that. >> and we're on the same level? we're not on the same level. rachel: what do you mean. >> that ties into the taylor swift thing. she puts a career in and she shows up in a box and we're supposed to talk about her. rachel: that is a love story. we'll talk about that later. that's the story, it's not football, it's love. >> you're wearing your packer green and all of a sudden we're a couch divided. rachel: i'm representing packer fans all over the country, i'm going to do my job, go pack, go. >> i'm cheering for dallas now. i'm sick of this. i'm in for the cowboys. rachel: you're a midwesterner. >> i hope that they route them totoday. this is because of you, not because of -- i don't like the packers fans b fans because i'ma vikings fan. rachel: you're upset because the vikings choked just like dallas is going to choke today. >> you pushed me to the brink. now i'm over the edge. >> the cowboys choke today, it