st. louis post that if we really want to get this gun violence problem under control then we got to start making new law. is that going to solve the problem? because from my vantage point, there is a lot of straw purchases being made and a lot of filing of serial numbers off of guns in new york city. >> no, you are right. we miss you. i know you are in no. god love you. you can't hardly get anything up there but in st. louis, this is crazy. so i lived in downtown st. louis. i can see the arch from my backyard. i could smell the hops and barley and everything else heiser bush. when my kids went to play out in the street and ride their bike, everybody felt cool can that happening because they knew i was armed. we had a drug bend that opened up at the end of my street. it wasn't the gun that was doing it criminals kept getting rereleased from bad prosecutors and weak judges, a judicial rot. in fact, it was my side arm that