pledging to deliver a thousand take missiles and anti- stingray craft missiles those weapons have been used to slow the russian advances we have seen a putin's work here in ukraine. now, a curfew has just been put into effect here in lviv or just a week ago the students were out today they are inside nervous, very scared others wondering should they flee? arthel. arthel: it cannot even imagine trying to get provisions if they were able to get enough before they hunkered down? >> that is a great point, arthel purchased yesterday which will grocery store here. remember for days and weeks were reporting how there's no panic in this country the shelves were full at all of the stores pretty much different story here today. we went yesterday, there's no bottled water on the shelves. most of the canned goods were gone pray things like toilet paper all the essentials you think if you are going to hunker down, though supplies were all missing there so people baking bread. there was some fruit and some

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