things happening in school but we've got to get these kids reading. if a child can't read by third grade, they are four times less likely to graduate high school to be so we need to make sure w gr remediation all ourth among this country and need transparency in the class because parents should never have to wonder what is being said or talk to their children in the classroomt is d appl. parents need to be deciding th which schools their kids go to because they know besteir ki. on education, the only way we change education in this nation nly is to break the backs of th teachers unions. they are standing in the door housg ine of our kids walking t to the failing schools and locking them out of thnge great teacher they could have.ans i think the republicans all realize,all jason, that the democratemocs had headwinds fro five different compass points when it comes with education is a losing issue for them because of covid, because of this whole gender issue. it is just not a great for the democrats and republicans who