separated from their families. >> well, you should vote for trump. you should vote for trump. brian: wow, that's stunning. by the way one of the things he tried to say listen, if you commit a crime, you don't want anyone deported even if you commit a crime no, they shouldn't be. ainsley: angry response didn't like the question. fine, don't worry about me. vote for the other guy. but, when you are running and you are in the right spot and you are you feel confident. wouldn't you at least argue why they should vote for you? why isn't that why you are on the stump out there trying to convince people? steve: sounds like the case he was making is if he is elected president it would be a continuation of the obama era deportation. ainsley: i understand what the guy was asking him the way the presidential candidate joe biden responded. brian: just remember it was those restraints thought children were in to separate them from the general population that people like to call cages. there was a surge of unaccompanied minors during the obama years where people