, there was a big scandal. you know, a few months back. i'm driving in the car. my first thought was my gosh, she's still running? this is still going on? it feels like there should have been an election for that long ago. i don't know how -- first, could anyone run for two years? could you just go out and run? not asking you if you want to. i'm asking you could you leave your life as you know it and do what the politicians do for two years? anybody? does that make anybody wonder who they're indebted to by the time they're done? how do you do that? we have a problem here, america, we're spending far too much money on the campaigns and it takes far too long. does anyone feel like they really know, after all of this -- raise your hand if you feel you really know the candidate? wow! let me ask you this. what do you know about the candidates generally? not specifically, but generally what do you know? microphones, lee, start here. >> i guess trusting them is to me the most important aspect. the ones i do trust. the ones that i don't trust. >> glenn: the choices do you feel you know who to trust? >> to be perfectly honest at this moment and i follow it pretty well, marco rubio seems to be the only politician at this moment that i can actually trust. it makes it easy who he you are sur rounds it with. >> glenn: who is from new york? does anybody know who they are going to vote for? do you? as governor. let me go richard. pass the microphone to richard here. richard, who are you to -- that's you. he's looking around going me? who are you going to vote for, for governor? >> paladino. >> glenn: really? >> absolutely. >> glenn: even with the things that have gone on? >> even though he is what of a loose cannon. >> glenn: what. >> somewhat of a loose cannon, but i think between the two i trust him more. >> glenn: you've automatically dismissed the hooker/madam? the one whose campaign slogan, if you're not from new york her campaign slogan is -- what is it? no, no, no. vote homo not cuomo. [ laughter ] i swear to you! that is one of her ads. vote homo, not cuomo. you are just going to bypass the guy saying the rent is too damn high? >> i like him. i like him. >> glenn: you like him? >> yes. >> glenn: a problem is i think he is a communist. other than that. >> other than that, i like him. >> glenn: he's perfect! okay. richard, let me go to you. what do you think is coming after the election? do you think things are going to get better, worse or the same? >> it appears that we're just firing, spiralling in a black hole. it keeps getting worse and worse. the opportunity to change the course that the obama administration has led us on the past almost two years seems that there is light at the end of the tunnel. the ability to stop this movement, in to indebting the entire country. socializing almost communist ic approach he's taking our country into. so yeah, we are looking at hopefully better times. at least a stopping of the momentum going forward. >> glenn: is there anybody here who believes the bush tax cut will be extended by the end of the year? thomas, you think they will be extended? you think the congress sitting there now is going to come back -- give him a microphone. [ laughter ] i got to hear this. this is good. maybe he'll give us hope. that they'll come back and say you know what? i know the holidays are around the corner and we could let this expire and we could all say we didn't do it, it just expired? you think they will extend the bush tax cuts? >> i think with the gdp growth outside of the u.s. is three times our economy. it is the only hope to make our economy more attractive and keep investors here. >> glenn: i got to tell you. i remember when i was young and naive. [ laughter ] i hope you're right. i hope you're right. but that takes into consideration that maybe they want to do the right thing for the country. that they, i mean, because let me ask you this. what gives you the indication that the people in congress understand what is causing the gdp everywhere else? the growth in asia and the lack of growth here, what makes you think they understand that? >> um. not too sure. >> glenn: okay. to me, that is the problem. i don't think they see it the same way. and so they think, i mean, there are so many of them that really believe that. those evil rich, we just got to soak it. they will never miss that money any way. does anybody work in wall street or do anything with finance or anything? you do? >> i do. i'm an attorney but i work in debt collection. >> glenn: oh. you're busy! >> i'm busy. i see the lack of personal responsibility daily that people have. that to me is the biggest reason we're in a lot of this mess. >> glenn: somebody told me that they lived down the street. this is in california. they lived down the street from somebody who they bought the house in their wife's name. they then saw that a house that they always coveted, always wanted down the street was for sale. at an unbelievable deal. lower than the house that they bought their house for so. they went in foreclosure and walked away from the house in her name. and purchased that house in his name. you're not surprised by that at all? >> not at all. they probably will not have to pay for anything. >> glenn: that is obscene. that is obscene. we'll have more conversations but i want to bring in three people that may or may not win. but i thought they were worth talking to. in colorado, tom tancredo, former congressman now running for governor of colorado on the american constitution ticket. and ryan frasier, he is a republican running for congress in colorado also. joining me from arizona, ruth mcclum. 28-year-old republican now running for congress. i want to -- ruth, i want to start with you, because you are a physicist. is that right? >> that's correct.: but i thoug everyone who was conservative was a moron. [ laughter ] did you just become a conservative? and now you your i.q. is going to slide down? what happened to you? >> i've been a conservative probably since i was roughly 12 years old. and something that conservatives look at is what are the unintended consequences of things that are pushed through, which is heavily involved in physics. looking at things from all different angles and looking at unintended consequences. >> glenn: have you read the book "physics for future presidents"? >> i haven't read it but i own it. >> glenn: you should read it. it's good. guy from berkeley, california, and i don't believe anything he stands for but it is a brilliant, brilliant book. everybody who wants to be president should read it. you got involved -- i mean you are not a politician. right? or is the economy so bad that there is no physics jobs? >> you know, i actually worked full-time until roughly may this year and then i worked part-time. only three weeks ago did i go to being a full-time campaigner. >> glenn: how are you doing this? how are you eating? >> well, fortunately my husband was working on starting a business, but he went back to work to support me through this. i have a great husband that is helping me out. >> glenn: why did you run? >> i was fed up with the direction that the country was going. i've been running over a year-and-a-half now. i wanted to make sure there was a choice on the ticket when it came to november and i started going out and meeting people and talking to people. i knew what was going on in my life and how bad it had gotten. but going out there and talking to other people around this district, it's rough out there. i really do have it good because i still have a job. my husband has a job. but some people accountants in their 60s can't find work now. talking to them, they were high-powered accountants. that is just one story. you are dealing with people from all different walk of life and career fields. it's rough out there. >> glenn: what is your platform? s>> we really -- >> glenn: wait, wait, wait. wait a minute. don't tell me, don't give me the thing that everybody tells you to say. just tell me what you are about. >> my platform, you got to go out there and represent people and really stand up for people. as i mentioned, you got to look at the unintended consequences. we need politicians that are willing to look at the facts. what has worked in the past? what has not worked in the past? there are many clear ideas that worked in the past to help us bring our economy, put it back on track. there are many clear ideas that have not worked in the past. they have never really worked. we need people, politicians, in washington, but also in local politics that are willing just to sit down and look at the facts and see what is going on. >> glenn: my gosh, what a racist! [ laughter ] it's amazing to me. that makes common sense. and yet, do you hear that very often? let me go to colorado. let me start with tom tancredo. tom, you have been a pariah in the power circles for a very long time. they don't like you very much. you were a republican. you're not running as a republican now. the republican is still running against you. i find this amazing. he has a whopping, the last poll i saw a whopping five percentage points and you could win. what is happening in colorado? >> well, it's been a very, very interesting race, that's for sure. but some time ago i could see the train wreck occurring. if i didn't do something, if i didn't get into the race, we were going to have the most liberal mayor, the city of denver ever had. one of the most liberal politicians in the state of colorado simply walk in the governorship. i got into the race. things have changed. now we're neck in neck. >> glenn: let me show the poll numbers. we checked. ron paul -- not ron paul. ross perot went from 0 to 19% when he ran. i have don't think anyone in america has ever done this. look at this poll. put the poll number up, please. look at the poll. you went from 13% to what? 41%. from 39.7% from september 9 to today. that is incredible. >> and we're higher than that today. i'll tell you. >> glenn: what is the number today? >> it's -- well, the most recent poll we saw was i had 44%. and he had 47%. so, that was a public policy poll two days ago. the rasmussen poll supposed to come out today. i'm told it might look really good, even better. >> glenn: okay. tom, the thing that the guy you are running -- what is his name? hickenlooper, right? yes, hickenlooper. the thing i played on the program yesterday is this audio of him and the way he's talking about the people of colorado and the west. i want to play this video and get your comments on it. >> yeah. >> there are a couple of things. i have mean, you know, the tragic death of matthew shepherd occurred in wyoming. colorado and wyoming are very similar. we have some of the same, you know, backward thinking in the rural western areas that you see. you know, montana, wyoming, colorado, new mexico. >> glenn: i have family in wyoming. i don't think they're backwards. i have don't think they're going to beat anybody to death because they're different than anyone else. that is an insult. >> it's a total insult. and here is the thing. it's not just an off-hand comment about the difference between rural and city folk. you know? it's -- you remember the context. he is talking about a murder. the murder of a young man up in wyoming because he was a homosexual. he's suggesting that that is a relatively common sort of attitude out here in the west in colorado, he said wyoming, montana. what a thing to say! but he really does believe that. just like obama believes what he said when he said that there is, you know, when things get tough when the economy goes bad, these people, we out here start, you know, grabbing for -- holding on to our guns and our religion. you know, it's this con descending elitist attitude. i should say if i'm going to hold on to anything, i'm going to hold on to my guns and religion. that's okay with me. [ applause ] >> glenn: all right. now let me bring in ryan frasier. he is a republican running for congress. also in colorado. ryan, you are, if i'm not mistaken here, you were in the navy in the national security agency. you worked for rathion. so you are obviously part of the military industrial complex. [ laughter ] why are you running? >> you know, i don't know, for so many reasons. i think we owe our children a better america. i think each and every one of us has a role to play, a part to play in helping save america that we want it to be. and we want it to be for future generations. for me, this is a way i thought i could make a difference. for fighting for the type of policy that i think create prosperous america. to fight to balance our budget and fight for a congress that is account to believe the people. you know, glenn, at the end of the day we have to stand up. it's up to us, the type of america we leave our children and our grandchildren. i thought this was one way i could make a difference. >> glenn: what is the biggest problem in america? >> well, you know, there are a number of ways i could answer that, glenn, but i will tell you right now the chick problem in our country is a big one. the levels of uncertainty we have today are unparallel. we haven't seen them in a generation or more. the "wall street journal" reported several weeks ago that non-financial companies are sitting on over $1.8 the in cash and other liquid assets. i talk to small businesses in colorado and in the district and they tell me time and again they're not investing, not hiring, because they don't know what the healthcare law is going to do to them. their taxes are due to increase in january. and this administration and this congress continues to threaten them with more taxes and more regulation. you know, we have to restore confidence in this country so that our american entrepreneur and investor has the confidence to invest and create a job in america. optimistic we can do it. but it will take a new congress and new leadership in washington. >> glenn: let me ask you. do you have your soul? >> i like to think so. absolutely. >> glenn: i'm asking you, because do you realize how many people are going to be after it when you get to washington? i mean that in all sincerity. when you get into washington, if you get into washington, the g.o.p. and the democrats, and everyone else is -- when is the last time you saw "mr. smith goes to washington"? >> it's been some time. >> you should watch it. because he went in and he said i'm going to do the right thing and he was coopted by people he trusted. and before you know it, you're standing this going oh, my gosh, i've become one of them. that's why i wondered if you had your soul yet. and if you knew what you were walking into. how are you planning on not knowing the system, but being able to make sure you're not co-oped. you know what i'm saying? >> i do. i know what you're saying. i hear it all the time on the ground in colorado. people wonder whether the ryan frasier they see today will be the same ryan frasier if i'm elected to washington. how do you maintain that sense of principle, ideas as well as being accountable to the people? i can only tell you this, glenn. you know, between my family, my wife kathy and our three children, they keep me well-grounded. something i've always taken pride in. making myself both available and accessible to the people that i seek to represent. i think that's one way you stay accountable to those you serve. i intend to do just that. >> glenn: okay. >> what we cannot afford to do, glenn, is do nothing. edmond burke once said all it takes for evil to triumph is good men and i submit good women to do nothing. this is the way i have chosen to step up and step forward. but i agree with you, the culture in washington, d.c. has to change, that's both democrats and republicans, because both democrats and republicans are responsible for the mess we're in today. i think we need new voices from all backgrounds, all strifes and social economic statuses to step up and step forward and hold ourselves accountable for what it is we said we would do. >> glenn: back in a second. a honesty. >> honesty. >> it's hard to find. >> probably more people that are genuine instead of asking each other they stay strong to what they see is important. thigh all do -- they all do it. >> hard to find anybody to trust anymore. [ applause ] >> glenn: how many people think our biggest problem with our country is that we haven't created any jobs? okay. biggest problem? let me ask again. how many people think the biggest problem is that we haven't created any jobs? >> it's all tied together. you need employers to have employees. >> glenn: to have companies to succeed that don't fail you need what i think the biggest problem is. where does confidence come from? schools, leadership? honesty. we have a confidence problem. a trust problem. nobody believes anybody anymore. if you start a business and i want to get in business with you, if i don't know that you're sound, i'm not going to do business with you. if i think you are going to screw me, i'm not going to do business with you. one of the problems we had with all the banks, because i know some of the people that were at that table at tarp. i know some of them. i know they were saying to me, we're calling all the other banks and saying um, so how are you guys doing? oh, we're good! how are you doing? nobody knew. nobody trusted anybody. if we don't trust anybody -- let me ask you this. how many of you trust that the election will be void of fraud? none. none. all right. let me go back to ruth. she is just an average person -- well, an average person that happens to be a physicist. she said that i want to change things so he started running. she is 28 years old. she is running as a republican. ruth, can you tell me what do you know about the progressive movement? what do you know about them? >> well, i know that my opponent is cochair of the progressive caucus. and my grandfather talked about the progressives, quote/unquote, ideas even back when he was younger. it's -- they are regressive in ideas. it's pretty much moving away from individual freedoms. it's moving to take more of the power to washington, d.c. more money to washington, d.c. rather than letting local people make more of the decisions for themselves. >> glenn: do you believe there are progressives that are republicans? >> you know, i don't know how to answer that. it does come down to ideas. i do know that many people do think that more and more power should go to washington. >> glenn: i'm thinking -- [ overtalk ] john mccain, but maybe that's just me. let me go to tom tancredo who is running for governor in colorado. you have been in this, dare i say, a cesspool in washington and seen it run from the inside. if these two win, what are they in for when they get to washington? >> oh, brother. i talked to ryan about that, as a matter of fact. it was amazing. what happened while i was there, just watching what was going on i came in truely with all of the enthusiasm in the world for being part of a great party, that was going to reduce taxes, that was going to stop spending, that was going to reduce the size of government. that was two years before we elected george bush. at that point, i got really excited thinking now we've got a president, we've got both house of the congress. this is going to be great. it wasn't great. it wasn't great at all. what i saw were people doing things that were simply pages out of the other guy's book. after a while, if you keep taking more and more panels out of your opponent -- pages out of your opponent's book, you become your opponent. >> glenn: unless your opponent is becoming something that is foreign to the american system. >> glenn: you know, your question, your question, glenn, about what is the most dangerous thing or what is the biggest problem? it's undeny -- certainly, the economy and jobs. absolutely it's a huge looming problem. i have to tell you something. i fear something else out there. there is a greater threat to the america i love. when a president of the united states, when he was running, for the presidency, said and i quote. "i am going to thoroughly transform america." those words coming out of his mouth during that campaign were the most frightening words he uttered and he uttered a lot of them that were pretty scary. but he is doing exactly that. he is trying his best to transform, thoroughly transform america into a place i don't know and i don't like. he doesn't like the america i love. he is going to do everything he can to change that. that's a greater threat than anything. frankly, even the economy. if we use free market economics and rely on individual responsibility and ethics. we can deal with this economy. it will get better. but if you have changed this country so much that we can't go back, that it's stuck in a european socialist system, that this president wants, i tell you. that to me is scarier than anything else. >> glenn: okay. when we come back i want to talk about state rights with tom. and then the other two candidates i want to talk a little bit about make the case that the rich are paying their fair share. because that's what harding and coolidge had to do to the american people. they did it. but that's really what you are up against next. make that case. and more with the audience here in just a second. ñ÷;7ment . join me at the top of the hour for "special report." back to glenn. ♪ ♪ >> maybe. >> no, i won't. >> i never vote. >> republican, yes. >> yes. >> yes, absolutely. >> yes! [ applause ] >> glenn: how many are planning on voting? renee? start with you. you have a question about what can be done. >> right. so november 3, everything goes our way and we're hoping with the changes and everybody has implement and exactly what can be done to draw the line in the sand? and, you know, start changing some things around, you know? >> glenn: this is what i fear. and everyone, there is a lot of people listening to us on tv. i'm the worrywart. i've had a pretty good track record so far. if you think like a member of the tides foundation, if you think like george soros, "there is a new world ord they're will come." and you believe that the dollar should come down. and it should be parallel with all other currency, you're van jones. you're bill ayers. you're code pink. some of the progressives all around. you're probably 90% of the people that were represented at 10-2-10. you don't mind chaos. and agitation. you don't mind that. my fear is that the republicans get in and all they can do is stand and say you shall not pass. they're gandolf. you shall not pass. but in '46 this happened and the republicans ran the slogan "had enough yet?" and they did this. you shall not pass because they didn't have anything to be able to really move forward. they had no ability to move anything forward. they became the do-nothing congress and lost for 30 years on the date after the election. the fed has their weimar. this is something i've been warning about for two years. when bush was in office. weimar moment is coming, when the politician and the fed -- weimar was the german central bank. when they get together and the politicians say you've got to print money. the fed, weimar the central bank said we can't print money. if we do, eventually we'll go into hyper inflation and people will use wheelbarrows full of money to buy bread. the feds then said you will be responsible for the chaos. if you don't make the debt, if you don't pay this, then everything is going to shut down. because we have to service the debt. we have to pay that money. so no one will have any money. companies will shut down, banks will shut down. everything will shut down. people will lose their job and there will be violence in the streets. the fed central bank then said well, but that is going to happen in the end anyway. the politicians said well, but maybe something will happen in between. we know if you shut it down. we know it will happen tomorrow. this is what happened when they gave tarp. they knew if they didn't give tarp, it would shut down. that's probably what should have happened. it should have shut down. but americans weren't prepared for it. now we have had all this time to prepare. people like george soros and people have built the framework to be able so they are prepared. the question is are you? because the fed has their moments to make that decision, the day after the election. then we go to bush tax cuts. then we have to go to austerity programs to be able to sell our debt. i think it's in march. a lot of our debt comes due again. china doesn't want to buy it. china is already saying you're devaluing our money. if you remember what china said, two years ago, the chinese foreign minister came over here. this, these words stuck out to me, because if you understand the asian culture, this is important. his warning was, do not dishonor our people's investment. if we deflate our money we dishonored their trust and investment. it's not going to go well. the best thing they can do is make the case that tough times are coming. it will be worth it. we'll see if we have those people that can make that case. i haven't heard that case yet. back in a second. ♪ fare thee well ♪ farewell ♪ mr. gloom be on your way ♪ ♪ though you haven't any money you can still be bright and sunny ♪ ♪ sing polly wolly doodle all the day ♪ ♪ hah one of the biggest problems going on in the country is the government. >> war, it's a huge problem. >> concerned about people and about insurance, about social security. and human rights. [ applause ] >> glenn: america, we are facing tough times. the election is not going to turn things around. it's just the beginning of a different phase of it. the question is are we prepared for it and do we have people to lead us through a storm and take our hands and say it's okay, it's okay. it's going to be tough but it's okay. joining us from colorado, tom tancredo, former congressman running for governor of colorado. american constitution party. ryan frasier, republican running for congress in colorado also. and joining us from arizona is ruth mcclung, a 28-year-old. she is a republican. she's just a physicist who is now running for congress. ryan, let me start you. make the case that is going to have to be made that we're going to have to stop spending and people are going to, we're going to go on hard times. but that's better for us. and the rich should not be taxed more. >> i can only make the case that right now the national deficit is over $1.3 trillion. the national debt is over $13.4 trillion. that's $43,000 for every american. i certainly think that is more than enough debt. we need to work to get that down -- >> glenn: take it from the rich. >> it's unacceptable, immoral and un-american to pass that type of debt on to future generations, our grandchildren. >> glenn: let me say this to you. take it from the rich. the rich don't pay their fair share. they won't miss it anyway. >> i think the american taxpayer pays more than their fair share. i've seen analysis that suggests we have to work three to four months before we actually pay our our tax burden. i think what we need right now is to look at ways in which we grow the economy. increasesaxing won't get us there. we have to extend the 2001 and 2003 tax relief measures because we have to incentivize the behavior that we know grows an economy. these are common sense policies. jobs are created by the private sector, not by government. if we truly want to grow our economy, we have to inventize it keep taxes low for all americans. >> glenn: ruth, there are 99ers out there, and some of it it's purely political. at this rate we talk about replacing the jobs we lost and not replacing them until 2021. there is a lot of pain out there. make the case that cutting taxes and spending when people need help is the right thing to do. >> what we need to do is to create jobs. what happens is you spill something on the table and you are mopping up the floor. what is causing the the joblessness in this country? why are we not getting unemployment numbers down? >> glenn: why? >> that comes down to we need to see what is happening with the small businesses. many are worried about the future. they don't know what their taxes will be. i don't know what my taxes will be next year. this uncertainty kills the small businesses and you have the new bills pushed through. they don't know how the healthcare bill will affect them or the financial overhaul bill will affect them. really, when they talk about all the programs, we need to look at what is the root of the cause. they want a paycheck, they don't want a hand-out or the food stamps. they want the paycheck. how do we bring jobs back to this country? that is the underlying issue to address. >> glenn: can government create jobs? >> not really. >> glenn: i want to go to tom tancredo and wrap it up with him when we come back on state's rights. and because i, we're all -- who thinks we will let california slide in the abyss? nobody. right. we're going to bail them out. it will be states that draw the line in the sand. we will ask tom what his plans are if he were governor of colorado about drawing that line in the sand, when we come back. first of all jobs, and second the economy. >> job market. the potential help people need. >> technology, so many jobs are lost in technology. >> corruption in d.c., to be honest. [ applause ] >> glenn: joining us from colorado is tom tancredo, former congressman now running for governor. he's running not as a republican, but as an american constitution party. are you a -- [ inaudible ] 10ther? >> of course i am. >> glenn: he's crazy, he believes in state's rights. tom, am i wrong to say that california is coming, with their hands open and this government will give it to them. if the republicans would hold the line, california will fail, and it will domino across everything. what is your responsible if you were the governor to hold the line and say no, we're not taking these handouts. we're not -- california is california. we're colorado. how do you do that? >> we'll get into the, if we take them we'll get in the same situation they're in. here is what i say all the time. tell every group i come across. the day after i'm elected i will pick up the phone and call a couple people. one is chris christie in new jersey and the other is jan brewer in arizona. i'll say listen, guys, maybe individually we wouldn't be able to do what i'm suggesting, going to suggest. but together, maybe there will be a couple of other governors out there to pull on the phone at the same time. and say, together, let's do this. let's the three, four, five us at governors start a tenth amendment revolution in the country. let's tell the federal government, here is the line. you're not going to cross it. you're not going to take more land from the state of colorado or any other state involved with this. you are not going to tell us how to live our lives. you're not going to dangleal more money out there. if you do we're not going to take it because it costs too damn much to take federal dollars. we can't afford it anymore. not just in terms of the economic cost and what it takes away from us in terms of sovereignty. i'm willing to lead the revolution. >> glenn: texas would join you in that. governor herbert in utah is strong on -- i mean he is going after the federal government. if you look at the map of utah, most of it is federal land. unlike any other state. they got nothing. he goes back to say we want our land back. >> remember the land grab? the last thing bill clinton did before he left? three-quarter of the state of utah. >> glenn: so tom, what happens from here? what do you see happen iing six months from now. where are we? >> i think of this as an opportunity. never before have we had the ability to do something amazing. cut down the size of government. >> glenn: shrink the size of government. you and i know it will cause people pain in colorado who will then say your policies are hurting people. how do you convince them, yes, it is. but we have to fundamentally change? >> it's the medicine we have to take. we can't kick this can down the road any longer. if you do, you are simply giving your children a sentence. essentially, an economic death sentence. we cannot do this to the country. i'm going to tell the people of the state of colorado, here are the things we're going to have to do. some of it you may not like, but it's got to be done and start now. no more whistling past the graveyard. >> it's amazing how many times we've been told in the past, the day will come. the reckoning will come when we have to pay the debt we have racked up. i heard it my whole life. i remember, i think even nixon talked about it. it's here. now the choice is on tuesday. back in a second. oíó?çr?çñ÷óñññó[ñ@ f+ññ

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