hispanic, conservative or liberal, when the state's case went in and there was a witness testifying for the state and i asked my producer is this a defense witness that got called out of turn and they said this is the third victim. i said they're providing a self-defense claim. all of us collectively knew there would not be a guilty. most were thinking it would be a hung journey or outright acquittal. it's sad because there's narratives versus fact. and in the court of public opinion, people have a narrative but unfortunately if had they looked at the trial, the prosecution didn't have the evidence. todd: the only thing that matters is the evidence presented within the four walls of that courtroom. nothing else matters. the mob needs to realize that. otherwise, our system of justice is in a lot of trouble. bob bianchi, thank you very much. don't forget to tune in tonight at 8:00 p.m. to watch tucker