bill. we will get him an emmy. i was third in command ice in the unit and saw the production of the report every year. i became the ice director that approved the report. i can tell you without a doubt that they had those numbers mid-october and we would release within a month, however, these numbers are so bad, i promise you, the department of homeland security and the white house are trying to figure out how they want to spin the numbers, how they are going to support biden's open border strategy when they see the numbers have been devastated. compared to last year under the trump administration, removals are going to be down almost 90%. the removals of criminal aliens at least 65%. despite the fact that joe biden and the secretary said we are going to reprioritize ice priorities to concentrate on more criminals. these numbers won't show removing last criminals. the report, they had the numbers for a while, they are just trying to figure out how they are going the spin it. here is my guess, they are going