Except for women. This is the most as a nine as nine, i would say the most antiwoman, antireality pursuit we have seen from this administration thus far. It is something that not only abolishing Womens Sport as we know it, this would allow men in womens locker room, bathroom, changing spaces, potentially allow men to be housed in Dorm Rooms with women, and this would compel or our stephen. Students and faculty would be forced, required to use preferred pronounce, and if we dont or if you, a 17yearold girl whos randomly housed with a male in your dorm room, if you go to your administration and express your discomfort, under this new proposal, this new rewrite, you would be guilty and charged with sexual harassment. Not the man praigd around your locker room. No, to piped opinion thats considered brave, thats considered inspiring and stunning and whatever other very white House Word he wants virtuous word he wants to use with