this president. they hold a closed door session. they are the only people who get to have a witness. for the cross-examined, does the president get his legal counsel in there? no. i sent the speaker a letter a week ago. and i laid out 10 simple questions. and do you know where the questions came from? exactly how bill clinton was treated and exactly how president nixon was treated. could we have a fair process? you know in america you are innocent until proven guilty. until you let the democrats become in charge. look at what congressman matt rose recently said. he says the president says he is innocent. he has to prove it. no, in america you are innocent until -- you are innocent until proven guilty. this is how they have treated this president for the last three years. mueller report and now they have a known liar, adam schiff. who made a parodied and lied about the transcript. you know what? speaker pelosi actually believed it. watch that interview with george stephanopoulos she said no, no. he was only speaking from the transcript. this is who we have in charge.