anniversary. ainsley: every year have you invited the president. this is the first time a sitting president has said i'm coming. >> that's correct. >> since 1985 the policy of the united war veterans council to invite all commanders in chief. this is the first time accepted and we are glad to have him. steve: aren't you making it easy on him. isn't that going by his house. >> he has a different house right now. yes, it will go up to trump tower. one thing that's important if you think about the veterans community. the president has done more for our veterans in the last three years than what so many of us have been trying to do for decades. the choice that he is giving veterans to be able to go to a doctor and not have to wait on a line and potentially die. we lost a lot of veterans to that particular bad incidence at the v.a. he is also getting rid of employees at the v.a. who aren't taking care of veterans. so he is doing a lot for the veterans. brian: he talked about having his own parade. why have a parade when there is a parade already. and now he is going to be

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Girl Usa Ainsley ,President ,Us ,Time ,Commanders ,Policy ,War Veterans Council ,100th Anniversary ,100 ,1985 ,Steve Easterbrook ,Thing ,House ,Veterans Community ,Veterans 400 ,Arent You ,Chief ,Isn T ,Yes ,Trump Tower ,One ,Lot ,Veterans ,Doctor ,Line ,Choice ,Many ,Three ,Deputy Brian Ishmael ,Parade ,Arent Taking Care ,Lowden County Virginia ,Employees ,Incidence ,Who ,

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