not deny any of these numbers. they did tell us if they do release people on a case-by-case basis and say they have mechanisms in place to try to get people to show up to immigration hearings. final piece of video we want to show you, check this out, earlier this week, or thrown crew shot this video. what you are looking at is the physical looks of what it looks like to not build the border wall. you are looking at massive's of steel just sitting in storage locations in the rio grande valley that were meant for the border wall where they badly need it, looking at 20,000 panels of steel, i'm told well over $120 million of work, all paid for by taxpayers already, taxpayers on the hook for this. we had the biden administration announce on friday they are canceling all border wall contracts down here in the rio grande valley, so that metal has been sitting there since january, it's been resting, it is not going to be used, and the biden administration said they do not believe in the border wall, they think it would not be effective, and instead they are going to use some of the unspent money from