folks are not in there negotiating. they have a very poor history of that in this country our negotiating skills currently in the white house. i wouldn't send this bunch into a garage sale to negotiate the price on some baseball cards. i mean, it's pathetic. but, i'm optimistic. i hope that putin sees the writing on the wall, with the international outrage. but you have got to realize, too. he has been under sanctions most of his reign of terror i guess you could call it and react to it different with the nationally controlled media, no one actually knows in their country what's going on other than the evil west is causing all of this. >> carley: without a doubt. and we are looking at live pictures right now of this peace negotiation clearly getting underway. reporters are in the room. everyone is sitting at a long table near the ukrainian belarus border. congressman, we have to leaf it there with you. thank you so much for croing joining us this morning.