university in the world. and look at where the number one university has come to it is in a terrible place when it comes to honoring ideas, honoring the idea of a marketplace of ideas. keeping jewish students safe. stopping anti-semitism. stopping these demonstrations that were occurring. calling for the destruction of israel. we cannot have that in our country and particularly at the institution that is supposed to be the number one post secondary institution in the world. so, we are going to be investigating not just harvard but other institutions. we want to make sure the united states maintains its history of it being the place for the best colleges and universities are. jon: one of the good colleges and universities in this country is johns hopkins and of course they have had a flap of their own the diversity chief of that

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World ,Place ,Ideas ,Idea ,University ,Marketplace ,Number One ,One ,Country ,Students ,Anti Semitism ,Jewish ,Demonstrations ,Calling ,Destruction ,Israel ,Institutions ,America ,Institution ,Jon Scott ,Course ,History ,Universities ,Johns Hopkins ,Colleges ,Diversity Chief ,Flap ,

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