to overturn the 2020 election results, let's bring in trump team attorney, will sharp. opening statements set to begin this week. before we get into particular, set the scene. what's the strategy? what is the trump defense going to look like? >> look, while the prosecution and the media are hell-bent on sensationalizing this case, we're focusing on the facts because the facts show that president trump did absolutely thouing wrong. this is a bess records case. the business records accurately reflected payments to one of president trump's lawyers as legal retainer fees. add does nailly, those records weren't -- additionally those records weren't entered by president trump, he was busy running things at the white house while this was happening in new york. the facts are on our side, they exonerate the president and as long as the jury focuses on the facts, as long as the jury can see through all the media coverage and the sensationalism