money transfer to absolutely enable payments of all different kinds. is it for commercial banks and businesses. when nay jump in on an everyday basis they are able to make sure they can conduct business. however by kicking off these russian banks. some of them again not all there are few loopholes at the little disappointed people say hit it hard that you could have a very serious reaction with the ruble and a descent into what could be cast on the streets of russia as people try to get their money out. >> we are already seeing pictures of people in st. petersburg, long lines at the atm trying to get money, trying to money out of the bank as you are saying, liz. there are the pictures right here you know how frustrating that is a special when you are not sure what is happening is the market going to take like liz just mentioned? when it starts to hit russians directly will that put pressure on putin? and if so in what way? >> i think sanctions are one

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