provide life is you staining. procedures are very quick and seemless. steve: very common. >> heart surgery. open up the chest. join the zipper club. bypass graphs. with the stent you are back to your regular form in about a week. there is a 95% chance that he will not have another problem with this stent in the next year. and that's about, roughly that percentage every year. steve: but if you have blockage in one area, do you have blockages in others. >> usually you have blockages in other areas not tight blockages. here is the reality. people in 70's most of them have plaque somewhere. doesn't mean they are going to have an issue. plenty of 95-year-old people who will die with plaque but not from the plaque. it doesn't mean they will have an issue. this is the truth i think about our aging process is we are behaving younger. the age that our body thinks it is actually younger than our chronological age. this is an important reminder to all of us be transparent and require