this trial and now it's up to the jurors to follow the real facts and allow the justice system to work. >> here to respond wisconsin senator ron johnson. so, senator, you know, it's probably some stringer trying to land an exclusive of a juror for "the today show." i get that. but, they are putting people's lives in danger by speeding and running red -- but there is also something else. they are intimidating the jury and they are saying the media is there. we're watching you. we know where you live. we are following you. and however you decide, you can be a good guy or a bad guy by the way we cover you. do you agree with that? >> by and large. you know, i think what this trial has just highlighted is the vast divide in this nation. you know, president biden in his inauguration speech said his primary goal was to unify and heal this nation. he has not accomplished that goal. i wish he would have. but, again, this trial is just