this is close and the percentage of 62. there is a ways to go which is why you have or can election officials saying maybe not getting a call in this race tonight. >> it is very unlikely you will get a call, especially when it is that close. the fact it is that close similar to washington state, oregon republican voters tend to vote on the last day. part of that is not necessarily trusting the mail in ballots system. you will start to see that significant shift tomorrow. if the republicans in any of these races are going to pull it off we will know tomorrow midafternoon. oregon commit trickles and from multnomah county throughout the night but other districts, other counties are not as much as multnomah county and that is where the delay will be. >> trace: jason stop by kevin walling will be here and some of the western race as we think the east coast and as soon as the east coast commit is done. let's go to bed and bring out kevin mccarthy and we will do