in time for a meeting with china's president next weekend, meantime the trade war continues to impact politics here at home. with some democratic presidential candidates vowing to end the trade standoff. >> we are going to end the trade war with china. it's the wrong war. >> if the trade war continues into the election year, the white house seems to be reasoning the white house will need more fiscal stimulus in the form of a possible middle-class tax cut. white house economic advisor larry kudlow says the talks are preliminary and commission income in the final decisions have been made at least not yet. >> mark, thank you. president trump doubling down on his terror threats, unwilling to rollback any of them as part of a possible trade deal, arguing the tariffs are hurtinge chinese economy. let's turn to the director of the center for china strategy at the chinese institute, michael pillsbury. so good to have you tonight. okay, you would know better than