others in there. no less than 50% of money to financial aide. you have to do outreach students if they need adjustment on the financial aid. apparently you have to be following the science and following the evidence. yet, lawrence, if you have a young student population, eager to go book to campus, all of which are vaccinated, most are used to wearing a mask, even if it is not effective, especially not necessary with their age group or omicron, they're being told back to the zoom classroom. you're not coming back. it is devastating for kids. lawrence: it is unbelievable, pete. these colleges and public education system as well, $170 billion. look at an example for a second. you have georgetown, 6.1 million, yale 5.2 million, duke 26.8 million, temple, 151.2 million. the university of washington, 205.9 million. van per tilt 28.4 million,