and start being this president's accomplishment? >> here's my issue with that. this is about shared prosperity and there is a lot of people not sharing in this prosperity including democrats and republicans right here in the state of ohio. i'm very concerned about what he is doing to our farm economy. as a member of the agricultural committee with the soybeans that are mounting up in farmers bins. i don't know if they will get back some of those contracts and what does he do when he calls the president of china? one of the things he did reportedly is try to get dirt on a political opponent. i made that strong point about his foreign policy and i don't think it is consistent with what a lot of past republican presidents have done, both economically and when it comes to a foreign relation. >> shannon: because there are so many farmers, are you encouraged by the fact that the chinese seem to be committing to a higher cost of soybeans? >> let's see if it really happens.