local citizens, but the shelters are filling up quickly, and critics say that we should be sending care to the other side of the border, rather than bringing people over here that we can't take care of. shannon? >> shannon: that is another strategy. dr. siegel, thank you for the update. all right, i want to bring you in because we need some uplifting news, some lighter fare. this is our midnight snack chat. we are going to start calling at that because we always end up talking about food. the weekend is coming. maybe sweet out there for folks to sell bring something, getting together with family. now we have the debate, cake or pie? you have some interesting polling numbers, there is actually a debate about this. >> there really is, and in fact i think you could argue, shannon, this is something that has been brewing, or bacon, if you will, for years. cake or pie? let me take you back to 2012, a pbs poll showed 55% of american preferred pie over cake. fast forward a few years to 2015, buzzfeed in a survey said it was down to 52's-48 pie. since then in the years after