jobs to relax at home while still getting paid. sounds great to me, where do i sign up? is it border czar the ultimate lazy girl job? >> no, there's some trouble, investigating root causes but as a whole -- this is where i feel the crazy old lady yelling get off my lawn, i was excited to make my own money and make my own way but now we are dealing with a think where young people are cool and i am the old crazy person because working for a living is the respectable thing, it gives you valley value but if you can make a living and stay home and make tik tok or do what you want, can you blame them? >> if it works i get it but shouldn't they be called hot girl jobs? if you can stay home and make millions without leaving the house, you are probably pretty good looking. >> you're probably on only fans. [laughter] >> i would be an only food -- [laughter] >> social media managers taking