his own. >> jesse: if i'm around chelsea handler hand me a toad. >> dagen: it's a super psychedelic apparently. >> jesse: president biden set to pardon two turkeys next week named them peanut butter and jelly. >> dagen: you have an issue with, this right? >> jesse: usually because presidents name turkey tater and tot peas and carrots corn and cob. obama named cobbler and gobbler. pea butter and jelly no one eats that for thanksgiving. >> dagen: jerry. >> jesse: didn't have a sister turkey. >> dagen: i adopt each year because i don't eat meat. i adopt a turkey from a farm sanctuary. i adopted before i came on the show bowie. only $35. and so money goes. >> jesse: he should name it one turkey in, the other turkey inflation and then he just executes them that's what the

Related Keywords

Jesse Watters ,Joe Biden ,Toad ,Turkeys ,Super Psychedelic ,Chelsea Handler ,Them Peanut Butter ,Dagen Mcdowell ,Biden Set ,Two ,Jesse ,Right ,Issue ,Jelly ,Cobbler ,Presidents ,Corn ,Tot ,Turkey Tater ,Peas ,Cob ,Carrots ,Gobbler ,Obama ,Dagen ,Didn T ,Turkey ,Sister Turkey ,Pea Butter ,Seats ,Seat Meat ,Farm Sanctuary ,Jerry ,One ,Money ,Turkey Inflation ,Show Bowie ,35 ,5 ,

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