but nothing matches the animation created to show jurors one possible way that duct tape may have been used to kill caylee marie. i warn you, it is ugly to watch. i ask you also to note that the photo used for the animation is a two shot that pointedly includes the defendant casey anthony the mother smiling on as her child's face decomposes into a skull. a two shot. i fact i'm sure you have not heard mentioned on any other program. live and at large tonight in orlando, in miami, pittsburgh and new york, we begin with our friend and colleague, phil keating reporting today from the courthouse. >> testimony today strongly suggests that caylee anthony's body sat te decomposing for the to five days in the trunk of her mother's car. the evidence, several hundred dead blow flies and their larvae. first the judge allowing for the release of the controversial piece of evidence, the graphic animation of the smiling face that morfhs into a real crime scene photo of her skull and a piece of duct tape superimposed over her mouth and nose which prosecutors say is all that was needed to suffocate caylee. >> we see the outline moving up and down on the photograph. what is the reason for that? >> to show that we don't know where the tape was. it could have been higher, could have been about the nose and the mouth or could have been lower than that. >> www. singlepieceoftapeifappliedinthe singlepieceoftapeifappliedinthe positionshownonthevideohavebeen sufficient to cover the mouth? >> the defense finds this intensely prejudicial. >> the video you showed of the possibility that the duct tape could have been in that position was quite graphic, was it not? >> it was. >> was it for the purpose to demonstrate to the jury something of a graphic nature? >> no. >> it was for the purpose of -- was it for the purpose of getting sympathy or getting the jury angry? >> no. >> and unsuccessfully motion for a mistrial. >> the defendant moves at this time to file a motion for a mistrial based on the prejudicial evidence that was admitted today on the super imposition video of a child's skull with duct tape wrapped around the face and a photograph in fact serves only one purpose is to in flame the jury, especially when tested that he couldn't describe and explain give than opinion without the video. >> motion for mistrial at this time will be denied. >> prosecutors also took the jury on a virtual tour through the swampy wooded area where caylee's bones were found scattered about by animals. unlike the past two days, casey anthony did not look nauseous and peaked. a doctor testified about what the bugs show. back in 2008 he examined the trash bag which was found in casey anthony's trunk and within it he found several hundred blow fly larvae. he testified that type of fly commonly lays eggs on decomposing species whether animal or human and he found the larvae within paper towels in the trash bag. >> what did you restrived by substance to be.e >> i thought it was a possibility because the larvae were there feeding and completing the life cycle that it most likely was decompositional fluid. >> they held up what was left of the t-shirt that caylee was wearing when she died. if found guilty, casey faces the possibility of being sent to florida's death row. testimony resumes monday morning at the courthouse for what is expected to be the prosecution's final week. >> you know candace long, the host of investigation discovery's deadly women. a former fbi profiler. so many children die at the hands of their own parents. why is this particular defendant so hated? >> i think there is a few things. number one, she hasn't shown what people interpret as remorse really certainly not very much. another factor is the victim in this case is a very young helpless innocent child and a cutie pie so that stirs up our emotions. and now something has come out this week that it was an accident, maybe she drown in the pool. well, if that is the case, then if a child -- if your child drowns in a pool you call 911. i'm simply saying that casey really hasn't developed anything that any one could consider sympathetic in her. and it is difficult to go along with h her program. >> geraldo: well, in a bit we will see her absolutely sobbing down in court when the animation was shown. we will be back to you and our fine panel. despite the judge's i think wildly proprosecution rulings, the evidence in the case strongly suggests that this defendant killed her own child, let's be real about that. and much of the evidence concerns the smell of death. >> 911, what is your emergency? >> there is something wrong. i found my daughter's car today and t smells like there has been a dead body in the damn car into sno. >> geraldo: an overwhelming smell are death? >> what do you recall noticing? >> smell. >> what do you recall about the smell of the car. >> just that it was potent. >> geraldo: what caused that god aah ff awful odor. >> the odor that reminded you from your past, was that the odor of a human corpse? >> yes. i said please god, don't let this be casey tor or caylee. >> geraldo: the tow truck operator agreed. >> can you distinguish between the scent of trash or garbage and the subsequent of decomposing human remains? >> in my opinion and my experience the smell of decomposition is unique. in comparison to the smell of rotten food or rotten garbage. >> geraldo: and so did grandma. >> i did took it out and it smelled pretty bad. i went and got some families sprayed the doll and febreze in the car thinking that might help the odor. i used a whole can of feed breze. >> even a can of air freshener couldn't stop the smell. >> the odor was extremely overwhelming. >> and did you immediately recognize the odor that was emma nateing from the piece of carpet. >> yes. >> and what did you recognize that odor to be? >> it was -- i would recognize it as human decomposition into >> geraldo: experts told the jury it was the smell of the odor of a human body decomposition. >> is that distinguishable from your nose perspective from all of those other things? >> yes, ani malls have a muskier subsequent. domesticated animals like a pig have much sweeter subsequent than human remain as. >> geraldo: the defense suggested a different explanation. >> sir, you testified under direct examination that the smell of human decomposition is unique? >> to me it is, yes. >> do you recall making a statement, sir,, to the knoxville news on december 14, 2008, that the smell of human decomposition smells like a potato gone bad, that is very similar to human decomposition? t is amazingly similar? >> i believe i made that statement, yes. >> so it is specifically unique to a potato? >> a bag of garbage was also in the pontiac and baez tried to plant the possibility that it was the trash and not caylee's decomposing body that was the source of the smell. >> you mentioned that as part of your protocol that you draw evidence, correct? >> correct. >> and you later are aware that air samples were taken of the dry gentleman garbage? >> i don't have any recollection regarding that question, counselor. >> so you have no idea whether air samples were taken of the dry garbage? >> no. >> geraldo: in the end the odds are the jury will believe the prosecution experts. >> do you have an opinion as to whether there was a decomposing human body in the trunk of that car at some point? >> i could find no other plussible explanation other than that to explain all of the results that we found. >> that is powerful evidence for the prosecution. putting aside the appellate issues i mentioned at the top of the program. when we come back, the role that duct tape plays in this child murder trial of the century. ign is paying o! business is good! it must be if you're doing all that overnight shipping. that must cost a fortune. it sure does. well, if it don't have get there ovnight, you can save a lot with priority mail flat re envelopes. one flat rate to any state, just $4.95. that's cool and al.. but it ain't my mone seriously do not care... so, you don't care what anyone says, you want to save this company money! that's exactly what i was sayi. hmmm... ority mail fat rate envelopesjust $4.95 only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] thanks to advanced natural gas turbine technology from ge, the power that will help make our nation more energy independent is right here in america. 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>> the cause of death what i put was homicide of undetermined means. >> what do you base that on? >> when a child is not reported immediately to authorities either with an injury, that is something we look for for foul play. this child from history was not reported for a long time. the other thing that makes it a homicide is that the body was hidden. a child's body is thrown out hidden in a field, we know that is one of the things we look for, for when we are looking for homicide. also, it is often found that these bodies are in not always a closed container, a suit case or a plastic bag like this child was, that again is from our experience from observational systematic studies of red flags for homicide. >> geraldo: continuing our special report on the casey anthony death penalty murder trial with the role that duct tape played, was it as the prosecution says, the murder weapon casey used to suffocate caylee? here is craig. >> the the florida prosecutor says case in anthony not only killed her daughter but plotted her murder for months. drugged her and suffocated her with duct tape. does the evidence prove this? we asked doctors to take a look at the autopsy. doctor, duct tape, do you think that killed the little girl? >> in my experience it is almost always used to tie around the body or the body bags after death, not before death. >> the state cannot prove that duct tape was used, chloroform was used or any other method was used. >> how did caylee anthony die. in florida prosecutors reconstruct the more morbid scf scattered bones. determined the child's body was in tct when dumped less than a half mile from the anthony home? >> there was no indication that the body was dismembered which using a tool or anything like that. >> we did not see any evidence. >> whatever separation occurred was through natural process of decomposition? >> correct. >> in her report, the orange county medical examiner concluded caylee's body was placed there soon after she was last seen alive. >> do you have an opinion as to the manner of death in this case? >> yes. >> what is that opinion? >> homicide. >> but the defense will try to prove otherwise. a second autopsy performed by famed forensic pathology dr. warner spitz indicates caylee's body was moved. he examined an area the coroner did not. >> examined the inside of the skull and found there was a lot of material that settled on the left side of the skull which would mean that that body was -- and that skull was on its left side for most of its post mortem time and that the decomposition had occurred while the left side of the head was on the ground. >> and, doctor, how was the head found when the police arrived? >> the head was found sentencingly perpendicular to the ground, straight up. clearly the skeletal remains were moved from one place or another or the position of the skull was changed. who did that, that was the question. >> the tape was covering the mouth area. do you u know whether it was in a position where it could have covered the nose had it been there? >> based on what i saw there is no way to say that exactly. >> the prosecution feels that was placed on it while alive but there is no way of telling that from the autopsy or the crime scene. >> does the cause of death, the wrapping around of the tape and the nose make it a capital crime? >> scientific evidence is really weak. no drugs of any kind to put the baby to sleep were found in the hairs in autopsy material that were subjected to toxicology. >> there was no human tissue of any kind on that duct tape, was there? >> nothing that i could identify as human tissue. >> if casey allegedly put the duct tape around the child's skull where is her dna? where is the child's dna? that is -- none of that is on the duct tape. how did she die? >> the defense alleges that she drown in the pool. >> the medical examiner can't establish a cause of death. the defense is saying it is quite possible she died as a result of an accident in the pool. maybe the jury will buy that, that it was an accident. >> so, geraldo, it seems a lot scientificecutor's sigh enfif evidence can be challenged. still, it is hard to underestimate the impact on the jury the horrible pictures of caylee anthony's skull wrapped in duct tape. back to you. >> geraldo: it is powerful evidence. but did the prosecution go too far by stating specifically that duct tape is the murder weapon? i'm going to ask one of the most famous forensic pathologists in the country, dr. cyril wecht, right after this. ...but it helps pay the doctors. pays the doctors, boyyy! 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[ male announcer ] help protect your family at [ pigeons ] heyyy! hooo!!! and i can have a proposal to you within half an hour. we're a small business. with 27 of us always in the field, we have to stay connected. we use verizon tablets, smartphones. we're more responsive. there are no delays. delays cost money. with verizon, we do things quicker and more effectively. more small businesses choose verizon wireless than any other wireless carrier because they know the small business with the best technology rules. this is aah tilt emergency dispatch. we found a human skill. >> what is the location. >> right off of suburban and chickasaw in the caylee anthony area. >> a is your party's name that we going to meet with? >> roy kronk. >> did you respond to a call that was received by the orange county sheriff on suburban drive? >> yes, ma'am. >> did you meet there with an individual that was identified to you as roy kronk? >> yes, i did. >> did he go in first? >> yes, once he -- i would say five or ten feet, stops looked around and wonder what happened and he looks over my shoulder and there is the site that he was referring to. >> geraldo: our fine panel joining can lass delong, the fbi profiler. mark, the well known criminal defense attorney on the upper left. upper right our pal stacy, the florida prosecutor, active prosecutor and on the left, dr. cyril wecht, one of the world's for famous forensic pathologists. i direct the question to you, dr. wecht. duct tape. the state maintains it was the murder weapon? do you agre agree based on the evidence as you know it? is that typically how duct tape would be used in a circumstance like this? >> no, i can, however, neither agree nor disagree as to whether or not the duct tape placed over the mouth and nose was the mechanism of death. there is no way to scientifically prove that and i think that the prosecution unnecessarily then perhapses a minor tactical error close to focus on that mechanism. i don't think it is necessary in this case. the fact is the duct tape i believe has been found to be the kind of duct tape present in the anthony home, number one. put that all together with everything else you have been discussing this evening that we all know including some things that haven't been touched upon. the hair with the decomposition band that we see in people dead for 8, 10, 12 hours or more and the chloroform and casey's attempts to learn about chloroform on her computer. the fact that the child is not reported missing for 30-31 days. the stench in the car and dr. voss that deals with these kind of things and if he tells you it smells like a body it smells like a dead body and you can be sure of that. put that all together and you have a barbecuing bash homicide. a -- and you have a homicide. you don't have to have a body or prove where, when and how somebody died. you remember the laci peterson case as an example. i don't think it will be in any way fatal to the prosecution but i must say that i cannot give it the kind o scientific certitude given in the doctor's testimony. >> geraldo: does that undermine the testimony of dr. g? >> basically dr. g gave a closing argument as did dr. wecht gave the state's closing argument in the case. the bottom line is they want to get across to the jury that is their theory of how the child died. the prosecutor asked if there was a significant amount of chloroform in the vehicle or around that child could that be fatal to a child and her answer was, yes. almost an alternative theory. bottom line t does not undermine what the prosecutor has done. the meat and potatoes of what what happened this week. >> geraldo: and doesn't exclude drowning either by intentional or accident either. whether by negligence homicide or intentional murder case. >> is almost surely involved in the death of her child. what will the jury make of her emotional testimony? that is coming up, right after this. just how much natural gas was trapped irocks thounds of feet below us. technology has made it possible to safely unlock this cleanly burning natural gas. this deposits can provide us with fuel for a hundred years, providing energy security and economic growth all across this country. it just takes somebody having thidea, and that's where the discovery comes from. ♪ i like your messy hair ♪ i like the clothes you wear ♪ i like the way you sing ♪ and when you dance with me ♪ you always make me smile [ male announcer ] we believe you're at your best when you can relax and be yourself. and at thousands of newly refreshed holiday inn express hotels, you always can. holiday inn express. stay you. and now stay rewarded with vacation pay. stay two weekend nights and get a $75 prepaid card. he needs some gellin'. yeahhhhhhh. gellin' is like having a teeny tiny foot masseuse in your shoe. you like ? nice ! dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles. outrageous comfort, all-day long. i got an egg a candy necklace an orange a band-aid a stamp helium i got a mustache [pop] lipstick from america's news headquarters i'm marianne rafferty. embattled congressman anthony wiener asking for a leave of absence from the house of representatives in the midst of his lewd twitter pictures. a spokesman saying weiner has left for professional treatment and will focus on "becoming a better husband and healthier person". debbie wassman swult schulz wam to resign. police say the bodies of three women were in a car, a man's body found outside the car on the road. it happened off highway 54 near a 7,000-acre development park that is home to more than 170 global companies. authorities aren't saying much at about thoin point but reveae shootings were not random. i'm marianne rafferty. now, back to "geraldo at large". you are watching the most powerful name in news, fox news channel. >> geraldo: the next witness that will testify will testify concerning certain crime scene photographs which will be displayed. for those of you who may have queasiness or uneasiness about viewing these type of photographs where you may have facial reactions or cannot control your emotions, i ask you to leave. >> geraldo: for those in the courtroom it was hard to look at but impossible to look away. >> is the skull shown in the photograph? >> yes, it is. >> geraldo: prosecutors showed graphic picture after graphic picture of caylee's broken remains dumped in the woods. >> you are looking at a human cull facing the observer and upright in front in the oher portion of the skull over the jaw and lower portion of the facial bones are several pieces of silver or grey colored tape. >> geraldo: for two hours the crime scene technician and deputy medical examiner methodically detailed what they found that day in december of 2008. >> at first there was outside woody area looking pictures and they were look at them and going back and forth between the questions and answers that the attorneys were asking. the second they started getting to the pictures of the skull you could definitely see jurors look at the monitor enough to get enough of an idea what was going on and then look away. >> the defendant's lawyers turn the monitor away from casey but the descriptions alone proved too much. >> now, when the skull is tilted as t is in the mandibleh, does the man stay in place? t does. >> is that unusual? >> it is. >> why is that unusual? >> buy thby the time you reache decomposition, the mandible is not attached to the skull and typically they are not even found together. if the skull is moved, which happens frequently because it is round and it will roll to some extent, the mandible is usually behind at some point. thiin this case, it is still attached because of this hair matte which has the ingrown plant material which is giving it a level of consistency which is holding the bones together. >> some of these pictures were particularly gruesome, one late this morning of one of the people from the crime scene investigation and he had picked up the skull and had blue gloves on and essentially showed you how little little caylee's skull was. that one i found to be particularly disturbing. and then this afterthoon they showed the medical examiner photos of the skull and they were closeups and the one that definitely seemed to get the most reaction was one straight on of the skull. you could see caylee's eye socket and duct tape and matted hair around her mouth. >> geraldo: after 6 65 who are fying photos the defendant told her attorney she could take no more. court was recessed for the day and casey was escorted back to jail. >> okay, ladies and gentlemen of the media. ms. anthony is ill. we are recessing for the day. neither the state nor the defense has any comments concerning her illness. >> geraldo: and the defendant was not the only crucial participant who had a tough time. fox orlando reporter holly was in the courtroom. >> there was one that has toddlers around the same age as caylee. i saw him doing the hard swallow people do when trying to keep their emotions in check. i noticed jury number three biting h her lips several times throughout the day as if trying to keep back her emotions as well. >> geraldo: stacy honowitz, the demeanor of her defendant, her sobbing, how do you think the jury sees that? >> i'm not a sigh ci psychiatr. we see this in court quite often and it is reality setting in. she sat there and listened to the testimony of how she was a liar and she knows she lies and there was nothing new. the fact of the matter is the jury are now is really seeing the bones of this child and it hits home and it is reality. i don't know if the jury is thinking this is all an act or the jury is really thinking she is starting to realize that it is big time now. so i couldn't tell you what their thoughts were. they were trying to keep their emotions intact. it was a difficult day in court for the jurors to have to look at that. >> geraldo: mark, i believe that the prosecution has overplayed its hands in a way that is absolutely beyond contention by using that two shots that i started at the top of the program with. the shot of mom looking on as her baby morphs into a skeleton is the very definition of prejudicial over probative. i think it will be overturned. >> initial i was tirchging the same thing and i was concerned about it. the defense fails to object to the mother being i in the picture. the grounds was the fact that it was prejudicial and outweighed any probative value. and then i got thinking about it and the judge went and read the case law and in reality this is done all the time. stent reconstruction. animation done in accident reconstruction. two opposing sides and one gives their version. happens every day. >> geraldo: there is not a little shot of a baby that can morph into a skull? why don't you say murderer in neon lights pointing at the mother. this is as bad as not mirandaizeing this defendant before asking all the questions. not only a suspect but this suspect in this case. >> we disagree on that as well. the reality this is a woman who is a professional liar. she was excited about talk to law enforcement. she was free to go and walked them into universal and told them one lie after another. she could have left. she opted to take them and give them a journey full of her lies which she only called upon as she walked away. >> candace delong, do you agree that showing that photograph was an incredible error by the prosecution? >> i do. it certainly -- the picture of mom smiling next to her as the child disintegrates, i agree with you, why don't they just say mom is the killer but that is up for the jury to determine and i do believe it was prenl prejudicial. >> be they all know she is the mother. they heard she was a loving mother at some point. >> geraldo: do you believe that or are you being argumentative? >> i would love to be argumentative. >> geraldo: smiling down on the victim of her trechry as she -- as the child, the beloved child and everybody with a child is looking at this and saying look at that add your own expletive as she smiles. >> and a jury can look at it and say i find that hard to believe. look at her sitting there smiling that she did this to the child. the bottom line is a trial is a search for the truth. it is not a search for reasonable doubt. and every single thing that you u have been talking about it is almost like you want to insert reasonable doubt in the case. >> geraldo: that is an argument and i reject it and if you are good lawyer you have to allow the defendant to present her case. the defendant has to present her case and that is an unfair shot -- not at me but at the defendant and that photograph should never have been introduced. the animation. why don't you have an animation just like that showing little caylee walking up the steps when no one is around at the swimming pool and jumping and drowning herself in the pool. that is as compelling evidence as anything else. go ahead, dr. cyril wecht. >> i would like to comment a couple of things, geraldo. first of all, every medical examiner, forensic pathologist, coroner in a metropolitan area deals with several decomposed bodies many of which are skeletonized each year and we are not able to establish the exact cause and mechanism of death. that in no way obviates the determination that it was a homicide. comments made by some of my colleagues earlier are in the program i would like to address, too. the staining on one side. there is clear evidence, that was referred to before on the gnawing on the bones. a small animal could move it in one or another. and then the dments on th commn the dna. what are they saying that the duct tape didn't belong on that skull. >> no dna of the mother who put the duct tape. >> no fingerprints and no dna of the mother. no fingerprints of the mother on the duct tape. we will continue our discussion and debate coming up with our next guest. take a look at summer the cadaver dog. corroborate the explosive evidence that casey killed caylee and then drove around with her decomposed body in the trunk of the car. okay, summer. yer advanc aspiri. it has microparticles, enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief to the site of pain. it's clinically proven to relieve pain ice as fast. new bayer advanced aspirin. a network of possibilities. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's the at&t network... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say. what's vanishing deducti all about ? guys, it's demonstration time. let's blow carl's mind. okay, let's say i'm your insurance deductible. every year you don't have an accident, $100 vanishes. the next year, another $100. where am i going, carl ? thnext year... th was weird. but awesome ! ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] humble beginnings are true beginnings. they are the purest way to gauge success. ♪ maybe the only way to gauge success. but the most powerful thing about humble beginnings is that they are... ♪ ...humbling. ♪ show where you're going without forgetting where you're from. ♪ >> the first pass he started indicating in the rear of the vehicle until he was working something. when i came back around to the driver's side again when i was crossing the front bumper while still moving i asked the detective to open the driver's door. >> the cadaver dog gets a hit in casey's pontiac sunfire. >> he dove into the car in between the driver's seat and the back seat back in there looking to the back see the trunk area in there. and, of course, i was overwhelmed at that point because the same thing, i'm hitting is the same time he is. i move around and continued to walk, gar gls ris comes out of the trunk with his front paws to the right-rear passenger tail light bumper area and gives me a final trained alert. he goes into a down position. >> that was not the only spot he would hit. >> did he continue on? >> he continued to work. he went through, i believe actually around the pool we searched the whole area. the only areas that he gave me any indications and gave me any alerts in a final trained alert was in the southeast corner of the yard which is near the play area and there was like a playhouse. a kid's bench, sand, play box area. but it is the southeast corner of the yard. >> but just how reliable are those alerts? >> when you went into a situation where you are trying to either train or deploying your dog and nothing is there that you can see, there could be either decomp fluid that is there? is that a, yes. >> yes, sir,, i'm sorry it could be decomp fluid. >> the odor that is still there. >> the smell itself, yes. >> or it could be nothing there which means it is a false alert? >> it could be nothing there. >> there are such things as false alerts, right? >> yes. >> the prosecution made a point of showing video of garris at work. curiously, the critical search of the pontiac itself was not videotaped. >> did you videotape this? >> i did not. >> you are familiar with the portion which says this videotape that the court may allow the videotape to be shown in court for the jury? >> correct. >> so whatever you did would be scrutinized later at a later time, would it not? >> it's possible. >> and despite all of that, of course, you chose not to videotape the scent lineup? >> i don't have anything in my regulations, my policies or procedures that refer to that i have to do these things. so i did not do that. >> geraldo: didn't videotape it. where is the missing garbage bag from casey's trunk? could there have been garbage that caused the dog to make the alert that the dog made? let's ask veteran dog handlers sue la boy and robert. they are eand their equally experienced cadaver dog summer. has found successfully so many cadavers? >> found human remains twice. >> and were they homicide cases? >> that's still unclear at this time. >> but they are under investigation. >> yes. >> how did summer respond when she saw the, when she scented? i mean is it obvious it is a -- let me ask you this way, is it a human remain is that different than she would hit on say a dead pig, you know, a dead raccoon, a dead something else? >> we proof the dogs or train the dogs not to hit on anything else, food, or dead animals or anything. they are only trained to indicate and give their trained indication on human remains. >> geraldo: has she ever hit when nothing was there? >> no. >> geraldo: so you would expect a body to be there? >> you would expect something to be there. sometimes there is body fluids that you wouldn't necessarily see with the naked eye. but there is still something there for the dog to hit on. >> geraldo: you heard the cross-examination there of attorney baez. the videotaping, do you videotape summer at work? >> sometimes we will videotape her in training but we would rarely videotape an actual search. >> geraldo: why? >> it is just our normal procedure and we don't know how far in the woods we are going to be. many times we -- >> geraldo: the remains were 19 feet from the road and they searched the area several times with the dawlgs. why did the dogs miss the remains in the earlier searches during the summer when it would presumably be stinkier? >> numerous reasons. could be temperature or terrain or the humidity. could be something was preventing the scent from getting out. >> geraldo: so you don't find if unusual that the remains were not found in the previous searches and then only found a month or a month later? >> it happens. there are many times when the handler has to put the dog's nose in the right place. if the dog is not in the right place they are not going to make the discovery. >> geraldo: go back to the panel. the testimony supports that of the prosecution it is fair to say. at this point, does any one believe the defense theory that caylee may have drown? that and more coming up. thank you so much. good dog. good dog. ♪ worry ♪ oh, worry, worry worry,orry ♪ [ announcer ] when it comes to things you care about, leave nothing to chance. travelers. take the scary out of life. and i can have a proposal to you within half an hour. we're a small business. with 27 of us always in the field, we have to stay connected. we use verizon tablets, smartphones. we're more responsive. there are no delays. delays cost money. with verizon, we do things quicker and more effectively. more small businesses choose verizon wireless than any other wireless carrier because they know the small business with the best technology rules. how ba the pool? >> i never -- i didn't know enough about caylee in the pool. i knew that they liked to -- i knew that caylee loved the pool but i never actually seen caylee in the pool. i was under the understanding they had to move the ladder because caylee kept trying to get into the pool and thaipgs of that nature. i believe at any point in time something could have possibly accidentally happened to caylee and if something accidentally happened to caylee i believe that casey would have an emotional breakdown. a mental breakdown to the point where i believe that she would take caylee and put her some where and then tell herself a new story, a new reality of what happened to her. >> geraldo: casey anthony's former fiancee giving his own ideas about how caylee died. what about the theory of drowning? why can't that be plausible? >> it is another lie. she has had a history of lying and does nothing but lie. think about it. you have 31 days. if in fact you lose a child, god forbid your own child but any child with you unexpectedly without knowing that this is going to happen what you don't do is go out and boozing and stealing and screwing and tatooing. you are balled up in a fetal position. >> that is the difference between andrea yates. she drowns five of her children takes her ten minutes running around the house to find them and hold them under the water and drown them and because she is a religion woman and spiritual and into god, people give her a pass on her quintuple homicide. >> and is not a admitted in any jurisdiction as far as i know. >> you don't have any defense lawyer her putting a psychiatrist on the witness list to have the same defense that she had. no way. this lady, casey anthony knew right from wrong, that is why she covered her tracks and creates the lie. you don't tell a lie unless you have a reason to lie. >> geraldo: an editorial not a legal judgment. >> that is a fact. >> geraldo: stacy honowitz have you ever in your law experience created an animation of the sort we just saw wha with the accused and the the victim and her using whatever the murder weapon was allegedly to see the corpse rot away before you very eyes. would you ever use that animation? >> in my over 20 years of prosecuting i haven't had the need to. do i see it as a bad move in this case? absolutely not. they needed to show the jury what they had. they needed to be able to show the jury that that piece of tape could cover the skull, could cover the area and suffocate. animation has been used and widely accepted in the courts down in florida and there is no reason not to show the jury a reenactment of what took place in the case. >> a tw two shot. okay. candace delonging, do you believe and this is the answer partly to mark's suggestion that casey is a lying dog, do you believe that she was abused by her father george anthony? >> well, a lot of women who end up killing later in their lives were abused so it is around 70 70%. in this particular case, i don't know -- i can't say i have enough to believe her at this point. there is some things that have come out so long after the fact. had they been brought up much sooner they would be more credible in my opinion? we should have a three hour special of our own. i want to thank our wonderful panel and invite them all back next week. i'm off tomorrow because we are doing a benefit for the local jcc therapeutic nursery organized by c.c. sabathia and his beautiful wife amber. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. for you guys. literally across the street from her sister. 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