michael len and tim vand hide are the one that is wrote that. here are the sources. top republicans advisors to may 2012 presidential contenders. other veteran republican operatives gop elites establishment figures argue not for attribution comments, determine focus establishment effort top advisors to candidates top republicans top advisors, long time republican leaders and top advisors to rival campaigns. one named source and they are all saying that you, that the bon -- gop is terrified of you. all of the these brave people. >> these are the brave people that want to run the world but they are not brave enough to put their name in an article. >> i am a little -- i take journalism seriously. people assign names when you go to court you raise your hand and you say i am so and so i promise to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. we don't use anonymous sources there's a reason so you don't trash people unfairly. you would think in this article there would be one named source. these are two veteran journalists. they sake you aparted limb by limb by limb with nothing but descriptions of anonymous sources. >> well, that's why i don't talk to some of these reporters who are a part of this yellow journalism world of not using named sources i think it's very unprofessional. i too have a journalism degree i learned back in the day who what with, where why of journalism report the facts you let other people decide what their opinion is going to be. having unnamed sources in an article like this is very, very disappointing. >> it doesn't do anybody good. >> you say disappointing i say horrifying. >> i am getting used to it unfortunately. that's a sad state of affairs if i am used to it. >> what they also write these are not an monday nows sources. they say i will quote from it still she has never faced serious criticism in public in a campaign setting. >> me? >> yeah. >> that's surprising they claim i haven't faced criticism. where have they been the last couple of year as soon as first even the content and i haven't read the article yet but it sounds like the article is coming from the gop the establishment the self proclaimed elites as named sources. a fine how do you do when you consider todd and i our family have given our life to the cause of the mission making sure people hear common conservative message out there. to be torn apart limb by limb come on guys. >> you and i look at it a little differently. i am not the one being trashed, but the whole idea that if we are going to have this dialogue, have the courage to stand up and have the courage to take sarah palin on whether it's tim pawlenty or marco rubio or vice president biden. take them on on the issues. it is bad enough politician sz are doing it amongst themselves but the journalists were had. they thought they had a good story. they basically shamed themselves. they completely shamed themselves. i will be curious to see whether any other journalist has the gets to stands up. poll lit co has become quite influential. >> where poll lit co goes the mainstream media picks up where they have fed them. it gets into hard news copy whatever the content of this story is. maybe in the end i can pull a sharron angle and send them flowers. i think it will draw attention to what i have been trying to draw attention to that is the state of affairs in the world of journalism today. it is unfair to americans for americans to not be able to trust what should be a cornerstone of our democracy a free press, a fair press. when we can't trust what it is they are reporting. of course you can't trust something if it is only siting unnamed anonymous sourcsources. you can't trust them where we are in the state of journalists is it's a sad place to be. >> so funny. there is one name in here karl roaf. i think about karl rove fox news contributor is quoted as saying something about your up coming reality show on cable tv. is the show your doing on cable tv a reality show or not? does he have the right? >> for the discovery channel and learning channel. he knows it isn't a reality though. he knows it's 8 episodes documenting what alaska has to offer our resources activities unique lively hoods made up there and the family comes along for the ride. he will have to see it to believe it. karl planted a few other political seeds that are quite negative and unnecessary. i feel like why did he feel so threatened and paranoid? i am here to help the cause so are i hope all potential candidates in the future. we are here as hopefully team members to turn the country around and get the economy moving again. >> whether or not people agree with you or i agree with you or anybody else i agree it's not the issue. it's whether or not it is on the issues and it is treated fairly and the most bizarre thing is that these very people who so bravely would name themselves and would instead trash themselves and the stupid journalists would have. they would take on al qaeda and national security for the country. >> that's a great point. no, i don't think the paper we printed this article on, it's not worth even wrapping to keep salmon in. i am disappointed in what they produce but on the other hand it's reflect i have of the state of affairs. we plow through that and do seek to discuss issues, we seek to debate in a healthy arena what it is that americans need to start talking about. i will just ignore this crap. >> i look forward to seeing what the ombudsman at npr thinks about this or any of the other ombudsman about whether this is real journalism and whether this is how we want to foster debate. >> when does this become real journalism? >> brett got off the air an handed it to me. he got off the air and i got it. >> poll lit co and jim vandehide this is a joke to have unnamed sources tearing somebody apart limb by limb. >> without a source. >> if they would say site themselves if they would man up and make these claims against me then i could debate them. i could talk about it. to me they are making stuff up again. >> they are terrified of you which is a whole phenomenon. i was going to say scared something of you. we are on tv even though it's cable. that's not why you were originally booked to come on tonight. you were booked to talk about the elections coming up. >> i am curious, two-days out. let's say a candidate no one fwh particular is down three points in the polls. what can you do? >> you were asking the right person. for the last 20-years in all of the different offices i don't think i led my polls but i knew internally i would be fine but i had a good ground game at the ends. what it entails is getting the vote out. making sure you have a boo goode of supporters going to call their neighbors calling people down on the voter roll. it takes a lot of effort in the last couple days you have to put in the 18-20 hour days with phone banks reminding people to get out there. it's all about voter turnout. >> miller who you supported very much so in the state of alaska. speaking of journalism there has been a row up in alaska with a cbs affiliate tape in which they make accusations about him. talk about journalism again. >> let's talk about journalism. it's sadz what's going on. up there in alaska -- >> explain what happened? >> we have a tape of the night of my rally for joe miller thursday night there is a tape now a reporter an assignment editor of cbs affiliate thought they had hung up the phone but it is still recorded on joe miller's campaign manager's phone. he has now evidence these reporters i believe were conspireing to make some things up or concoct something that had to do with a negative bet in joe miller's campaign. specifically these reporters were talking about finding someone in the crowd who would show up to support joe miller who would be a child molester, somebody registered on the sex offender list and tainting joe miller's campaign trying to mesh the two a bad guy and joe miller. the news director now jerry beaver, leave it to beaver had to admit that was his station those were his people who made the call. >> i thought he could have done better in terms of explaining it. >> you can't explain it away. >> he should have said it was wrong and he shouldn't have said it was taken out of context.ire and teach them a lesson. within that same conversation there were other issues. hey let's do a rat call moment and find any chaos if there is any kind of chaos the reporter is saying i can immediately tweet it and put out an alert that there was some kind of kay osz or joe miller got punched or punched or something. it is atrocioatrocious. people need to read the transcript and look at the tape themselves. >> it talks about how to cover races. people will take sides in this. keep holding journalists accountable for being fair and doing the right thing. >> there are other problems in alaska, too. she got one of our talk show hosts were kicked off the air the other day they didn't like what he was saying according to joe miller. he is off the rare now because of his campaigning. joy bay har called her a pitch now it is only a term of endearment. >> it's not about issues any more. it's embarrassing. profoundly embraersing. >> we have to cl clean up and t about what's important. >> governor thank you. we will be seeing you the next couple days. >> sunday night on the record you get the inside stories and highest races coast to coast. we are going rouge will she caulk with us with republicans? mcmahon goes on the record chld she that is two more days what is her plan? she will tell you herself. while everyone is talking the midterms they got served a massive dose of bad news. stay right here. [ j. weissman ] it was 1975. my professor at berkeley asked me if i wanted to change the world. i said "sure." 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the lexus es -- standard is nothing short of extraordinary. see your lexus dealer. standard is nothing short of extraordinary. welcome home, man. >> we have invited attorney general bloom enthall to go on the record. he is always welcome. right now the former ceo mcmahon joins us live. >> good evening greta. good to be back with you. >> tell me we are now down to the line. tell me what your plans are. i know it gets crazy between now and the timely the polls close. tell me what your days are going to be like. >> tomorrow i have 7 rallies so i am looking forward to those. wi we had three today. we are energizing our base. we had a great grounds game going. we are working through we are new yorking on a lot of doors and talking to a lot of voters. we have great moment dumb. i am feeling good about the race. i am a little bit of an under dog and that's fine. >> i don't like to be the underdog. late ets polls you are down a couple points. how do you plan to pick that up. you said the polls are usually right. how do you plan to get it out between now and 8:00 whenever the polls close. we are almost in a dead heat in this race. that's where i think we are. that's what i am doing things like i am doing like talking to you. it is these rallies continuing to get out and meet the people of connecticut and talk to them. just the last little bit of looking at the undecideds. looking forward to doing that. we have great momentum. i feel good going into tuesday. oo the last 24-48-hours they say gee i haven't made up my mind. >> they have today. >> people haven't made up their minds by now? >> people came up to me today and said i am really leaning in your direction but i am not quite there. >> what do i have to do to get you there? >> they had a couple questions i answered them they said that's what i needed to hear you got my vote i am convinced. >> what would the rally wwe fan appreciation. i know it has been determined and it's not a campaign event. it is in some ways maybe legal and appropriate it draws attention to you. >> wwe held the event because they had a nice opportunity on a saturday afternoon with that event. i wasn't there. however they were invited to attend of the state candidates to take wwe and go to the event and had a great time. >> any democrats show up? any democrats show upstate candidates? >> i don't think there were any democrats that showed up. >> all right. president obama has been in connecticut what is the influence if any with the race with president obama to campaign for the democratic candidates? >> well, president obama has been here now twice mrs. obama has been here. keep closing the gaps of the poll. i am pleased with the ground game we have going and i think the voters of connecticut are letting us know they want change. they are not looking to send the same politics to washington because they are going to get the same policy out of washington. they want different ideas. they want people to be able to go become to work. first and foremost is the people of connecticut. >> they see the winners. >> thank you for joining us. >> thank you greta. >> next, can she do it? can senator burr could you sky win as a write in. senator burkowski goes next. when she puts it on the line and runs straight into a conservative district for a fight. that report minutes away. ♪ [ upbeat instrumental ] [ rattling ] [ gasps ] [ rattling ] [ laughing ] [ announcer ] close enough just isn't good enough. - if your car is in an accident, - [ laughing continu ] make sure it's repaired with the right replacement parts. take the scary out of life with travelers. call or click now for an agent or quote. >> the races in the lower 48 are hot. the entire nation is watching the slug fest in the united states senate in the upper one. we are talking of course about alaska. joining us is lisa murkowski as a write? . >> thank you for giving me the opportunity tonight. >> nice to have you back. you have now gotten -- i guess we have had a campaign victory in that you have this list. >> yes and no. quite honestly we were never counting on the division of elections to provide any other assistance other than that provided by law. we have taken it head on top alaskans to fill in the oval and write in the name. that's been our approach from the hills. we are pleased to have the legal providings behind us and going into election day with a little more certainty there. it's a good thing. >> there are 150 names or so on this list is that -- am i right when i read? >> i think it's closer to 160. the fact of the matter is you have got about 158 of those people who have no purpose on that list other than to create a level of chaos. for those who take the election seriously as most of us in the state of alaska do they don't appreciate this. they are looking at this saying those two will ask for assistance it will be a legitimate need they know what it is they are looking for. if they need help they will receive that from the division of elections as they legitimately must do. but again our whole approach has been learn how to fill it, fill in the oval let's get it right let's make history let's do this for less. >> am i right i made mistake before so i hope it correct it this time. you are a republican running as a write in candidate, is that correct? >> correct. >> does that mean if elected you will caucus with the republicans? >> well, at this point in time absolutely. you have your choice in the united states senate between the republican conference and the democratic conference i have been a republican since i was 18 unlike one of my opponents who switched about 4 different times now. but yes, i believe i will be with the republicans as i was before. >> you say you believe. i was curious about that. i never thought there was any doubt. the fact that you are not saying it was very streth like absolutely i am a republican i am going to vote republican except the occasional vote that may not be good for america. >> i am still a republican. i have not changed that. i think it's important to recognize i am not my party's nom me. i will be sec seventh back to washington, d.c. because all alaskans have asked me to go back and continue my service. it will be republicans and democrats and independents and nonpartisans and undeclared. it will be alaskans that have asked me to go. that's who i will be responding to from day one. >> is that any different from what you have been doing as u.s. senator? do you see it as a different rule? i i am trying to understand if it is any different than before. >> it is not different in the sense that again there are two conferences and joe lieberman learned this several years ago when he ran as an independent. but there's no independent caucus to choose from. you have got the democrats the republicans, i am still a republican and i haven't changed those views. there is a certain independence that comes were not being your party's nom mes that come with being sent there as a directive from all alaskans outside of the confines. >> it sounds to me i am trying to sort this out i want to make sure i have it right. republicans can't necessarily count on you in republican caucus things changed as you get elected as a write in. >> i don't know if it's fair to say they can't count on me. it has been the united states senate i have always tried to put my state's interests first. i will continue to do that. that is right and that is appropriate and that is where i am. >> senator thank you. keep us up very late on the east coast come election day. it isn't until 1:00 a.m. our time wednesday morning that your polls close for us. we will be watching and it will be an exciting race to watch. thank you senator. >> thank you for letting me join you greta. >> have you heard the latest of what's going on from florida? you are. you are we are going there next. something is grewing with obama nothing to do with tuesday. 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>> i have been traveling with charlie crist he has been crisscrossing the state on what is called the people's express. we are no florida now we are back in tampa. he has no political party any more. he's doing in all alone. kind of the shoe level express going vote to vote to vote. he was atz duncan doughnuts serving coffee to people. he crossed the street trying to find voters searching out every voter to try to do the improbable. that is what he is attempting. >> i think we have two thanks are happening here it all depends on who you believe. charlie crist is saying that it is helping him. african american voters and democratic voters to leave kendrick mede and charlie crist in order to meet rubio. meek said it's another example of charl rekris doing whatever it takes to win an election to benefit himself. he is saying democrats and african americans are rally to go his cause. bill clinton is going to be here in orlando tomorrow night back with kendrick meek an we are going to try to sort this all out. when it comes to this story i have learned not to believe any side than what it comes to the actual story. i am trying to figure out what the truth is and chalk it up to more border politics. >> not only is the senate race fascinating so is the race for governor. especially when you look at 2012 it makes a difference democrats and republicans who is governor for florida. what's the latest on the race? >> very tight race. you have a businessman rick god pumped in 73 million of his own money into that race against democrat cfo alex sink. very tight race. both candidates were all over the state. alex sink's job is to try to get democratic voters excited to vote for her. democrats hold a 6,000 vote advantage of voters. he's probably entering election day with a lead is going to be getting the vote out over the weekend and again on tuesday to try to narrow this gap. the state is looking at a possible sweep of the cabinet with the republicans. rick scott is poised to win the race for governor. you have a republican house and senate could be a republican landslide. >> the whole bit about alec sink had help through the debate. i was sympathetic to alex sink. i think if somebody handed me a blackberry the first thing i would do is to lock at it. the whole brouhaha i was sympathetic towards her in terms of that. how the voters feel? they matter more than me? >> the republicans have stride to make an issue of it. they call it the ig or debate gate. what gets lost in the shuffle is even if you believe alex sink was cheating on purpose that she took this message read it decided she wanted to use this message it never came back up in the debate. it was never a point of contention she was able to use this information to her advantage in this debate. republicans say it's her example her cheating her not being trust worthy. making the claims about rick scott saying he's not trust worthy. he is trying to counter with this e iphone scandal. >> we can agree it is never dull. aaron thank you. >> thank you. >> now to the state of california joining us louv live reporter for the san francisco chronicle. your races out there are fascinating. let's start first with -- senate race or race for the governor's mansion. which one? >> well we will start with the senate race. right now you have barbara boxer a three term incumbent twoing everything she can to hold off carlie fiorino former ceo of hewlett-packard. polls out this week shows boxer is still in the lead. if you talk to the arena people they would agree with that probably disagree with how hard that lead is. right now here in california just like in any other state it is a matter of making sure your people get out and vote tuesday. that's what everybody is flying around the state to do right now. >> how about the race for governor meg whitman and jerry brown? >> the race for governor is almost impossible for anybody to avoid. meg whitman spent over 160 million on the campaign including 141 million of her own money. she is been very visible. she is been all over television. but if you wanted to believe the polls she is losing to former governor jerry brown who is look to go win a third term about nearly 30 years after he won his first one. it is a very, very interesting race. that race is probably a little bit wider brown has a little bigger lead than boxer does. but again it comes down to who shows up on tuesday. >> which brings me to the question since carly fiorina and barb boxer worked together i feel if you vote for one you are going to vote for both. >> really fiorina and witman haven't coordinated anything at all. sure there's a republican get out the vote effort and they are both involved in that but it hasn't been anything like the democrats really. there's a big democratic rally through los angeles and in jerry brown's hometown of oakland's. in both of the cases jerry brown and barbara boxer is aring gb there. on the republican side fiorina and whitman are going. >> i am curious whether the gloria allred allegation against meg whitman has that had any impact -- is there any i am per cal evidence it has had any impact besides the polls? >> besides the polls it is hard to say. certainly it was a lot of talk. even the witness man people say they lost the week with that. the big problem is they lost the week generally. they probably lost a lot more on the latino side. every poll since that event has shown more and more latinos moving to brown. again that's not surprising. latinos in california typically vote democratic. whitman spent millions of dollars and made a strong effort to pull the votes. it all went out the window as soon as the diaz allegations came up. >> john thank you. we are going to be watching. >> you will be watching late probably. >> very late especially for alaska 1 in the morning wednesday. while everyone is zeroing in on tuesday we have under the radar news that might have the white house twisted in knots. do you think the president's staff watched the interview he just gave? it seems very, very odd and hard to explain. we are going to show you. ♪ [ heather ] businesses need a reliable financial partner. one who can stay in sync with their moves. my job at ge capital is to get bobcat all the financial and business support they need. we provide financing for every bobcat dealer in north america. together, wee rolled out over 100,000 machines to small businesses all over the country so they too can grow. ♪ ge capital. we're there for bobcat every step of the way. ♪ my kids say i speak a different language. but i love math and math and science develop new ideas. we've used hydrogen in our plants for decades. the old hydrogen units were veryarge. recently, we've been able to reduce that. then our scientists said "what if we could make it small enough to produce and use hydrogen right on board a car, as part of a hydrogen system." this could significantly reduce emissions and increase fuel economy by as much as 80%. 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[ female announcer ] sorry, mop, but swiffer wetjet has a dirt dissolving solution and super absorbent pads that trap and lock dirty water deep inside the gradient core while mops can just spread it around. swiffer cleans better, or your money back. ♪ she blinded me with science >> president obama should be challenged for the democratic nomination in 20123, 51 percent say he should not be opposed. could that be true? 41 percent -- 47 percent saying he should be challenged? >> i think it is true. we saw the same thing in 1995 when bill clinton was gearing up for reelection it was a substantial measure of democrats skeptical. there were many if not more about obama. >> i can't image obama being challenged in 2012. >> it is chatter and also frustration. frustration with his failure to run a good campaign failure to articulate a message on jobs. a desire to look at alternatives. >> if you think about it president obama is getting squeezed by the right the right doesn't like him squeezed by the left because he said he didn't feel he did things they wanted they expected things to happen overnight. he can't call himself a moderate. rather awkward position. >> he has it from both sides. people on the right feel in the center feel that they abandoned the notion of not a red america or blue america united states of america. he is going to be squeezed on both sides. it is almost the naivety. hilly clinton maybe she was not quite so grand joes being realistic having seen it. i see this as happening with the tea party candidates the one that is get elected. six months from now they haven't delivered the tea party movement will be dissatisfied with them. when you get into the problem with washington. >> exactly. neither group is as fully inclusive as they could be. people expected obama. they expected him to reach out in ways that he hasn't done. republicans haven't extended the branch he hasn't either. >> a good one is don't ask don't tell. he said that right away. that didn't happen. guantanamo bay that wasn't close. i am not saying they couldn't happen or could but he did say he was going to do that. with the stimulus program it was from what i understand he said it's going to be my way i won. he promised to be by partisan that didn't happen. promised things in the left that were unrealistic to have happen overnight. >> i think it's a compilation of things. he said the stimulus would get us down to 8 percent. >> roamer did. >> on behalf of the administration. >> he said that there were going to be shovel ready projects they didn't exist. i think this is a sense that he hasn't really kept his promise or extended himself. >> is it that he didn't keep his promises or didn't get it and understand it? any one who worked in washington knows they aren't shovel ready projects we all rolled our eyes when we heard it anyway. doesn't mean dee have a good motive or good feeling or not want to do it but these things it is naive more than it is bad motive or -- >> i don't describe bad motive but i would say this having worked for bill clinton i knew he reached out and i knew when he couldn't get things done he would -- the olive branch being able to reach out to be inclusive. >> is that arrogance then? >> i think it is coldness and distance. it is not the same that we saw during the campaign. it doesn't give you the same sense of a man who will be inclusive and bring people together. i think a lot of people are frankly put off in ways of their own ideology. >> what happens on wednesday if the republicans take the house and maybe or maybe not take the senate. what if he wakes up and finds oh no i don't have everybody. then what happens? >> one of two things. i hope he reaches out. i think america requires it given our problems domestically with the economy terrorism threat that we face on an ongoing basis. i hope he reaches out. i fear what he has spoken of which is hand to hand combat with the republicans which is emerges if we get that both sides it will be bad for america. >> republicans indicated the same thing. they have been through fighting words backwards same way about resisting any sort of by partisan. it has been a 2reet. >> it is a 2-way street. american people will be the looser if we don't get a measure of bipartisanship. >> doug thank you. >> president obama dives deep into the heart of a conservative district for a big and bloody fight. what happens? stay tuned. 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will it >> congressman the president came to speak on your behalf tonight. what do you make of that? >> obviously a very exciting energy. i think this is one of the moments we have to choose people have helped produce 9 months of private sector growth. i disagree publicly with the president on a lot of things. i don't think it should be whether you agree or disagree. the question is who is trying to solve the problem and who is taking the pots shots. >> your race in the district got a lot of national attention because the president came in to fight. he said his name is not on the ballot but he is fighting for his agenda. if you win his race does that mean something nationally that he may have doubted the president's agenda that began two years ago? >> it is about the kinds of politics we want to engage in. one of the things i have done a lot of is people disagree with very very strong because various tea party groups in the district. what i think we have to do is be able to sit down and talk about our best ideas and come together to solve problems. it doesn't mean sitting down or backing people to agree with everything h he did. it is about who is here to try to solve problems who is here to try to protect their own rear end and protect their power. i will sit down with any one with any power serious about problem solving. i think too few people on both sides of the i'll lived up to it what we have done here and the reason we have a great chance to win this race according to is people prefer a problem solver. >> republican state senator robert hurt said would be dismissed by the president. >> i think it is an interesting campaign here at the last hour of this important election. he brought in the president of the united states a man he aligned himself again and again over the course of his last 18 months in office. a man he has chosen to represent as opposed to the people in the district he is sworn to represent over the last 18 months congressman perriello on every occasion he can stand with barack obama and nancy pelosi as opposed to people in the 5th district where there's only a healthcare bill we didn't want or cap and trade bill we didn't want or failed stimulus package that left us 11,000 jobs fewer. >> if the voters of the 5th district disagree with the agenda and accomplishments of the president so far do you think your opponent wants to the president really here? >> i think he does. he is banking on the hope that his appearance here will motivate people in the way he has personally been unable to motivate in his base. i believe this visit will have a good effect for our campaign because i think it will again remind people of his close association with this president. i think it will remind people of failed policy that is we can't afford for two more years. i think that will be good for our campaign. i think it will show on election day. >> still ahead maybe the stress of midterm president obama because he's caught on tape giving bizarre answers in an interview. stay tuned. we will show you. xñkg [ female announcer ] what if you could have a skin care protocol that worked as well as the leading wrinkle prescription brand regimen at reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles? presenting the olay professional pro-x intensive wrinkle protocol. okay pro-x works by doing three things. one -- it protects your skin with age repair lotion with spf 30. two -- it treats your skin with deep wrinkle treatment. and three -- it transforms your skin with wrinkle smoothing cream. three easy steps. 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[ female announcer ] to learn more about olay professional pro-x and get a $5 coupon, go online now. thank you dear, very much. thank you. ♪ you make me feel so young. >> time for the last wall. jay leno gets answers no one else can from president obama. >> mr. president you have been in office for two years now. who would you say are the biggest enemys in washington? >> my partner. >> democrats? >> let's move on. tea party conservative christie mcdonald. she said she dabbled in witchcraft would you consider letting her cast a spell that would fix the economy? >> what i would be willing to do is consider any ideas out there that would actually work. >> wow. mr. president supporters of prop 19 are hoping legalization of marijuana willel

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