media for hypocrisy, forvillefying her as a racist while speaker pelosi was hailed as a hero. we're going to get into all of that but first let's get some reaction to hillary clinton's conspiracy theory that seems to be pointed at tulsi gabbard. thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> congresswoman gabbard was on with tucker carlson tonight and she said, listen, the message that i'm some type of russian asset because i'm speaking out about what's happening overseas, she says, this is what it means to everyone else. >> they are basically saying, sending this message out to every veteran in this country, every service member, every american, anyone watching at home who is fighting for peace and who is calling for an end to these regime change wars this new cold war and arms race, they are saying you are also a russian asset. that you are also a traitor to this country. >> shannon: governor, what do you make of this? >> it's absolutely outrageous