>> he's doing fine. he really is. and he's going to be released from the hospital. we talked about -- which we were going to do before, getting together. i haven't seen him in a while, asked him to come over and have some lunch and talk. he was very encouraging about why he thought the policies i was pursuing made sense, but we didn't get into much detail, except it was mainly to see how he's doing. >> the 75-year-old former president resides in new york, but was in southern california this week visiting friends ahead of an event for the nonprofit clinton foundation on thursday, when he started feeling fatigued. he was admitted to the intensive care unit on tuesday, with a urinary tract infection that spread into his bloodstream. antibiotics have helped reduce his white blood cell count, and he's reportedly in the icu because it gives him more privacy, not necessarily because of his medical condition. the former president has had some issues with his heart in the past. he underwent quadruple bypass surgery a number of years ago,