change. why didn't they begin months ago? this has been an issue that's been growing and growing and on the public's mind and as a result i think it's one of the reasons why the president's approval among independents dropped pretty dramatically. if you go to the grocery store and it costs you nearly 9 bucks to buy the bacon that cost you 4 bucks not too long ago, americans will feel this and will turn around and blame somebody and he's in charge. chris: what about the argument that there seems to be focus on it now, i know task forces were set up months ago but from the podium, the president and the press spokeswoman, started focusing on it now, what about the argument, it's too little too late? >> well, look, the reality is, the biden administration inherited a pretty tough economic situation when they came in as as a result of covid. and from day one had they have made that a top priority. they focused on the relief plan