>> ben: one of the things your book touches on is the demand people have in this time to have more authority from government. even as the faith in institutions decays there is this odd thing that happens whereas we have seen you know, happen in mexico and places around the world where more authority is given to these folks who have already shown themselves completely terrible when it comes to using it. you believe in instance that cuomo is just going to hold on to power as hard as he can and just keep fighting back against this, ignoring what biden is saying, ignoring what other party leaders are saying and just, you know, taking a lesson that as long as you have that authority you should never give it up? >> absolutely. no one wants to be al franken and left office when they could have just stayed and lived it through. i actually think what you are probably about to see from governor cuomo is wag the mask situation in which the delta variant is used as an excuse for him to push new measures that are really authoritarian in nature and then he will be cheered by the press again for not being ron desantis because there really have a desire by a lot of people out there are to