now. ♪ >> good morning everybody, thanks so much for joining us. (laughter) >> i was going to-- >> chuckle, chuckle. >> alisyn: can i reveal some of the behind the scenes. clayton turned up the sound. you can't hear anythingles. >> clayton: having technical difficulty with an ear piece and they yank something out of your ear. >> alisyn: that's what you did, virtually. >> dave: we start with the world of politics it and a busy saturday, it was for the republican party and now we have one less republican running for the white house. herman cain dropping out as expected on saturday, and down in atlanta, and oddly, enough, it was a very festive scene. it's got barbecue, music, t-shirts sold and poinsettias laid around for a man stepping out of theway. >> alisyn: and it was a cliff hanger, they were cheering and poesters and took him in while for him to announce he was in fact going to suspend his campaign and he also touched on what he's going to do now. let's listen. >> i know that many of you are disappointed. i understand that. i know that many of you all are disappointed and i certainly understand that and i am disappointed that it came to this point, that we had to make this decision. one of the reasons that i ran for president of the united states was such that i could change washington d.c. from the inside. plan b is that we're going to have to change it from the outside. >> so what was so interested that you talked about, a lot of people not realizing that this campaign was ending and some people there who were getting that campaign office ready until four in the morning and raising money. >> clayton: and people were out and people didn't realize. >> alisyn: they had to sort of give it back. the wedding gifts that come into the wedding and-- >> what's the presidential etiquette. >> alisyn: he can give it to another candidate, i think, or for causes. maybe that's why there was cain solutions, the website. >> dave: not quit, he suspended his campaign, because of financial reasons, why the accountant say. >> clayton: even at this hour the campaign's coffers are still open and accounts are open. >> alisyn: get your money in. >> clayton: if you want to donate to the herman cain campaign, get it in, we're not making that up. and there were controversy caused, newt gingrich giving speeches and asked about herman cain and said this via twitter. >> i'm proud to know herman cain and consider him a friend and know he'll be a powerful voice for years to come and a lot of people say, this whole campaign shifted because of what herman cain brought to you it. the tax policy, 9-9-9 when no one else was talking about it. give him credit for that. >> alisyn: just what he contributed to the campaign and in some way he did change the play book going forward. he did things in an unconventional way. >> dave: he says he'll endorse someone coming up. i'm not sure how important it is at this juncture with you a lot-- looks like a lot of support goes newt gingrich's way and it will be interesting to see where the money goes. >> clayton: and i think it's a great point you bring up. because it's the not his endorsement that so much matters to the other candidates and almost maybe want to distance themselves. >> dave: for now, yes. >> clayton: it's where the the supporters go, not the endorsements. >> alisyn: let's talk about the fox news channel last night. governor huckabee hosted a forum. and it wasn't like a debate. the candidates were given equal amount of time they were grateful for, because so many have felt sidelines during the debates and were not allowed, no interaction. >> so they got to the substantive part of a lot of issues. let's listen, they talk about of course about health care, let's listen to mitt romney and michele bachmann on health care. >> the president is not just worried about people worried without insurance. obama care is worried about taking over 100% of the people's insurance this this country. >> if we do absolutely nothing, obama care is going to be implemented and change the face of the country forever. it's going to cost trillions over the years, take away our liberty jo how do you get rid of obama care was a good question posed to the candidates. this was about state's rights because it was pre-attorney general. rick perry, i think, had one of the most controversial of the night saying he would, by executive order, get rid of obama care, that was challenged very seriously about the attorney general. is that an overreach of presidential power? and something a lot have criticized president obama for overuse of executive order. >> clayton: overuse and perhaps the wrong idea how you could stop obama care, even with an executive order. it still wouldn't have any effect until like 2016 and by actually pulling back some of the state's conditions in obama care, so, it wouldn't be, if he got elected in 2012 that's the end of obama care, all this have stuff is entrenched. >> alisyn: and as you know, newt gingrich and michele bachmann squabbled about the illegal immigration policies and last night had a chance to spell it out again. >> in a free society, the citizens have to bear responsibility for their own culture and society and i believe they're more trustworthy, if you asked would i trust a jury or a washington bureaucrat. i'd rather have my fate decided by a jury of peers than a washington bureaucrat. >> i want people to know there's a cost already to have illegal aliens in the united states. 113 billion dollars every year and 32 billion of that cost is absorbed by the states and that actually works out to about a thousand dollars per american household. it's a very real cost. >> dave: i think a solid performance by everyone, but in this format, it was substantive, but did anyone stand out? i think that was the one thing that you did get a lot of substance. i don't know that one performance stood out. >> clayton: a lot of the people say pick rick perry, for the amendment and states rights. and thought that newt gingrich did well as expected, didn't stumble. mitt romney did well, didn't stumble. yeah, everyone had a chance to do well there. >> alisyn: some of the candidates have said they don't like the education, and education was a topic and listen to what rick perry and mitt romney said about that. >> our problem is that we've got a federal government that's intervening too much, with all of these different programs, so, i truly believe that the education of our children is a state and a local issue. the federal government has a rule to stand up to the federal teachers unions, i look forward to the day when we don't have to have that federal role because education should be be held at the local level. it should be managed and controlled by states, by localities, by parents and families, and not by the federal government. >> clayton: meanwhile big news out of iowa this morning. because of where, they had taken a poll the des moines register has taken a poll that was surprisingly taking place before herman cain got out and before this announcement came from herman cain, so if you read it that way, perhaps more valuable for newt gingrich surging in iowa. more telling, mitt romney has now slid to third place. >> dave: that was the shocking development for me, too, you're right. falling behind ron paul who is somehow gaining and take away 8% from herman cain and say all of it doesn't go newt's way. 30% in the state of iowa with not a whole lot of effort excertificated in the state of iowa, great news for him. >> the sue city journal endorsed mitt romney this morning and that's big for his campaign in iowa and tell you their reasoning, they say through successful decision make, the private and public sectors, romney understands economics in a real world way, we do not question romney's conservative credentials, but economic success and social usuals. >> it's important that they do not question the conservative credentials. >> alisyn: it's funny they don't question it. he has had different positions on abortion and then they're giving him a pass and we don't question his conservative credentials. >> clayton: you brought up the with 8% of herman cain vote eand where do they go. we'll talk to our panel about that. >> dave: should be interesting. december 27th, as you know the donald trump debate is also in iowa, he's the moderator, who is in, who is out. john huntsman is out. newt gingrich is in and boy is ron paul out and he's leaving no doubt abouts why he's not going to the debate hosted by donald trump, the selection of a realty television personality, to host a peleliu debate... ron paul leaving no doubt about his opinion. >> alisyn: and donald trump responding, leaving no doubt about his position. ron paul has zero chance of beginning, oort the nomination for the presidency. my poll numbers are substantially higher than any of his polls, do you tafew peop ron paul seriously and many of his views and presentation make him a clown-like candidate. i am glad he and jon huntsman... in iowa right now, perhaps one of the best ground games in iowa among all of the candidates, he has volunteers coming. >> dave: they're an army, aren't they. >> clayton: and over 70 years old. >> dave: definitely if that. >> clayton: and he has more pouring in the state. more than any other candidate because of the effect that he garners for their individuals, i don't know, i mean, zero chance of winning may be a little harsh, but 18% in iowa, if he does well in iowa, it could be important moving into new hampshire, look at the early states. ron paul is consistently in double figures in almost every state we've polled thus far. is he consequential. >> alisyn: this race is fun, from day-to-day it's been a rollercoaster ride. >> clayton: you put out a similar statement when i couldn't go to your christmas party. >> alisyn: your numbers are inconsequential to me. >> clayton: your poll numbers are better than mine. >> alisyn: let's get to the rest of your headlines and tell, but this horrible story victory celebration turned chaotic. people are hurt after fans rushed the field to celebrate oklahoma state beat oklahoma, and people were airlifted to the hospital. and some fans were trampled, one person reportedly fell 15 feet on to some concrete and some people suffered leg fractures and angles, and 45 minutes for the authorities to clear the field. horrible. new this morning, another death linked to the occupy wall street movement. a protesters reportedly found dead at the camp site of the university of north texas. brand new video out of portland, oregon, police arresting nearly two dozen occupy protesters, and refused to take down tents and after it was cleared hundreds took to the streets and one of them setting up a tent on top of a two story building. president obama channels teddy roosevelt. he's go to talk to the public on a county campus the same city where roosevelt delivered a speech more than a hundred years ago, calling for a new nationalism. the current president is expected to make the class and the middle class is facing a make or break moment. imagine driving home and seeing this, a small plane making an emergency landing in the middle of the highway. it happened late last night in jacksonville, florida. the plane reportedly on the way from orlando, when the engine started to fail. fortunately, no one was hurt. those are your headlines. >> clayton: that would be a weird sight. >> dave: absolutely. all right. let's get you reich-- rick, rick some snow in my hometown, huh? a snowy colorado this weekend? >> a snowy colorado this year, a lot of snow. >> dave: a good year. >> it certainly is. take a look at the maps and the snow across denver and more headed in for another storm, but the big storm is across the country, got rain stretching from texas to the lower mississippi river valley and across parts of the great lakes and that's just not going to change much the next two days and the front is going to stall there and we could be looking at flooding across parts of the mississippi river valley area, maybe like memphis and to the west of that in parts of arkansas and see a little bit of snow on the back side. this is the future cast. take a look how it played out. so you continue to see heavy rain across east texas, arkansas, snow dropping down again, and very slowly, by the time we get to around tuesday we'll tart to see the rain across the eastern seaboard for a couple of days there, so it's a slow mover and remember, we're still talking about the same storm that brought all that have wind across southern california so potent storm. here is how much rain the next few days, going to see three to six inches of rain and that's why we'll see flooding the next couple of days. the colder air moving in across the northern rockies and in the single digits and warm across parts of the east and florida, tampa, at 80 and for your day tomorrow. your cold air seeps down farther, 11 degrees in denver for a high. >> thanks so much, rick. >> we've been telling thank you morning, herman cain officially ended his presidential bid. what impact did he have on the republican party. joining us for a debate. ellen ratner of talk radio news service and fox news contributor, and from the party 365, great to see you this morning. >> good morning. >> clayton: let's talk about herman cain, first of all, his announcement yesterday and it sounded like as you're reading twitter, and the tea leaves coming in on twitter. it seems like everything he said during his speech was justification for him to stay in the race, right, the media is attacking me, my wife is with me. why didn't he stay in this race? >> because's a loser because he did not tell anybody. he was in denial. he was complete denial about what his real life was like and unfortunately when people get to be ceo's or politicians people don't tell them reality. so, he had no idea what he was doing was all the skirt chasing which caused this kind of problem. >> that's not right. herman cain is not a loser, those are allegations and's done so many wonderful things in his life. i think that he-- >> you don't believe he had a 13 year affair with somebody. >> i don't know, that's not-- herman cain is a great guy and all i've got to say is 9-9-9. >> and here is the thing, ellen made a judgment based on no facts. >> right. >> that he didn't or didn't do it. what he did do is handle it like a businessman and wondered how it would play out. all through the show, women especially, they want to know the facts. he acted like a businessman, suspend it, reassess. >>'s he in total denial of what his behavior was. >> you don't what his behavior was. >> in the real world you have to have proof to have an allegation and why he handled it this way, i think it was for him the smart move to let his legacy not be attacked and coming out of the race for that reason. >> he didn't handle it well. >> and wrote that the reason goat into the race for the first place, perhaps to sell books and didn't realize he'd get this far in the campaign to begin with when this came out. >> wait a minute. >> he brought something to the campaign because as newt gingrich pointed out he brought tax policy. >> i was looking forward for him to come on radio in the new hampshire primary, he is different and he was different. the problem he didn't live in reality. >> and here is the the reality of what herman cain did do. he's a threat to the liberal establishment because he did change the perceptual of political dynamic being a prominent black conservative. that's a threat to liberals. >> not to threat to me i'm liberal. >> he forced tax reform into the conversation which americans and businesses demanded, if not for him we'd have basically for lack of any term, vanilla g.o.p. primary with a political fight. >> clayton: no discussion on tax policy. >> 9-9-9 we've heard it so many times and good for him to bring up a change in the the tax system. everybody hates the tax system. >> or rick prry as some sad go to the flat tax or amalgamation-- >> here is a guy who grew up with nothing, a cancer survivor, a great businessman and credit for what he did. and no he had a great message and doint know that any of that was true. >> wait a minute. >> you should give him credit. >> wait a minute, i i don't know that he had a sexual relationship with anyone, but admitted to going, to being with this woman and giving her money. >> so what. >> that's a crime to give a woman-- >> look at what bill clinton did. >> and a woman and doesn't tell his wife, i think there's huge problems in that-- >> well, you're not married to them. >> there's a different between what bill clinton did with gennifer flowers and monica lewinsky and being impeached-- >> and there's different allegations and to the other side for ellen's point are not proven in either way. and not being partisan, i'm being analytical about this. >> let's talk about the supporters, in iowa, the 8%, that was taken before he announced he was leaving. where do the supporters go? >> i don't know, we haven't seen the polling as to where people like. because, look, ron paul is doing well. people don't like to talk about it, but ron paul is doing very well. part of herman cain's appeal was that, i agree with you both, that he was sort of different and he was out of the box and he had something different to say. and how do we know that those people aren't going to ron paul. >> i don't know that seems like a stretch to go to ron paul of all the candidates. >> and hearing some of the supporters, and yesterday at the herman cain rally, yesterday, they were asked where some of that would go. many said newt gingrich. many said washington, surprised the heck out of me, he's running not of washington says, wait a minute i want a guy who navigates washington. >> people are thinking in three ways, the tea party movement and that principle and looking at gingrich who will gather a lot of that from the south and conservative side. the independents across the board, across the country will shift a little to romney. essentially, we, the tea party movement, say let it play out the election is only one step. getting obama out of office is the goal. the next step is getting back to the limited effective visioning constitutional government and holding any politician between a rock and-- >> final word. herman cain supporters? >> i think it's the wild, wild midwest, in iowa who is getting the work done and eyeballing people and i'm here for the iowans, who is going to be able to put the work in and something that newt begin griff didn't have. >> and ron paul does, romney does, and-- >> let's face the reality of this, he has a good caucus, that's it, ron paul is the guy that's in-- >> in iowa, a player, i don't know. >> doesn't translate-- >> all right, thanks, you guys. always great to see you guys. >> let's toss it over to dave and ali. are you guys awake. >> alisyn: we are now. >> dave: coming up, a nine-year-old suspended two days for calling his teacher, quote, cute. did the school take this one too far? does the punishment fit the crime, we report you decide. >> and the failed company, solyndra, refused to hand over the documents, taking legal action against the white house, can they do that? >> plus, and once christmas is out, jolly ole st. nick, kids may soon find out. a step to ban inside the classroom. wait until you hear from an outraged parent. coming up. ♪ congratulations. congratulations. congralations. today, the city of charlotte can use verizon technology to inspire binesses to conserve energy and monitor costs. making communities greener... congratulations. ... and buildings as valuable to the bottom line... whoa ! ... as the people inside them. congratulations. because when you add verizon to your company, you don't just add, you multiply. ♪ discover something new... verizon. >> welcome back everyone, thank you for joining us early. dave briggs, you have may have called pretty teacher, pretty or hot or something. >> dave: oh, she was hot. >> alisyn: i could tell. >> clayton: i was a saint. >> alisyn: no, i think that dave was a troublemaker. >> clayton: no, dave and i were talking. >> dave: well before nine. >> clayton: before school -- before the show this morning dave and i were talking, a teacher when she was a substitute teacher and she would show up. >> alisyn: you would have been suspended had you gone to this school in north carolina, you would have been suspended what happened to a nine year old boy. he called, i think a substitute teacher cute. >> clayton: to a friend, not even to her. >> alisyn: right, good point. >> clayton: as dave and i were in the paul. did you see her? she's cute. nine years old. >> dave: and relayed up the chain and the kid is now on record for perhaps being suspended two days from school and here is what the mom says, quote, it not like he went up to the woman and tried to grab her or touch her in a sexual way. why was he suspended for two days. >> alisyn: we should let you know the principal considered the term cute sexual harassment. if you believe the mom's story. the mom's story all he did was call the teacher cute. and the school won't release details and said he exhibited inappropriate behavior. >> dave: that alone inappropriate behavior, is there more than what we were told. to suspend a nine-year-old. >> clayton: dave and i would have been kicked out for school if that was the reason. >> dave: ff weekend on twitter. meanwhile, an interesting situation at a new york airport, where an 84-year-old woman, grandma. says she was strip searched. here she is. >> clayton: yeah, she was on her way, on a flight and she was pulled aside and then, actually the tsa then took her into a prime room. and apparently took off her clothes and she missed her flight as a result of it. you can imagine she's angry. take a listen to her. >> i weigh 103 pounds, i'm going to be 85 on february 1st. now, i'm a typical terrorist, my wildest dream, i couldn't picture such a thing. who can imagine that such a thing could happen? i mean, outraged, angry. >> she does look suspicious, doesn't she. >> alisyn: i'm outraged on her behalf. she was in a wheelchair, she didn't want to go through the figure body scanning device, a lot of people don't want to. >> clayton: she was afraid it would interfere with a medical device. >> alisyn: defibrillator. that's right, she took her into a back room for 11 minutes. not a minute. let us wand you. she missed her light and by the way a gash because her walker hit her leg during this process and she got cut and bloodied and why she had the gash on her leg and she was-- >> trying to bring in some balance. >> alisyn: go ahead, i long to her this. >> dave: here is what the tsa says. while we regret she feels she had an unpleasant screening experience to say the least, tsa does not do strip searches as part of our security protocols and one was not conducted in this case. something happened for 11 minutes to cause the 84-year-old woman to miss her flight. >> clayton: maybe she perceived a strip search, not naked. but checking her body for anything hidden on her body. we've heard this before about undergarments and all sorts of things. >> alisyn: is there any better poser child than lenore zimmerman. >> clayton: perhaps the child recently. >> alisyn: and tsa, grandmothers in wheelchairs and children, and umar farouk abdulmutallab can get on a plane with explosives in his underwear, because we don't have the overseas. >> dave: that's what congress has said repeatedly. we were not safer than we were around the time of 9/11. >> clayton: the u.k. banned the body scanning machines because they found them to be ineffective. friends@fox news. >> dave: who is worse, the school for suspending the nine-year-old or the tsa? >> and the extreme santa ana winds this morning, nearly 1,000 homes and businesses are still without power from wednesday's wind storm when now a new one moved in. the state littered with downed trees and power lines, the threat of wildfires also increasing as the dry and gusty conditions continue. there are now developments in the case of a missing two-year-old girl from detroit revealing that bianca jones' father failed a polygraph test. he originally said he was carjacked and the gunman drove off with bianca inside. they found the vehicle ten minutes later empty and bianca's mother wants her back. >> please take her to a hospital, a church, a drug store, anywhere and just leave her somewhere safe where we can find her and bring her home. >> alisyn: a $17050 reward for her safe return. call the authorities if you have any info. congress may file a lawsuit 0 to obtain a subpoena for documents. they took over 500 million in stimulus cash. the spirit lighting up in maryla maryland. >> that looks like the house down the street. >> alisyn: you know what i love about this, subtle. i like the subtlety. the family said they spend around 40 hours one week, hanging up the decorations and their hard work, well, it doesn't go unnoticed. >> i like technology and something where i can show my love of the holidays, with the love technology tperfect. you look out the window, and you see kids with their eyes wide open, staring at the display, i mean, how can you not feel good? >> it's a family tradition that started back in 2002. dave, tell us. >> dave: supposed to be bedlam between oklahoma and oklahoma state. turned out to be a blowout and bedlam afterwards. more on that in a moment. third quarter, already 27-3, oklahoma state. landry jones, the oklahoma quarterback fumbles the ball on the throw, picked up by jones, who takes it in for the easy score and 34-3, that loss on the way back, justin smith puts the game away and a 37 yard score and how about the post 44-10. win the big 12 title and pressure e to put hem in the national title game. not sure if they get in, probably bama. and what alisyn told you about, 13 people injured in stillwater, oklahoma on the field two critically one rumored to have fallen 15 feet from the stands down to the the concrete bee he low and been many a saturday afternoon in stillwater at this field and so many protections have been put in place. this is a shocking story, how it still happened. top ranked lsu looking to secure a trip to the bcs national championship, they were down 10-zip didn't have a first down the entire first half. the first sec team to have that happen. who's that, clayton. >> clayton: the honey badgers. >> dave: the honey badgers. the honey badger does what. >> alisyn: doesn't play. >> dave: takes what he wants, but he also gives up the football before he entered the end zone, tossed it to the ref, didn't matter. 62 yard touchdown. and another punt return later in the game. he didn't score, but i think that every georgia player had a shot at him and couldn't get it done. the honey badger is unbelievable. tyron the mathews his name and lust, 42 unanswered points and they are headed to the bcs national title game. >> clayton: alisyn, the name, pretty good honey badger. >> dave: honey badger does some things that we can't say on the air. >> alisyn: many things. >> dave: go to the youtube videos. and words from ndamukong suh, detroit lions the stomp heard around the world, the green bay player on thanksgiving. the suspension uphold after an appeal. now he's been involved in a car accident in portland, oregon. 1970 shelf ss, lost control, crashed into a tree and a light pole and he and two passengers were not hurt and police say, he was not drinking. would he have been involved in this if it weren't for the suspension, i don't know, this guy, one thing after another. bcs national title game will be revealed tonight, eight o'clock. looks like it's lsu, alabama. and oklahoma state is going to be furious and they have good reason. >> clayton: see if it ends up the same way as well. let's check with rick reichmuth with a look at the forecast. >> i'm stuck on the '70's shelf. shelf nice car. >> dave: probably mint. >> clayton: not anymore. >> alisyn: a chevette, which is what i drove, right, rick? it is. >> and the photo-- and winds are back across southern california not the kind of system that we saw last week, which was a record breaking storm. we're talking winds that gust 50 to 60 miles per hour, it's dry and southern california and fire danger is legal. next few days, it's going to begin to relax and see pulling out and much calmer weather pattern for the next couple of days. big rain across parts of texas p and the river valley and move into the ohio valley and stick there for a day and a half or so, three to six inches of rain especially on the southern side of this and that could bring some significant flooding concerns. it makes its way to the eastern seaboard, not until this afternoon or wednesday. and this is where we're going to see the rain and all of you should see texas and bring a dent into the drought there. and the same louisiana, arkansas you're not in the drought and you'll see the flooding and that's the way the storm is a big concern for people there. your temps, nice across the east and cold in across parts of the plains and in towards the rockies and these temperatures here tomorrow, denver, 11, 12 degrees, that's around 40 degrees below where we said we'd be this time of year. cold air for the rockies. >> alisyn: still ahead, camp victory, u.s. troops landed it over to and he is saying it's a mixed blessing, he'll explain next. >> clayton: is there a war on christmas in the lonestar state that has parents fired up? we'll hear from one of them coming up. ♪ daddy, come in the water! somebody didn't book with travelocity, with 24/7 customer support to help move them to theool daddy promised! look at me, i'm swimming! somebody, get her a pony! 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[ male announcer ] blast away strong food odors and bad breath germs with new scope dualblast. also, try crest complete extra white with scope dualblast. >> well, it's the end of an era as the u.s. handed over control of camp victory to the iraqi government. after nine years are the iraqis ready, fox's military analyst and retired four star general. >> good morning. >> you have been to camp victory many times and have some good perspective on what went on there, tell us. >> well, camp victory is a symbol of what we achieved in iraq in my judgment. i mean, the iraqis, 25 million people under saddam hussein, a rogue killer, we freed those people, they're an educated class, they have wealth. 22 arab muslim countries and only one of them elects its government and that happens to be iraq. camp victory itself was a horrific place, it was vilt for saddam hussein's two sons. they tortured and killed people there on a regular basis, they had 27 villas, in addition to the palace and they used to put up the support system involved in human trafficking of women out of europe and the united states, and raped and murdered those women there, horrificically so. so, camp victory i think will always have mixed blessings for us, but, in terms of what our soldiers have achieved in iraq, it's one of the great chapters in my judgment in american history. >> so, how symbolic is the turning over of camp victory tt iraqis? >> it's very much so. we're transferring authority to them. clearly, the american military command wanted to stay with more troops in iraq and i support that judgment, because we want today preserve the democracy that had been achieved and want today continue to grow and develop the iraqi security forces and most significantly, we wanted to counter iranians influence in iraq and where we've done this in the past in japan, in germany, and in korea, we've been very successful, post conflict. it was not about fighting, it's about strengthening and consolidating and preserving what we had achieved. >> dave: meanwhile, all eyes on afghanistan and pakistan, and new reports just into fox, unconfirmed as of yet, that we're vacating an air base there as ordered by the pakistani government. this is of course all related to the 24 pakistani troops killed in a raid. now, there are reports all over the map on this thing. hillary clinton continues to offer condolences to the pakistanis, where does the situation go from here as related to what's happening in afghanistan and our relations with pakistan and their government? >> well, we've got a very deteriorating situation with the pakistanis and coming on for some time and accented certainly by the usama bin laden raid. they resented the the fact we didn't give him warning and the obvious conclusion for the viewing audience that bin laden lived in a suburb of the capital city of pakistan near a military base for five years, obviously, protect bide the senior leadership of the pakistani military, and we have every right to recent that very strongly. and also, in pakistan, two sanctuaries that taliban operate out of from which every single day they move into afghanistan to kill and maim our soldiers. our relationship is strained by this, and it's going to continue to deteriorate for some time, i think, we have to change the conditions of this relationship, not, not write it off, but get tougher about our relationship with pakistan as opposed to the government diplomacy we've had in the past. >> dave: it's not helped by the 70-year-old contractor, american, who was taken hostage by al-qaeda and the taliban. if it continues to worsen, this relationship between us and pakistan, what does it mean for the war on terror and for the nukes? >> well, clearly, i mean, pakistan is a country of strategic consequence, much more so actually than afghanistan, it's 100 plus nuclear weapons there, the size of the population, truly, truly matters. we've always said to ourselves, stabilize in afghanistan as much about influence the stability in pakistan, so, clearly, we're interested in the stability of pakistan and having a relationship with them and at the same time, when they are supporting an enemy, that is killing us, we clearly have every right to have strong feelings about them. and express those feelings and it will affect our relationship with them. >> such a tense situation there. retired four star general jack king. thanks for being with us this morning. appreciate it very much. herman cain is officially out. so who will benefit from his campaign's demise? and a ban on santa claus at school isn't going over well with parents. next, we hear from one dad who says the new school guidelines are outrageous. everyone in the nicu, all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. i wouldn't trade him for the world. who matters most to you says the most about you. massmutual is owned by our policyholders so they matter most to us. if you're caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help. >> well, some parents say the war on krm is underway at a texas school district. the school is banning christmas gifts and cards and santa from classrooms and some parents are saying, bah humberg, joining us an outraged father and attorney david raft. >> good morning. >> alisyn: i know you're angry, but let me try to disstill for you the school's position, saying that the kids can exchange gifts during lunch before or after school, but doing it during school is disruptive to learning in the classroom. do they have a point? >> well, i don't think that santa claus has been storming classrooms, interrupting the teachers from teaching. that hasn't happened. i mean, i think that the stated words by the spokesperson is an attempt to, you know, put a nice spin on the stated policy and it's not the school board, they've been great. but, it's some district employees that have chosen to misapply really, what the policy is of the district. we have the statement of the spokesperson you're talking about and let me play it for our viewers. and we'll get a response. >> and the current icons out there like santa claus or christmas trees or, you know, snowflakes or any of the other icons that we all use are fine for the classroom. we even would like santa claus to come visit the school, but we're just asking there not be any interruptions to the day. >> alisyn: he sounds reasonable, david. he's wearing a santa hat for crying out loud and that santa can visit the classrooms. let's face it, when santa comes in you're a little distracted from math or spelling or reading or whatever you had been doing. >> sure, that's right. you know, this isn't about really santa claus just coming to school. it's about, you can't pass cards around because there might ab religious message and seems nonsense you're going to resume that a religious message necessarily goes with every card and how i got involved was the stated memo that was circulated by the general counsel of the 4th isd that said that it's concerning that, you know, there's legal precedent that makes it concerning for santa to come to the schools and there's just some errant conclusions drawn and that's kind of where i got involved was just questioning the logic. >> alisyn: i know that your feeling is, this is a slippery slope and then he we won't be able to acknowledge valentines day, won't be able to have any levity in the classroom. what do you want to see happen here? >> i'd love to see the district come out with another statement that basically disavows, the rational behind the memo that was prepared. >> and meaning that you would like to see cards being exchanged, gifts being exchanged during school time and santa coming in for a quick visit to each classroom? >> i don't care about santa coming for a quick visit to each classroom, but, yeah, i think i want them to -- i want the school district to say, hey, we're going to abide by the current state of the law across the country. i mean, a driver at that brought me here this morning even said he's an atheist, but even atheists love santa claus and nonsense to think that we're going to, i guess, hurt the kids by killing the joy of santa claus and the joy of christmas time by doing this. >> alisyn: all right. david rapp you're an attorney and a parent at the school and we'll put it out to viewers and see what they think and let knauss what happens at your school district. >> hey, thanks for having me this morning, it's been a pleasure. >> alisyn: you, too, thanks so much. occupiers in denver find it tough to stay strong when temperatures are dropping and now they're occupying snow. ca unbelievable find at the ami bottom of the river in germany, a bomb the size of a truck. it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. and here's what we did today: supported nearly 3 million steady jobs across our country... ... scientists, technicians, engineers, machinists... ... adding nearly 400 billion dollars to our economy... we're at work providing power to almost a quarter of our homes and businesses... ... and giving us cleaner rides to work and school... and tomorrow, we could do even more. cleaner, domestic, abundant and creating jobs now. we're america's natural gas. the smarter power, today. learn more at did you hear sam... promoted to director? so 12 seconds ago. we should get him a present. thanks for the gift basket. you're welcome. you're welcome. did you see hr just sent out new... rules? cause you're currently in violation of 6 of them. oh yeah, baby? ...and 7. did you guys hear that fred is leaving? so 30 seconds ago. 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"fox & friends" hour two starts right now. ♪ >> you're reading it wrong then. >> alisyn: we got it wrong, it's not that men need more confidence, you are well equipped with unflated egos, it's that women need more confidence. >> dave: and this one might not fly, alisyn. >> alisyn: may not apply. >> clayton: low self-esteem. >> alisyn: even even air roerros impressions of your own greatness-- exhibit a. >> clayton: what is going on in the world of politics, a lot of changes that happened overnight. herman cain as of yesterday expected down there in atlanta giving supporters perhaps not what they wanted. they waited hours to hear herman cain show up on the stage outside of his new headquarters which they had just unveiled, by the way. 300 supporters waiting and herman cain came to tell them that he's suspending his campaign, take a listen. >> i know that many of you are disappointed. i understand that. i know that many of you are all are disappointed and i certainly understand that and i am disappointed that it came to this point that we had to make this decision. one of the reasons that i ran for president of the united states was search that i could change washington d.c. from the inside. plan b is that we're going to have to change it from the outside. outside. >> okay, what he means by that, he started a website, cain and he's still going to be involved with policy and advising people. >> dave: and raising money because the account stays open. >> alisyn: but one second about his wife, in that camera angle, she looks three feet tall. >> dave: she's a slight woman, glar yeah. >> alisyn: she stood behind him and the crowd was granting gloria the whole time and she stood behind him and she supported him. >> gloria. >> alisyn: and he said i'm doing this because the pain it's brought on to my family and she seemed uncomfortable. >> dave: wouldn't you be. >> alisyn: yes. >> dave: holy smokes. >> alisyn: yes, she did. >> dave: it wasn't that that made it an odd scene. when you look at the situation and the mood, it was very upbeat and celebrity tri, if you will, there was barbecue, entertainment, selling t-shirts and poinsettia's all around. not just supporters, but reporters there thought maybe he's staying in. there is there was a celebritiry resignation, bizarre. >> clayton: overnight you had supporters arm polishing the the banisters of the new headquarters there. up until four in the morning making sure it looked great for the folks about to show up there. and the supporters had no idea about this. the other candidates are immediately asked about what herman cain has meant to the race and newt gingrich was up in staten island before he came to the fox studios last night for the forum debate and he punched out a tweet and said this, i'm proud to know herman cain and consider him is friend and i know he will continue to be a powerful voice for years to come because a lot of people say he's changed the dynamic of the race talking about tax policy when no one else was talking about it. >> dave: that's also what newt tweeted. herman's 9-9-9 plan got our country talking about the issue of tax reform. that's one thing, if there's one thing that elevated change. talking about the taxes. >> alisyn: and herman cain says he'll endorse somebody, maybe newt gingrich. maybe that's a foregone conclusion. >> clayton: where his supporters go. liston this in iowa, one month ago, herman cain led the des moines register iowa poll with 23% support, one month ago and now it's newt gingrich at the top of that list. 25% in first place there. mitt romney in third place. look who's in second place. >> alisyn: ron paul. >> clayton: shocking. >> alisyn: it's a very interesting poll, but it does reflect, i think, also the rasmussen poll you were talking about where newt gingrich was way out ahead. >> dave: and take the 8% from herman cain, we believe and the numbers shows the majority goes newt gingrich's way and mitt romney on the ropes. some good news in the state of iowa as well. the sioux city journal, big newspaper there, endorses mitt romney and the wording should help him though with the people in iowa through successful decision making, he experience in both public and private sectors, romney understands economics and fiscal principles in a real world way. we do not question romney's conservative credentials, whether the issue is economics, national defense, or social issues, social issues so important in iowa and the iowa caucus and that should carry a lot of water for mitt. >> alisyn: one more thing that the sioux city journal said, i thought it was interesting, they said if it's family values you want, romney is a good and decent man of integrity. >> dave: that's a great point. >> alisyn: and lists the values he espouses. >> dave: and a wonderful marriage with his wife. great family, and no personal baggage. he walks the walk when it comes to-- >> likes to know you won't be surprised. >> dave: you won't. >> alisyn: anything could happen, but in general, he was vetted last time around and this time around. you don't think that somebody's going to pop out. >> clayton: only on policy, the criticism of mitt romney for shifting positions on policy. now, let's talk about some of the policy talk last night with governor huckabee here hosting that presidential forum last night on the fox news channel and all of the candidates interestingly got equal time, unlike other debates, equal time answering interesting questions from three attorney generals in the united states. let's listen to mitt romney and michele bachmann talk about health care. >> the president is not just worried about the people without insurance. obama care is about taking over 100% of the people's insurance in this country. >> if we do absolutely nothing, obama care will be implemented and it's going to change the face of the country forever. it's going to cost trillions of dollars over the years, it's going to take away our liberty. >> dave: a fascinating forum last night for governor huckabee who got all of these candidates here and this is all about state's rights. i don't think any huge surprises in the night other than rick perry saying he would overturn obama care with an executive order, which didn't go over real well with the panel of attorney generals. >> alisyn: and interesting, newt gingrich was asked attorney general about his conflicting and couldn'controve- >> ad with pelosi. >> alisyn: in it he was shown sitting on a sofa with nancy pelosi talking about climate change. and they seemed to agree. what newt gingrich said the single dumbest thing i've done in the last two years. >> dave: why? what did you make of his answer? i'd like to ask you folks what you made of his answer? because to me, i heard that he didn't regret the policy of it, he just regretted the politics. >> clayton: that was the question, what do you regret the most, was it the policy or the politics and he said look, at the time people weren't hearing the message because nancy pelosi was so. >> dave: radioactive. >> clayton: radioactive. anytime you're sitting on a set next to nancy pelosi the message gets lost. seems as if he was supporting the policy. >> alisyn: the idea of climate change-- >> we'll hear more about his stance on the climate change ahead. >> alisyn: meanwhile, he's battled a little bit with michele bachmann how they would deal with illegal immigration or immigration policy. let's listen to both of them last night. >> in a free society, the citizens have to bear responsibility for their own culture and their own society and ultimately, i believe they are more trustworthy, if you asked me he would i trust a jury or a washington bureaucrat, i would rather have my fate decided by a jury of my peers than have my fate decided by a washington bureaucrat. >> i want people to know there's a cost already to have illegal aliens in the united states. it costs us, the taxpayers, 113 billion dollars every year and 32 billion of that cost is absorbed by the states and that actually works out to about a thousand dollars per american household, it's a very real cost. >> dave: in one hour, virginia attorney general will joining us on the prm and tell what yous his impressions were of the g.o.p. field. >> alisyn: let's get to your headlines, something that happened yesterday, chaos on the field. dave i know you tweeted this horrible story out. a college football victory celebration turns dangerous, 13 people are hurt after fans rushed the field to celebrate oklahoma state beating oklahoma last night and two people are critically injured this morning, airlifted to hospitals in oklahoma city and some people were trampled and one fell 15 feet, and took 45 minutes to clear the field. to the latest occupy wall street moment. one protesters reportedly found dead at the camp site at university of north texas. unclear how he died. police in portland, oregon arrested nearly two dozen overnight after they refuse today take down a tent and protesters started marching through the streets and blocking traffic into the early morning and occupy protesters in denver, dave. braving nearly a foot of snow, ne say they plan to keep their tents up through the winter. and that looks horrible. the german army is attempting to diffuse a world war ii era bond packed with 3000 pounds of explosive. hospitals, nursing homes and prison have been evacuated from the city. and the bomb was found in the rhein river after water levels fell due to lack of rain and believed to be the largest bomb evacuation in germany since the war ended. imagine seeing you that in the lake. >> clayton: you see that in the river in hudson, rick, different types of bombs. >> the hudson, you might. stay out of there, clayton. big flooding out of the lower mississippi river valley today, tonight, through much of the day tomorrow. snow that's targeting the four corner states, as well as parts of texas, panhandle of texas. santa ana winds again through tuesday in southern california and east coast, another sunny day, it's our fifth weekend in a row across the eastern part of the country. how much rain we're getting across parts of the south for the next two days and across parts of arkansas, we've had a lot of rain, especially the last week and so we'll be dealing with the flooding threat and texas this is beneficial as well as louisiana we'll take it and it's going to be a couple rainy days. back to you. >> all right, he took ambulances for a joyride and they he were treating patience in the back of it. wait until you hear the crazy story. >> cain 2012 no more. which candidate benefits? our next guest says it's not mitt romney. he'll join us to explain. ♪ i feel the sky tumbling down ♪ ♪ i feel my heart start to trembling whenever you're around ♪ ♪ more, more, more... get more with honey bunches of oats 4 nutritious grains come together for more taste, more healthy satisfaction. get more with honey bunches of oats. what makes us number one in motorcycle insurance? we love bikes. we love riders. and most of all, we love to ride. perfect hair every time. leading the pack in motorcycle insurance. now, that's progressive. call or click today. . >> clayton: welcome back. after weeks of controversy, herman cain suspends his presidential bid. >> dave: now that he's out. which candidate will his supporters turn to? joining us now is former speech writer for george w. bush mark thee sen. >> good morning, how are you. >> dave: good to see you, sir. you say it should help newt gingrich. is that because of the poll numbers where newt-- cain supporters second choice, and why will it help? >> certainly, it's a very good day for newt and bad day for mitt romney. cain despite the allegations against him. he has about 14, 17% of the vote. newt, if those are least likely to go to romney and most likely to go to newt. newt is about 28%, so if he can get the majority of those cain supporters to come his way he's looking at close to 40% support and that means he would have a chance to consolidate conservative support around his candidacy and break away from the pack and put romney in a good condition. >> one of the questions about him, does he have staying power? questions about that, he's known to throw ideas around and make conflicting statements on a weekly basis. >> sure. >> clayton: why do you see it that way? >> what's happening to happen now, you'll see a lot of people attacking newt gingrich and i think that perry, santorum, bachmann an incentive and they have the cain voters up for grabs and they're going to want to take down newt and make the case he's not the conservative in the race. that's what romney needs to happen. romney needs for most of those cain supporters not to go to newt, but perry and divided evenly between perry, bachman and santorum so he can keep his conservative opposition divided, the only way that romney can prevail. >> dave: a lot of newt's past will be dug through, minor statements and not even the personal stuff. like newt telling radio iowa he's probably, quote, the most experienced outsider in modern times. newt gingrich outsider, does that shoe fit? >> it's going to be very hard sell. i mean, one of romney's arguments against time and frankly, bachmann as well as, a washington career politician, he's been in the city, speaker of the house for years and built a business empire here and taking money from freddie mac, i mean, all of this stuff is going to come out and they're going to very closely examine his record it and every detail will be well-known because everybody now has to incentive to go after newt gingrich, everybody in the campaign. >> clayton: what about herman cain's comment he's going to endorse someone. there will ab endorsement. a lot of republicans say i don't want at that endorsement, i'd like your supporter, but i don't know. how would you advise a campaign that receives that endorsement, walk away from it. >> i think at that newt wants it badly. the fact that health care still has 14 to 17%,'s not a pariah. there's a number of conservatives who are very enthusiastic about him and i think quite frankly it's likely he will endorse newt. they did that, you know, that love fest lincoln jackson debate, lincoln douglas style of debate. more of a love fest than a debate. they're very close and had a friendly rivalry and i'd be surprised if that endorsement went to anybody, but newt and that would be a big, big boost for newt gingrich. >> dave: and mark, who quotes pokemon in his columns as well. and my apologies to herman cain. >> clayton: ron paul dissing the donald. he says he won't sustain mr. trump's debate and now in traditional fashion is firing back at paul. >> dave: shoppers beware, you could be a thief's next target. up next, the king of pickpockets is here to tell you how criminals pick you out of the crowd and rob you blind, dave. we're back in a minute. this was the gulf's best tourism season in years. noilt ♪ o louisiana... othey came to see us in florida... make that alabama... make that miissippi. the best part of the gulf is wherever you choose... and now is a great time to discover it. this year millions of people did. we set all kinds of records. next year we're out to do even better. so come on down to louisiana... florida... alabama... mississippi. we can't wait to see you. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home. >> 7:22. news by the numbers. 2.6 billion dollars how much of the navy attack submarine costs and yesterday, designed to go completely undetected even in shallow water. next, 3, how many days a man survived in the alaska wilderness with nothing to eat or drink, but frozen beer. and homer simpson. man reportedly stranded after driving into a snowdrift. and finally, 17 million dollars how much a fake jackson polllack pointing sold for in new york city. the duped customer is suing the gallery owner, no kidding, guys. >> alisyn: i'll have to go home and ccheck mine. and while you're shopping for gifts don't let a thief get yours. how easy it is for pickpockets to move? >> he's smiling and i'm saying, you hold this and see and as i gave it to him to hold-- oh, no, no, no. i took his watch. >> oh! >> he's a master. joining us how to avoid being a victim. is the pickpocket bob around. >> good morning, good morning. >> the national geographic show which airs on the national geographic channel, you went with a group of thieves. >> we infiltrated them and took two, thee years to build a certain amount of trust and actually letting them steal from me and that was the entry door to when they stole from me i could start a conversation and asked for the wallet back and i stole his watch and he said, hey, let's go over to the restaurant and have a meal and gradually over a six week period when allowed me to work inside in the group. >> and study them. >> exactly, get into their brains. >> and you went to italy. i'm fascinated by this. i have been pickpocketed many times in italy. >> in spite of me stealing from you, and the past-- >> when i was younger, including by a woman nursing a baby. so they're good. >> now why? because the baby is attention, they work under it. >> alisyn: yes. >> sometimes people think that he they throw the baby at you. that's not true, it's in a harness, but you get, you know, nervous. >> you have great tips for the holidays and time square walking around, crowd, crowd. this time of thor the year. >> clayton: you stay don't put cash in your front pocket, one of the first tips why? >> because roll scratch is the easiest thing to get in and lift. because it's not so bulging they look for the print of the money. a thief is targeting you, three groups, the sloppy sneak thief and waits for an opportunity and see it in a coffee shop. and sometimes they could have something as simple as-- >> they don't have to be close to you, get something even if they're further away with this. this is interesting, pretend we're shopping. >> you're leaning over. >> i have my thursday with he me and i do keep it open for easy access for myself not for thieves. so, okay, we're shopping and we're. >> and sort of come in, as your he leaning over here, it's sort of just come in like that. >> sir. >> can i have that there? oh, that, the is that the right price, where they can lone in and, in this case i'm bare handed. most of the time they have something large chts-- >> he's got my-- >> and heth ear he note going to go otherwise. >> in the man's case, and they want to look for the pockets and the flam here and not going to lift at first, the four corners, the print of the money. if you turn around and say excuse me, some little excuse, you have to be nearby to get in. >> he got your smart phone, did you feel that. >> no. so, it has to be a little brush. and that's amazing because we're so distracted by other things, bags hitting bags and not thinking that a brush can-- >> what do you want moore, you want the bargain, and that's going to occupy you. >> sometimes. >> you say carey some money you can afford to move. >> i love that, actually, a little rule. it applies when you're off in a now area, when you leave your hometown, let's assume a trip to the europe. seven o'clock in the evening it's a little dark. and the day was perfect. some guy shoves you up against the wall and say, hey, give me your money, you've got to in a situation, satisfy that young hopped up drug guy. >> alisyn: oh. >> so you give them, five, six euros, ten just to satisfy you. >> they don't know you've got the big money hidden. >> alisyn: and be on guard, they target jolly people. >> absolutely. simple, simple advice these things, when you travel outside your home city. >> alisyn: don't always carry one of things. >> if you have this kind of thing with a loop and the belt goes through they can't grab it, a simple thing to get in like that. >> alisyn: fascinating apologies and special on nat geo and put it in there and put it on and can't get it. >> over like this, under the shirt. piece of cake, nobody's going to be able to get into that. >> 'cause he knows. >> alisyn: i know, well-- >> that's great. thank you very much. >> alisyn: i shudder to think what you have of mine. >> well, wasn't it part that i could keep a few things. >> he got your daytimer he can take care of some of your tasks. >> bob around, the special is the pickpocket king on national geographic channel. >> alisyn: thank you. >> may i have your wallet back. >> best to leave your wallet upstairs when bob is here. forced to leave their home because they were told they didn't pay the mortgage. turns out the bank was mistaken. want to climb the corporate ladder. what most people who get ahead have in common. here is the the hint. you can't be shy. ♪ congratulations. congratulations. congralations. today, the city of charlotte can use verizon technology to inspire binesses to conserve energy and monitor costs. making 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huckabee thought that everybody would engage or most of the candidates would engage because they know that trump gets good ratings ap don't want to be targeted by donald trump to say you're a chicken for not coming. >> we've had youtube debates and frosty the snowman got to ask questions of the candidates. >> dave: didn't see that. >> clayton: in 2008? this was part of the national discourse, is that beneath the dignity of the office, a billionaire, arguably a larger voice for business leaders. >> dave: as he said, a ratings machine and how he fired back to ron paul. ron paul has zero chance of winning the nomination or presidency and my poll numbers were higher than hess poll numbers at anytime. make him a clown-like candidate and i'm glad that he and john huntsman who has incon kwengs poll numbers or chance of winning the debate will not be attending the debate and wasting the time of viewers who are trying very hard to make a very important decision. he will appear on "fox & friends" tomorrow morning and plenty to talk to the donald about. >> clayton: inconsequential poll numbers, not-- in new hampshire lately and in second place in iowa 18%, who is in third place, mitt romney. >> alisyn: let's talk about a study i think is apro pro about everything we've been talking about, including donald trump right now. columbia business school did a study how men's overconfidence, their inflated sense of themselves, lead them to get promoted. in other words. >> clayton: over women. >> alisyn: over women. so, columbia business school did this task, they separated these parties into two groups. >> clayton: right. >> alisyn: and basically, they asked, they give them a test and then ask the men to report how they did on the test. men exaggerated their performance on the test by 30%. and now, women did it as well, but only by half as much, 15%. >> clayton: so the question, does this lead to success and what does it mean to be confident. yesterday we were reminded this have newt gingrich's comments about being the nominee, overconfidence? >> i will be the nominee. it's very hard not to look at recent polls that the odds are very high i'm going to be the nominee. and by the way, i don't object if people want to attack me, that's their right. all i'm suggesting it's not going to be very effective. people are going to get sick of it very fast. >> alisyn: and even when michele bachmann was at the top of the polls in iowa, you could hear her say, i'm going to be the nominee, women have a different style. >> clayton: donald trump saying i'm a ratings-- >> donald trump probably fits that category and protesters at columbia university, study it time and time again, it pays off to overrepresent their abilities. guys are used to doing that. >> clayton: a lot of overcompensating. >> dave: and in the board room they're overstating possibilities (laughter) >> yeah. >> clayton: it's long ingrained, it's in our genes going that way, even on the playground. >> dave: on the playground, yes. >> alisyn: but of course, you're rewarded for it and you do get more promotions. >> dave: yes, make more money. >> clayton: add this to the study a few months ago, show that those who are mean in the office get ahead more often than those who are not. >> dave: i don't know, i would never say you overstate your -- i mean, in terms of philosophy, their intellect. i think i tend to underestimate a lot of things and so do you. i would think that this one-- >> maybe that's our humble way of our overconfidence. >> alisyn: you guys are self-deprecating and charming, i like that about you. and let us know how you feel on ff weekend on twitter. >> clayton: don't overcompensate. >> alisyn: let's get to the headlines, shall we. a second round of intense santa ana winds moving into california today. people there still dealing with the aftermath of wednesday's wind storm, gusts up po 123 miles per hour, leaving the state littered with downed trees and power lines, right now, nearly 100,000 homes and businesses are still without power. officials also on the lookout for wildfires as the dry and gusty conditions continue. talk about a hero, a ten-year-old wisconsin girl credited with saving her mom's life after she collapsed during an asthma attack. natty said that she learned how to perform cpr from the tv show grey's anatomy. >> and then i was pushing on her heart, and lungs. >> if i was oxygen deprived for four minutes, even if they did raise me back up, who was to say what kind of brain function i've had at that point. >> doctors said if it weren't for mattie, her mom might not have survived. watching television is good. >> exactly. >> alisyn: call him jolly st. nixed, santa claus getting the heave ho, ho, ho. i guess i can do it every day. >> clayton: your ate environmental comedian, you like to recycle. >> alisyn: he's ho, ho, ho from classrooms, becauses' distracting and cards and gifts because they might contain religious undertones and parents are not happy. the driver that brought me said he's an atheists and even atheists love santa claus and it's nonsense, i guess, we're going to hurt the kids by stopping santa claus. >> alisyn: says that students are more than welcome to celebrate during lunch time or before classes. file this under terrible ideas. a georgia man in some very hot water this morning after taking an ambulance, oh, and an entire crew for a late night joyride. 26 year old jordan moore reportedly hopped behind the wheel while emt's were treating his drunken friend in the back. police say he hit a pedestrian on a sidewalk, and before finally pulling over. we've all done this. >> alisyn: the pedestrian is okay, moore is facing a laundry list of criminal charges, as has clayton in the past. >> yeah. >> alisyn: that's using your brain, folks. what a night in sports it was. a possible shift from the bcs title game. oklahoma state took on rival oklahoma, it was not bedlam until after the game. during it not so much. 27-3 already. and when oklahoma state picks up the landry jones fumble. and returned it to the house. this game all pokes, we don't need to show you much except the final score, 44-10, congratulations the big 12 champs, however, they will likely not get that shot at lsu. that probably goes to lsu. afterwards. there's the chaos and injured two critically in stillwater, come on, people. in the big ten, michigan state and wisconsin playing off for a trip to the rose bowl. it was a thriller. third quarter cousins and cunningham. 36-28. wisconsin down 39-34. ball, four touchdowns, 42-39. under two minutes left. wisconsin has to punt, but look at this. you got it, running into the kicker called on michigan state. wisconsin keeps the ball, and they are smelling roses against the oregon ducks, 42-39. and clemson a big win in the acc title game and southern miss over undefeated houston in the conference usa. >> clayton: and check in with rick reichmuth, hi, rick. >> another cool morning across parts of the northeast, east coast looking good again. take a look at the temps out there. 51 in chicago, 18 in boulder, so, all the cold air is across parts of the rockies and going to say that way for the next couple of days, and look at the satellite radar picture, heavy rain across areas of texas today, we'll need it, take it, it's great. a little too heavy across parts of arkansas within the next couple of days and that means some flooding concerns there and this storm kind of gets stuck right there and we'll see consistent showers around the same areas for much of today and tomorrow, before it begins to pull off towards the east. let's take a look at the forecast for today though, the northeast you're looking absolutely beautiful, a very sunny day, temps are going to warm up quite a bit from where you were yesterday. warmer for everyone. lots of sunshine, down across the southeast and a nice day, cooler in towards atlanta getting wedged in there with some cooler air and the rain will move in all day across parts of the lower mississippi river and a threat for flooding. all right, guys, back to you inside. >> alisyn: all right, rick, thanks for the update. >> clayton: coming up on the show capitalism is at risk. business leaders and ceo's could take lessons out of the nfl play books, and we'll get to the bottom that have. >> alisyn: charlie sheen's ex-wife in as spend, were brook mueller is in trouble. quite a couple. ♪ ing frequent heartburn. 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>> well, unlike in the nfl, where coaches and quarterbacks are not allowed to play in the expectations game at all if they bet on football they get kicked out for life. in capitalism, the quarterbacks, the ceo's, actually are forced to play in the expectations game. they get big stock-based compensation and they have to pay attention to the moral equivalent of the points spread, which is the stock price, and so, rather than focusing on the real game. which is what the nfl wants, wants the quarterbacks to think about winning the real game. >> win or loss not point spread. >> not getting the point spread, the ceo's actually are incented to beat the points spread and that's the behavior. >> once beat by a big mar gain. jack welch, on the face of shareholder value it's dumbest in the world. it's a result not a strategy. and your main constituents are your customers, employees, products, managers and investors should not set share price increases at their overarching goal, a man who made hundreds of millions of dollars this way and said it's majorly flawed. what's the solution? >> the solution is to get away from incentives based on the stock price, so giving people stock and stock options and ceo's those things encourages them to focus on the expectations market and focus on shareholder value which i agree with jack welch. >> and should they use? >> they should use real measures, any real measure that's important to the company, like increase in market share, increase in return on net assets, increase in customer loyalty. increase in employee satisfaction. and all of those have to do with winning the real game. they would be the moral equivalent of giving a-- a ceo or a quarterback incentive to win more games. and that's what you want to have the incentives based on, not the expectations market. >> i love it, you made it make sense for a sports fan like me and you said prokt and gamble and apple are good companies that already do this and they've figured some things out. roger martin, thanks for being here, the book is fixing the game, it's interesting, check it out. coming up, he asks some tough questions of the republican candidates at last night's governor huckabee presidential forum. virginia attorney general, ken cuccinelli coming up. and a family loses their home after a bank's mistake, and now they're left holding a home in shambles. that story coming up. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if cialis for daily use is right for you. for a 30-tablet free trial offer, go to >> listen to this story. they were forced from their home after bank of america says they missed a payment on their home. bank of america admits they made a mistake on that. and when they returned with their home with eight children in wisconsin, they returned to this, complete disrepair. nice to see you, thanks for joining us. >> you're welcome. >> good morning. >> alisyn: so, we know a little bit of the story of course, as you received this letter, continued though to make your payments and never miss add payment. you moved into a rental property and once bank of america acknowledged their error, you guys come back home and how did you find your home when you returned to it? >> well, the home was completely trashed. bank of america had hired a reese store ration company, which had failed to do their job, so the basement had completely flooded with water. >> about eight feet of water in the basement. >> clayton: eight feet of water in the basement. >> eight feet of water in the basement. there was mold up all the way to the ceiling in some of the rooms. actually, the boards of the floor, it kind of looked like hills and valleys, because the-- what had become saturated and the water had gotten so high it went through the basement through the first floor and was actually standing water on the carpet. and so, the food had actually bowed up into a tee pee formation and hills and valleys and boards pushed up through the carpet throughout the house. >> clayton: play a little sound of bank of america, talking about the error, take a listen. >> this was our error, clearly. we recognize the extraordinary and unfortunate difficulty that this-- this is caused for the kings and we're commit today make this right. >> clayton: so they have acknowledged the error that you never actually missed a payment should have never had to left the home in the first place. saying they'll make it right and what have you heard from them and have they made it right. >> no, they've not make it go right, and what they said with the word you keep saying, we're going to clean it up. we're going to clean it up, restore it, and move you back in. and i asked, sounds like you want to just drain the water from the basement, clean it, maybe put some new paint on and move us back in and i actually said, well, yes, what are you expecting, our experts are thinking that it's livable and i have three different contractors, two of which are nationally accredited companies, that are saying, it is beyond livable and the winnebago county health inspector has gone on record and issued three pages that i submitted to bank of america stating that this house is not fit to be lived in. >> clayton: shaun what do you want to have happen next with bank of america given what you wife just said. >> we just, really want our house back, we want our life back. we want some normalcy restored to our family. >> clayton: we hope with the millions of folks watching and bank of america paying attention, hopefully, this will start that process. shaun and christina king, especially for the moildz coming up. make this right, guys, thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. >> thank you for having us. >> thank you. >> clayton: coming up on the show, police move in on portland after occupiers are refusing to leave their tents. the latest arrests in the occupying movement and an emergency landing put a plane on a busy highway. what went wrong, details at the the top of the hour. how do you know which ones to follow? the equity summary score consolidates the ratings up to 10 independent research providers into a single score that's weighted based on how accurate they've been in the past. i'm howard spielberg of fidelity investments. the equity summary score is one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. get 200 free trades today and explore your next investing idea. >> good morning, sunday december 4th. i'm alisyn camerota. a celebration turns into catastrophe. fans rush the field. now, two people are in critical condition this morning. >> and then there were seven, herman cain, halting his presidential campaign. >> with a lot of prayer and soul searching, i am suspending my presidential campai campaign. >> so what does this mean for the rest of the g.o.p. field and which condition really benefits here. >> is it just boys being boys or much more than this. a nine-year-old boy suspended from school for telling his friends that their teacher was quote, cute. did the school go too far? the legal debate is straight ahead. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. ♪ >> welcome back everybody, thanks so much for joining us, it was a big cliff hanger, yesterday morning, that we left you with as to what herman cain would say in this announcement. a significant numbers, so many people thought he was going to say we're redoubling our efforts, we're staying in the race, there were all sorts of tea leaves that pointed to that. a new website, a new office opening. >> dave: yeah, even there at the scene of the speech. it was a cliff hanger, as alisyn says, because it was very festive. they were selling t-shirts, there was barbecue, there was entertainment and it was a very festive atmosphere for a man who was stepping out, who was postponing, suspending his campaign. and here is herman cain. >> i know that many of you are disappointed. i understand that. i know that many of you all are disappointed and i certainly understand that. and i am disappointed that it came to this point. that we had to make this decision. one of the reasons that i ran for president of the united states was such that i could change washington d.c. from the inside. and plan b, is that we're going to have to change it from the outside. >> so, what will those supporters do now, and newt gingrich was asked yesterday by a number of reporters, when he was at a staten island event yesterday exactly what he thought of herman cain's departure and he jumped on twitter and said this, i'm proud to know herman cain and consider him a friend and i know he'll continue to be a powerful voice for years to come. and of course, a lot of people pointing to the fact that he may pick up some of the supporters now, who will herman cain though endorse, that's a big question, and whether or not that candidate will want that endorsement or want the supporters. >> he says he's going to stay involved in policy through a new website, cain where he'll continue to hopefully, he says, be part of the dialog. >> his parting words quoted pokemon the movie, i can't make that up. the joining us now the attorney general ken cuccinelli, one attorneys general who were able to question. >> good to see you. >> dave: we hadn't seen it before. there was no interaction between the candidates and no fighting, no gotcha moments. who impressed you and why. >> i thought the level of discussion was high. all six of them stuck to the rules of no mentioning or attacking your opponents, competitors as we think of it in the republican side, competitors, and they stuck to that and it did raise the level of the discussion, we stayed on issues, and we went pretty keep on some of the issues. >> dave: certainly did. >> with 11 straight minutes with the candidates. >> dave: equal time. >> clayton: and among some of those discussions during that candidate forum, here is a sampling of highlights, we'll play that for you. >> nothing wrong with the president actually being a leader of the country and that's different than saying in the the federal government, we'll administer it and the federal government will support the rules. >> i support an amendment to ban abortion or stand up for the right to life. that intimately involves the state. the patriot act, if it would have been called the repeal of the fourth amendment, it wouldn't have passed. >> you said if elected you you'd issue an order to block implementation of the federal health care law. >> the executive order, obviously, gives you that authority that states should be putting in place right to work laws to allow the people of their states to participate in the work force without having to join a union. >> there you go, ken, that was your whole night last night in 40 seconds. i want to ask you though about one question that specifically stood out to me which was about newt gingrich. >> yeah. >> clayton: one of the things you said were you looking for, which candidate or do all of the the candidates support smaller government. >> right. >> clayton: newt gingrich left you wanting more, why? >> well, i followed up with him a couple of times, giving him an opportunity to give me confidence that all of his nonconservative ideas and positions over the years, and there are plenty of them, aren't going to come out of this administration. what's the filter going to be in place. attila the hun your choof ief o staff, how are you going to stop that and he gave me this generic basically trust me answer. >> dave: are you satisfied? >> no, absolutely not. >> dave: you're not satisfied that he is a small government conservative. >> no, i'm not. i think he's in a position as we close in on iowa, yesterday was a month from iowa, as we get closer, he's in a position to close the deal if he can give conservatives limited government conservatives, let's define it. >> dave: right. >> real confidence that he's not going be to be another compassionate conservatives, government conservative. >> alisyn: did you hear from his staff that they were displeased. >> i heard from his i'll call them high level virginia supporters pretty quick. pretty tough on my guy and you were soft on romney. >> i don't think i was soft on romney, might have gone more smoothly romney you're in a debate with president obama and he's going to say we modeled our health care on yours and prepared answer. there was this much distance between him and the president if you're a grass roots republican and that's a major issue firing you up, what does that do for you? i think i really think if you look in that context, romney hurt himself with that answer didn't help himself. >> dave: ultimately for you, an attorney general, does the future of obama care depend solely on the supreme court ruling that will help during election season. >> absolutely not. and can never solely depend on that. we have to trust in checks and balances. we will lose that case. >> dave: the fight will go on. >> you bet it will. >> alisyn: and following up on your answer, the answer that rick perry gave on the executive order, you, i think, pose today him what would you do it about it. he said i would sign an executive order quashing obama care, were you satisfied with that answer. >> legally, that was wrong. that authority does not exist to the extent he was talking about it last night. having said that, well, i think he was substantively incorrect, he backed off a little bit in terms of how far he would go with it that was good and i think of all i've seen of rick prry in the nationally televised forums and debate. i think last night was his best performance. >> clayton: i think a lot of people are saying that about the support of the 10th amendment. >> he stuck to it. michele bachmann deviated on the medical malpractice question, very interesting. >> clayton: comment on something else that happened. newt's position of his appearance with nancy pelosi, and we'll play this sound bite. >> i was trying to make a case with conservative environmentalism i'm for environmental solutions agency to replace the epa. it was largely done because frankly, she became so radioactive that was impossible for any conservative to be in the same set. and not have everybody go, that's crazy. >> clayton: we should predicate this by saying your question to him was, appearing with nancy pelosi, you have said, mr. speaker, that it was the dumbest thing you've done. was that a dumb policy decision or dumb politics? were you indicated with his answer. >> well, he didn't answer that question, let's be clear about that. >> dave: what do you read from his answer? >> what you just played and it struck me, when he said it, was, we're not getting anywhere here, we're not getting anywhere here, what did he say substantively? i didn't hear anything, he mushed up the subject matter he was sitting there with nancy pelosi discussing. you never get in a position where you are arm in arm with nancy pelosi on an environmental issue unless you have some level of agreement and he suggested last night no, no, i was with her because i want us all to be seen republicans as being good on the environment, but i don't agree with her on anything, i'm sorry, that doesn't pass. >> dave: who on that stage best represents your conservative values? >> we've got 11 more months to the presidential, but you know, we're closing in on the primary votes and i still think, especially with the departure of herman cain who had the only transformational proposal in the entire race, 9-9-9 and he didn't even appreciate why, peggy noon and month or two, most surprised person about the rise of herman cain. >> was herman cain. >> i'm not sure he thought he would be in the top tier, but that kind of transformational proposal, got special interesting and opportunity and optimism for growth for americans, is still something i'm looking for out of this field. rick perry said i'll do part, flat taxing, but we'll leave the rest of it. that's not transformational. there's opportunity, even in the next month, i think, for these candidates to flesh out their positions in ways that make them unique and special and somebody that conservatives in particular could get behind. >> clayton: ken had a late night last night, but you never know it. >> alisyn: you're on. >> clayton: fired up. >> dave: excellent job. >> clayton: great discussion last night. ken cuccinelli virginia attorney general. nice to see you this morning. >> absolutely, thank you. >> alisyn: let's get the rest of your headlines more than just politics to talk about, including a horrible story. a football game ends with fans getting trampled and sent to the hospital. 13 people are hurt after fans rushed the field to celebrate oklahoma state beating oklahoma last night. and two were critically hurt and airlifted to hospitals in oklahoma city. one person reportedly fell 15 feet on to some concrete and fans were climbing the goal posts which were torn down and some people suffered leg fractures and sprained ankles and 45 minutes for authorities to clear the field. another death linked to the occupy wall street movement. a protesters reportedly found dead at a camp site at university of north texas campus. not year how he died. and portland oregon, police arrest nearly two dozen occupy protesters who refused to take their tents down. after the park wag cleared. one of them setting up a tent on top of a two story building. occupiers in denver, briefing nearly a foot of snow, they say they plan to keep their tents up through winter. and president obama handling former president teddy roosevelt today, he's scheduled-- i'm sorry, tuesday, about the economy in asawa-- i need to be warned. the same city where roosevelt delivered his famous speech more than a hundred years ago, calling for a new nationalism. the current president is expect today make the case and the middle class is facing a make or break moment. and this, brook mueller, better known as charlie sheen's ex-wife, on again, off again, she was busted by cops in aspen on assault and cocaine possession charges and mueller has been in and out of rehab, most recently completing a program in mexico. she and sheen have twin boys and those are your headlines. >> clayton: thank you, alisyn. >> alisyn: you're welcome. >> clayton: we all just want to get away. should the president be taking a vacation while congress still has to battle it out over taxes and unemployment benefits? it's the age old debate about presidential vacations. >> dave: isn't it, clayton? and we'll talk about that with steve hays from the weekly standard. she's nearly 85 years old and uses a walker, but the tsa thought that due to security threats, your tweets, your e-mails, have been pouring in on this story. we'll read them coming up. ♪ why settle for a one-note cereal? ♪ more, more, more... get more with honey bunches of oats 4 nutritious grains come together for more taste, more healthy satisfaction. get more with honey bunches of oats. 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[ female announcer ] the travelocity guarantee. from the price to the room to the trip you'll never roam alone. >> welcome back, folks, herman cain suspending his campaign for the presidency yesterday. >> alisyn: so what impact will herman cain have had on the 2012 race. joining us is the columnist for the weekly standard and fox news contributor steven hayes in miami this morning, looking good. >> dave: we can all relax. >> alisyn: so, steven, start with that question, what impact has herman cain had? you just heard ken cuccinelli saying that he was the person with the boldest idea of 9-9-9. >> i agree with him. i mean, you know, it's fascinating to me it took the republican field as long as it did to come one a real tax reform plan and to have a debate about reforming the irs. i mean, this is something that should be be sort of bread and butter of republican politicians particularly in a primary at a time like this, and yet, nobody did that until herman cain came forward with his 9-9-9 plan and i think he deserves a tremendous amount of credit for bringing that up in the race, making an issue and even while i think that, you know, that was a plan that needed some tweaks, i liked the fact that it ended with consumption tax and there's no question that other candidates raced out to get proposals in front of the american people and primary voters in part because herman cain had done so first and did so in a bold and as ken kuch chelly said, a transitional way. >> dave: you're not convinced that herman cain was running for the white house, doing it for other reasons, like what? >> i think he was doing it for a number of reasons, i don't doubt the guy's sincerity on the policy issues, talking about it on the radio show and a good case for tax reform plan like 9-9-9 and a case for the campaign and somebody who wanted to get in the race and raise his profile a little bit and maybe sell some books, as he did. he we saw him on the campaign trail and most of the politicians would have been campaigning in early sites and signing books in places like tennessee and texas and i think he want today do this to raise his profile and to come out on the other end with more americans knowing who herman cain was and obviously succeeded in that and look, i think, again, to go back to the conversation you had with ken cuccinelli and referred to a peggy noonen column about herman cain being surprised. that's true, i talked to herman cain about this when we had him op special report and i said, you know, nobody's more surprised than you are na you're leading these polls, aren't you? he said, well you got that right. i think that's right, he was surprised. >> alisyn: let's talk about president obama, he's just announced a seven day-- 17 day vacation, he and his family are heading to hawaii his birthplace, over the christmas vacation. 17 days sounds to some people like a lot, but let's face it, the president is always tethered to his blackberry and his staff. is it a problem that he'll be away from the white house? >> you know, i don't think it's a problem on substance. he's traveled on air force one, or you've been up close with the president or vice-president as they are quote unquote on vacation, you understand they're always on the job, it's not the case that presidents really take much time off and the white house communications and technology staff take an entire basically city's worth of equipment so that they can have the secure video conferences with leaders around the world, with people back in washington so there's not a lot of time off. it's not like he's sitting on the beach for 17 days drinking mai tais. on the other hand the message sends to the white house, this is a president that says he's going to keep congress in washington because there's so much hard work to be done. and he's going away for 17 days. the average american, why semi president taking 17 days off we've got unemployment still at nearly 9%. >> dave:'s going to want at that payroll tax cut passed. i know that. newt gingrich's lead is sustainable and some suspect he's his own worst enemy. >> both things are true. it's sustainable. newt has to be careful not to do the kind of things that get him in trouble. i don't suspect to they'll be making tv ads with nancy pelosi or hillary clinton's health care is the right way to go. if he can stay discipline, i think there's tremendous amount of support for newt gingrich and a candidate talking in the bold way he has been about the kinds of solutions, out in the country and he's underappreciated by people in washington. >> alisyn: steven hayes and take a dip in the ocean behind you in miami. thanks so much for making time for us as well. >> dave: congratulations to badgers, i know you're psyched with the rose bowl berth. >> big ten champs. >> dave: and what causes women to do immoral things? that's what saudi arabian religious counsel is saying. and how that cultural struggle affects the u.s. >> alisyn: and this is a pretty nice ad for someone on welfare. how come your tax dollars are faying for this mansion. ♪ we're america's natural gas and here's what we did today: supported nearly 3 million steady jobs across our country... ... scientists, technicians, engineers, machinists... ... adding nearly 400 billion dollars to our economy... we're at work providing power to almost a quarter of our homes and businesses... ... and giving us cleaner rides to work and school... and tomorrow, we could do even more. cleaner, domestic, abundant and creating jobs now. we're america's natural gas. the smarter power, today. learn more at >> does letting women drive cars lead to infidelity and moral decay. the highest religious council claims that letting women drive will lead to moral decline. a woman was sentence today ten lashes after being caught driving. a middle east expert joins us now. good morning, lisa. >> good morning. >> alisyn: basically this scientific report, as it's called, says that allowing women to drive will lead to infidelity, pornography, and moral decay. how can saudi arabia be the country that we here in america see as the most western of the middle eastern countries? >> well, we see it as western because the king, king abdullah is actually known as a reformist, but, what's really apparent here is that the people that surround him, his constituency are the hardline, the hardline religious faction and the ones that the fear on ban on women driving overturned and reap this report and served it to the council, which is legislative council, to prevent the king from giving women more rights. because recently he announced that women, as of 2015, will have the right to vote. so, currently women don't vote and saudi arabia they don't drive, and they're required to only be seen in public with a male guardian and usually a brother, or a father, it's a patriarchal society and tribal traditions dictate how women are treated. and the religious hardliners don't want these customs to be overturned. >> alisyn: i mean, of course, you have a conflicted relationship, or complicated i should say with saudi arabia, but we see them as an ally. how does this ruling that keeps women so suppressed. how will it affect the relationship with the united states? >> of course, there have been campaigns and it's very much demonstrating the clash between the east and the west. and it's also, you know, putting a strain on the king and putting a strain between him and his own faction. s this the infighting that we've seen in a lot of theocratic societies right now where we have a reformist politician who might want to make certain changes and give the people more rights, but that his constituents and people he relies on in order to stay in power won't allow him to do so. so, putting the king in a hard position is putting those who want to make reforms and make in a progressive changes in society, it's putting a big strain on them and you know, the pressure, obviously, has caused the king to, you know, look over a lot of the different laws and try to make some changes. but when he sees that his biggest factions on the people he relies on are putting pressure on him. >> alisyn: we don't have time, but what is life like for women there. >> again it's a patriarchical owe site that male dominate and the men walk in front of the women and women walk behind them and women have to be again, escorted, where the fathers and the sons, you know, have the final say in familiaral live and about 20% of saudi arabian women work, again, they can't drive at this point, they're the only country in the world that has a ban on women driving. so, they're obviously, they have much to catch up on the women's rights. >> alisyn: right. >> but you know. >> alisyn: you know, i mean, you painted quite a picture for us. it's almost 2012 and they're the only country in the world that still won't let women drive. we appreciate your expertise, always. >> it's a pleasure. >> alisyn: herman cain's campaign is over as of yesterday. so where does that leave the republican party for 2012? chris wallace is here to weigh in on all of that next. plus, does this grandma looks like a security threat to you? well, the tsa thought she was. so they took her into a special room and they strip searched her. your e-mails and tweets on that next. boyfriend and i were going on vacation, so i used my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates. 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[ timer dings ] got to go. priority mail fla rate shipping at a simpler way to ship. ♪ >> welcome back everybody, you may have heard that the tsa is a bit overreaching these days. searching the little kids, the old grandmas and often missing the terrorists. >> alisyn: exhibit a. >> groping. >> alisyn: and exhibit a, she's 84 years old, well, she is in a wheelchair and she didn't want to go through that back scatter machine she thought it would interfere with her defibrillator and asked to be wheeled around it and instead tsa took her into one of the back rooms and for the next 11 minutes, she says, that she was put through the wringer. she says that she was strip searched, she was humiliated. she had a walker that fell on her leg, which is why you see her with the bandage and she says that it caused a gash. she was bloodied. why? why is tsa focusing on 84-year-old lenore zimmerman? >> let's hear from her. she says it was outrageous. here is lenore. >> i weigh 103 pounds, i'm going to be 85 in february 1st. so i'm your typical terrorist, right? in my wildest dream i couldn't picture such a thing. i mean, who can imagine that such a thing can happen. mortified. i mean, outraged. >> of course the other side of the story what the tsa is saying. while we regret that the passenger feels that she had an unpleasant screening experience, tsa does not include strip searches as part of our security protocols and one was not conducted in this case. . >> dave: i'm on to granny, i'm on to her act. she's playing an innocent 84-year-old grandma. >> alisyn: and see how sinister she is. >> dave: i see true it all. >> clayton: yeah, so we had a lot of tweets about it saying that the tsa needs to go through grandmother screening to figure-- >> training. >> clayton: yeah, grandmother training screening. >> alisyn: and it's beyond the humiliation she suffered. it's absurd because as we know, terrorists are boarding from other locations in europe. umar farouk abdulmutallab the underwear bomber, remember he was able to get on a plane after buying a one way ticket with no baggage and didn't have a passport? that, i would say, is probably where we should focus our attention not on lenore zimmerman. >> clayton: listen to kathy on twitter this morning, says a lady in grand rapids michigan airport was 80 years old had cancer, two mastectomies, flying escorted by a nurse with iv's running going to a relatives for end of life and yet, she was also scanned by the tsa. >> alisyn: this is why when we have the security expert were ellal airlines on and talked about profiling, it's worked for el-al, they do behavioral profiling and they don't pull over granny, they just don't. >> clayton: if you're suspicious of lenore, something hidden in her walker? we're going to get to the bottom of it. >> alisyn: let's get right to the headlines and tell you what else is happening, because there are new suspicions swirling around the father of the missing two-year-old bianka jones. double play say he failed a detector test. and jones' mother says she wants her daughter back. >> please, take her to a hospital, to a church, a drug store, anywhere, and just leave her somewhere safe where we can find her and bring her home. >> alisyn: yeah, of course, there's a $17,500 reward offered for information leading to her safe return. please call the authority if you have information. a small plane makes an emergency landing in the middle of a highway. it happened late last night in jacksonville, florida. the plane reportedly on the way from orlando when its engine start today fail. luckily, no one was hurt. how do you like this mansion? well, you're paying for it. federal officials say that the woman who lives in this 1.2 million dollar seattle home gets more than $1,000 in welfare each month. and that includes public housing vouchers, disability and food stamps from both the state and federal government. the scam reportedly going on more than eight years, before federal agencies were alert today it and raided the home this week. no word yet of what charges the woman might face. well. >> clayton: got the boat in dry dock. >> dave: and we've been telling you all morning herman cain officially ended his presidential bid. chances are you knew that. what impact did he have on the republican party. fox news sunday's anchor, chris wallace joins us this morning to digest some of these latest things, nice to see you this morning, chris. >> hi, guys. so, pretty interesting night last night. and actually overnight we saw the new poll come out of des moines, it's fascinating because at the time the poll came out. herman cain was still part of the numbering, according to the poll, but newt gingrich surging 25%, a month ago that was herman cain at 23% at the top of this thing. what do you make that have? >> well, even more interesting is because of the fact that herman cain was in trouble, they asked the des moines register asked voters if herman cain is out, who would you vote for? of that 8%, 3 points went to gingrich. one point each went to three other candidates and 2% went to undecided. so, gingrich's lead with cain out is even bigger, at least as of that poll coming out, but look, the real number in that is the fact that 71% of t the voters said they're uncommitted or could change their mind and just a month in iowa, this thing is up to for grabs. >> clayton: candidate undecided doing well. >> alisyn: and sioux city journal, mitt romney. through successful decisions through the public and private sector romney understands fiscal principles in a real world way and we do not question his conservative credentials, the issues is economics, national defense or social issues. do you think it gives him a bump in iowa. >> it doesn't hurt. i have questions, frankly how much other candidates and people are saying, what about cain endorsing one of his rivals and he says he will pretty soon. you've got this endorsement, you know, people, particularly caucus goers who are very committed, political people, they're getting out on a cold, wintery night in january and going to some church basement or high school gymnasium. i'm not sure they care much about what the sioux city or des moines register or new york times says, you've got the endorsement rather than not have it and they pointed out we don't question conservative credentials, but a lot of people are, that's got to be somewhat helpful. >> dave: one candidate who wanted to endorsement and needs something in iowa is michele bachmann and she is he' on your program. her survive depends on iowa. ask you about conrad and cow burn, we've got to get back to the tax cut. do you see a deal coming this week or as the president said christmas in washington for congress? >> this is interesting because the president wants this and the republicans, and a lot of them doubt whether or not extending the payroll tax cut has any stimulative affect and points out that you're continuing to weaken the finances of social security because you're lessening the amount of revenue going into the social security trust fund. but, having said that, the politics seem to be irresistible. do you go into an election year let a tax cut for the middle class lapse which is in effect a tax increase? interestingly enough, while the president and others are for it. majority voted against extngs of the tax cut when boehner present it had to the house this week and the house and republican caucus, a lot of objection to it so they've got selling to do to persuade republicans, the rank and file, to go along with it. i don't think this is going to be an easy sell. >> clayton: well, what is an easy sell is fox news sunday this morning. watch michele bachmann and plus the two congressmen you were talking about, as relates to the payroll tax cut and the coming battle there. chris wallace, anchor of fox news sunday, thank you, chris. >> that was one of the smoothest segues i've ever heard, very good. >> clayton: practicing all night. >> alisyn: and it's not brian doing it, i think that explains it jo thank y. >> dave: thank you, chris, have a good sunday. and bring in our friend rick reichmuth. >> good morning, we have lots of visitors, and you gave a generic go south. >> that's it, go south. i've never heard that, not alabama, go south. >> too many of us. >> there you go, go south. give your weather for the south in a minute. and what you're waking up with, warm across the mississippi river valley and the rain is headed toward that area and the cold front has not passed through. 43 in dallas not much higher than that. take a look at the storm we're dealing with, a slow moving storm, the same one that brought the wind across parts of southern california and lower mississippi river valley and stall out here for a couple of days and dealing with threat for flooding. take a look at the forecast for all of the country today. toward the northeast, the sun breaks through through the afternoon and temps nicer than yesterday, around 10 degrees warmer, across the south, here you go, go south. >> go south. >> go south. we've got a nice day, plenty of sunshine. rain is moving in slowly headed toward that direction, 72 in houston, 44 for a high in dallas and cold frond moved through. toward the north, snow across parts of nebraska and iowa and wisconsin and more snow toward the northern rockies and plains today. across the west, the next storm pulling in throughout the northern rockies will dive down into the southern rockies and see more snow tonight and tomorrow, and california you're going to be dealing with another santa ana wind event and deal with until the day on tuesday and after that calm down for a while. back to you inside. >> clayton: thanks, buddy. is it boys being boys or something more? a nine-year-old boy suspended from school for telling his friends that their teacher was quote, cute. did the school go too far? that legal debate. >> dave: what do you get for the woman who has everything? no ideas? there you go, stick around, we're showing off some stylish and comfortable, cozy gifts. >> clayton: a toga. >> alisyn: i see the gift i'd like from you guys. >> dave: good night, ali. >> alisyn: good night. ♪ vogue, let your body go with the flow, you know, you can do it ♪ ♪ more colorful. ♪ and putting all our helpers to work? so we can build on our favorite traditions by adding a few new ones. we've all got garlands and budgets to stretch. and this year, we can keep them both evergreen. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. can you smell those savings? fresh cut christmas trees are arriving weekly. so i took my heartburn pill and some antacids. we're having mexican tonight, so another pill then? if i get a snack now, pill now? skip the snack, pill later... late dinner, pill now? 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[ male announcer ] stop the madness of treating frequent heartburn. it's simple with prilosec otc. one pill a day. twenty-four hours. zero heartburn. prilosec otc is available at walmart's low prices. every day. every store. if something is simply the color of gold, at walmart's low prices. is it really worth more? we don't think so. chase sapphire preferred is a card of a different color. that's because you always get two times the points on travel, from taxis to trains, airfare to hotels, and all kinds of dining... from fast food to fine dining. and that's not all you get. there are expert advisors who answer immediately, whenever you call. and absolutely no foreign transaction fees. does your card do all that? apply today and earn 50,000 ultimate rewards bonus points when you spend $3,000 in the first 3 months. that's $625 toward your next trip when you redeem through ultimate rewards. so, why settle for gold when you can have so much more? chase sapphire preferred. a card of a different color. call the number on your screen or visit our website to apply. . >> clayton: wait until you see the next gifts. >> alisyn: today we tackle buying gifts for the woman who has everything. >> clayton: robin moreno, practically posh, joins us with ideas for stylish women. if i was going to shop for my wife, for alisyn camerota, what do i buy? >> everything that's posh and stylish, and practical. it's a tough economic season and want to make sure the dollars go far. for instance, we'll start with jeggings, and leggings and jeans, spandex from the gap. and because they're great for women of all sizes and animal print which is on trend. >> alisyn: are they good for women of all sizes you'll never catch me in tight, tight jeggings. >> what does it matter? they're hot. you could wear them. >> clayton: the guys in the studio. >> alisyn: and people who can wear them look fabulous in them. cozy gloves, tell us. >> accessories are great, you don't have to worry about sizing and armani. the ring cocktail, very on trend and then has a locket like a james bond thing going on. >> alisyn: i can keep something. >> clayton: you want to watch stylish when you're travelling and don't want to wear the track suit and i don't now how to pronounce this. >> koomi cocoon. >> why carry a head pillow, this is satin, who needs the airplane-- this gorgeous one. >> alisyn: gorgeous. >> comes in a pouch. >> nice. >> it's one of the gifts you'd never think to buy for yourself and use all the time. >> alisyn: now, here is some lingerie. >> clayton: allow me to hold this. >> alisyn: model it for us. >> alisyn, you wear track suits, not all the time. this is a gift that keeps giving because if you use your american express to buy this they will he' give you a free gift a promotion called the gift chain, you use your american express and where you can get this and they'll give you an e-mail and surprise gift. >> alisyn: yeah, why not. >> i've seen this before and i'm a fan. >> this is amazing, 3m, it's a pocket projector, what you do, you upload your videos, and plays pictures and stuff like that and basically take it with you and make it work here. and it's a projector, too, show videos and pictures. >> clayton: on the wall. >> on the wall, exactly and use it as work or play and then so small and goes into your pocket. so stylish. >> alisyn: my favorite part. >> clayton: ali was holding this. >> alisyn: this cozy robe. >> clayton: always cold. >> that's cute because it's purple and luxurious and it's has a fun alligator there. >> alisyn: we love that. >> and again it's one of the things you wear the natty, ratty old robe. >> alisyn: you've been to my house. >> clayton: robin, we'll have more in the next hour and ones we didn't get to. guys need help buying for ladies. >> alisyn: and you look gorgeous. thank you. >> clayton: dave, did you take some notes. >> dave: i did. and get excited when they said pocket projector. it's pocket projector, not protector. >> clayton: where i keep my pens. >> dave: coming up big boy, this is unreal. a nine-year-old suspended from school for telling his friend their teacher was quote, cute. is the boy out of line or did the school go too far? the legal debate is next. after being exposed for insider trading, lawmakers are now trying right their own wrongs, only in washington, right, folks? the author who broke the story joins us coming up. ♪ when your chain of supply goes from here to shanghai, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ chips from here, boards from there track it all through the air, that's logistics. ♪ ♪ clearing customs like that hurry up no time flat that's logistics. ♪ ♪ all new technology ups brings to me, that's logistics. ♪ >> a boston first grader investigated for sexual harassment after he punched another kid in the groin during a fight on the school bus. a north carolina nine-year-old suspended from school for telling his friend, he thought his teacher was quote, cute. something the school says is sexual harassment. are america's schools going too far or do the punishments fit the crime? for a fair and balanced legal debate we're joined by the ed mcmahon of studio b and faith jake and celebrating an lsu win last night. >> oh. >> dave: number one, headed to the bcs title game. you have a tough task this morning, faith, defending, first, the school who investigates the kid for sexual harassment for punching near kid in the groin. they were fighting. >> the schools are saying that sexual harassment includes inappropriate touching so it may not be the definition of sexual harassment that most people think of when they hear the term. when the student is punched in the groin area, i think the school doing the right thing by inquiring further. you know, this is escalating this, not just punching a kid in the face or in the mouth, but actually in a private area. and i think that there is also a little bit of a double standard. it has to be in this case, because if the seven-year-old punched a girl in the private area, would people be so outraged about the school investigating and looking further into it. >> no, it's entirely-- >> i don't think so. >> --' be a bye hitting a girl. >> still, in the private area though, so-- >> and if it's a boy in that area, that the girl doesn't have that it really hurts the boy a lot when you hit in the area. >> dave: stay away from the-- legally? >> this is crazy, legally, common sense-wise, you're talking about first graders, second graders, this is ridiculous. the kid who did the kicking was getting beat up and used that as the male's ultimate form of self-defense. >> that's what his mom says. they're investigating. >> i don't think that a scintilla of evidence that there was anything sexual about when the kid kicked the other kid in the groin. >> dave: was there anything sexual about a nine-year-old saying to his buddy that a substitute teacher was cute? this child suspended for two days? >> well, now, the school has not-- wait, the school has not said anything about the details of this incident. they've said that this student was suspended after inappropriate behavior and inappropriate comments. the student's mom, is saying all my son said that the teacher was cute. she's not being candid. i think there's more to the story. >> dave: if the school is going to be more forthright if they're going to label-- >> the school should be more forthright. i don't know what we're supposed to do in the society, everyone is supposed to be asexual? and they were cute, my first and second great teacher. there's nothing wrong with saying my teacher is cute. if you say, well, i'd like to do this with her and-- >> it's not to the teacher, it's to a friend. >> it's crazy. that kid has a first amendment right and he does, he's allowed to say that. the supreme court ruled on that. a lot of the high school cases you're allowed-- students have certain rights to say what they feel. the teacher is cute. >> dave: he's only nine. >> he's only nine, that's not what happened. i'm convinced there's more to story. i don't think there's a school in america that they'd suspend a student. >> i have to agree. defies common sense. >> we have to err on the side of the school's applying the policies. >> miss marylou was my tap dance teacher, gorgeous, looked like barbara eden i said a lot worse than she is he' cute. and i can do a soft shoe. >> dave: you had some cute teachers. you know what, maybe we should get to north carolina school, brook side elementary and maybe come on the show on monday. that's an invitation, ed mcmahon thank you. and faith jenkins, thank you as well. and to lsu, appreciate you both being here. coming up an unbelievable find at the bottom of a river in germany, a bomb the size of a truck. this morning, the army evacuating an entire neighborhood over a war relic, plus, what's christmas without jolly old st. nick? kids in one school district may find out. there's a santa ban inside the classroom and we'll hear from outraged parents coming up. outraged parents coming up. ♪ captioned by closed captioning services, inc. >> alisyn: good morning, sunday, december 4th, i'm alisyn camerota and then there were 7, g.o.p. presidential candidate herman cain suspending his campaign, indefinitely and who benefits the most and who does it hurt the most? >> dave: and, the congressman versus the mogul. donald trump and ron paul, exchanging jabs, after paul dises the donald in his debate invite. >> clayton: and bah humbug, santa is banned from a school, are the parents happy about it? "fox & friends," hour 4, starts, "fox & friends," hour 4, starts, right now. captioning by, closed captioning services, inc. >> clayton: good morning and welcome to "fox & friends," thanks for waking up with us, dave briggs, alisyn camerota, i'm clayton morris. >> alisyn: you can follow us on twitter and -- >> it is ff weekend. >> alisyn: it took me seven years to memorize and i need another 7 for ff weekend. >> clayton: if you are holding out on opening a twitter account, join us, we twitter on what is coming up. >> dave: and, author of "throw them out", the latest developments on the stock act. >> alisyn: your headlines, out of pakistan, fox news, now confirming u.s. military personnel are indeed packing up and leaving the shamsi airbase, and the order to leave came from pakistan's government and cargo planes will take u.s. personnel out of the country along with equipment and other gear. and the base was reportedly a hub for u.s. drone strikes. pakistan blamed the u.s. for a nato strike last week, that killed 24 pakistani soldiers. this is not good news for relations. and, this disturbing story, a football game ends with fans trampled and sent to the hospital. 13 people are hurt, after fans rushed the field, to celebrate oklahoma state beating oklahoma, last night. two of these were critically injured, air-lifted to hospitals in oklahoma city. and one person reportedly fell 15 feet onto concrete. and fans were climbing the goal posts which were torn down and some people suffered leg fractures and sprained ankles and it took 45 minutes for authorities to clear the field. brand new video, of the occupy wall street protestor. this is one of the protests, the protester was found dead, at the camp site, of the university of north texas and now, it's not clear how he died. meanwhile, police in portland, oregon arrested nearly two dozen protesters overnight after they refused refused to take down their tents and they marched through this streets and block traffic into the early morning hours and finally, here's occupy protesters in denver, braving nearly a foot of snow, and they say they plan to keep their tents up, throughout the winter. the german army is attempting to defuse a world war ii era bomb packed with 3,000 pounds of explosives, 45,000 residents including two hospitals and seven nursing homes and a prison have evacuated the city. and the bomb was found in the rhein river after water levels fell because of a lack of rain, believed to be the largest bomb evacuation in germany since the war ended. those are your headlines. >> clayton: let's check in with reichmuth, we call him rick around here for a look at the forecast. >> rick: nice, flooding threat across the mississippi river valley and, the wind moving and becoming a rain threat across the mississippi river valley today and tomorrow and a snowstorm across the four corners and texas and the santa anas are coming back to southern california, not major problems for us, at least not as strong of a storm and another sunny day across the east, beautiful one and here's our flood advisories in effect, 3-6 inches of rain across parts of arkansas and tennessee and northern parts of mississippi and we'll see flooding, and, north into the ohio valley as well and i don't think the rain will be as big of a deal there, at least not as much rain and the next storm the next couple days will bring more snow into colorado and we have had a blockbuster season, and ski resorts enjoy it and a lot of snow towards new mexico and towards texas, north of el paso, the mountains and snow over the next couple days. your high temperatures today, notice the temperature across parts of the plains, and towards the rockies, very, very cold, by tomorrow, we have warmth out across the east and it will get very, very cold across parts of the rockies and, temps tomorrow, denver area and, pueblo, colorado, temperatures 40 degrees below where you would be this time of year, a major arctic blast. guys, back to you. >> dave: thanks, sir, and, g.o.p. field is one person smaller this morning, because herman cain of course got out on saturday, suspending his campaign, and what will the influence be, perhaps, tax reform, but it was a very interesting situation, on saturday. supporters thought, many reporters thought that he might stay in, guys. >> alisyn: because the setting looked celebratory, the point you made, big barbecue for reporters and crew there and big crowds an suppod supporters hol posters and no one knew what the significant announcement would be, it could be, we'll redouble our efforts and my wife is fine with it but he said the accusations and allegations hurt his family and he'd step aside but hoped to still be involved in politics and policy and set up a new web site, called cain >> clayton: what is next for him? whether or not he's providing solutions and opportunity and ideas to the republican party, right now, and, certainly, newt gingrich and others have complimented him, saying he elevated the discourse in the republican field, talking about tax policy when no one else really talked about it and maybe forcing rick perry's hand to jump on the flat tax proposal and newt gingrich tweeting yesterday, saying i'm proud to know him and consider him a friend and i know will continue to be a powerful voice for years to come that the party. >> dave: and he said 9-9-9 got the country talking about tax reform and that is what perhaps he's left now, where does the support go? likely to the man we talked about, newt gingrich, who is doing very well, especially when you look at the new "des moines register" poll, how about what is happening in iowa, newt again, not just on top, but, firmly, 25%, going to newt gingrich and a new second-place there, in iowa according to the poll, ron paul, surging ahead of mitt romney there. >> alisyn: just a reminder, herman cain was still senate race and it was taken november 27 through 30 and the 8% will now be doled out to the other candidates. >> clayton: and keep this on the screen. >> alisyn: or not... >> clayton: i thought it was interesting what chris wallace said about the%, look at herman cain's 8% and given the numbers in the "des moines register" poll, 3% -- these are caucus-goers, and 3% of herman numbers would go to newt and, 1% or so to the other candidates, newt would be the lion's share winner of herman cain supporters. >> alisyn: last into the something interesting happened on the fox news channel, a g.o.p. presidential candidate forum hosted by governor mike huckabee and he did something unusual and didn't allow the candidates to bicker, and sort of have this inner -- in-fighting and they were given a set amount of time, 11 minutes, and it got very deep into substance. >> dave: about states' rights and you had three states attorney gener attorneys general and ken ku cuccinelli wants to know if knute knight is a limit government conservative. here's what he said: >> well, i followed up with him a couple of times, giving him an opportunity to give me confidence that all of his non conservative ideas and positions over the years -- and there are plenty of them, aren't going to come out of the administration. what is this filter going to be in place? you have atilla the hun as your chief of staff? how will you stop that? and he gave me this generic, basically, trust me answer. >> dave: are you satisfied? >> no, absolutely not. he's in a position, as we closed in on iowa. yesterday was a month from iowa, as we get closer he's in a position to close the deal if he can give conservatives limited government -- limited government conservatives, define it -- real confidence he will not be another compassionate conservative. >> alisyn: and sandusky was not satisfied with his answer on why he sat with nancy pelosi on the sofa and talked about how they were in tandem in their thinking about climate change. >> dave: and why he regrets is. >> clayton: and he said it was the dumbest thing he ever had done, and was it because of politics or policy? and, also discussed, health care and whether or not the government overreached on this and it was interesting, about the executive order question that came up a number of times and whether or not the executive order could be used to stop health care. mitt romney, michelle bachmann tackled the question at the forum. listen to them. >> the president is not just worried about the people without insurance, obamacare is about taking over 100% of the people's insurance in this country. >> if we do absolutely nothing, obamacare will be implemented. and, it will change the face of the country, forever. it is going to cost trillions of dollars, over the years, it is going to take away our liberty. >> clayton: newt gingrich also, clarifying his position on immigration, reiterating again, while his plan is not a path to amnesty, wanted to be clear about that, that was something he was hit on hard by michelle bachmann in the last debate and here they are, listen: >> you know, in a free society the citizens have to bear responsibility for their own culture and their own society. and, ultimately, they -- i believe they are more trustworthy, if you ask would i trust a jury for a washington bureaucrat, i would rather have my fate decide by a jury of my peers than decided by washington bureaucrats. >> i want people to know that there is a cost already to having illegal aliens in this u.s., it costs taxpayers $113 billion every year and, 32 billion of that cost is absorbed by the states. and that actually works out to about a thousand dollars per american household. it is a very real cost. >> dave: 30 days from iowa and a guess the takeaway, is there is a lot of room for fluctuation. it is still a fluid race. >> alisyn: by the way... >> dave: there's a front-runner but there is a lot of time for things to change. >> alisyn: we have talked about the trump debate, coming up on december 27th, and there is a fox debate before that, in des moines. i believe. >> dave: bret baier will host that. >> alisyn: december 15. so, we will hear all of their positions, and how they have honed in, and how they've perfected it now, after all of the talking. we'll hear that on december 15. >> clayton: tell us what you think about the candidates forum, did you learning anything new? and what did you like about it? coming up, accused of insider trading, the lawmakers on capitol hill and the same lawmakers supposed to investigate themselves? huh? really? author peter schweitzer broke the story and he was featured on "60 minutes" and will join us next. >> dave: you want to climb the corporate ladder? we'll tell you what most people who get ahead have in common. a hint? don't be shy. >> alisyn: or modest. so who ordered the cereal that can help lower olesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole gin oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. >> alisyn: congress will finally hold hearings on insider trading on capitol hill, after investigation by our next guest discovered that several lawmakers used private financial information they got while in office for personal profits. three of the lawmakers cited actually sit on the committee conducting the hearings. how will that work? peter schweitzer, author of throw them all out joins us now. good morning. >> how are you? >> alisyn: well, so, suddenly congress has found religion on this topic of insider trading. how are they now proposing to investigate themselves? >> well, yeah, they are shocked. they are shocked that the process has gone on for so long. i mean, before the book in the "60 minutes" episode there was a bill called the stock act which had 6 co-sponsors and there are now more than 140, and they had hearings in the senate, last thursday, they have hearings in the house on tuesday, and that is encouraging, a step in the right direction. but, part of the problem is, that these hearings, members on the committees, are people that i identify as offenders in this area. in particular, the hearings on the house side on tuesday, the chairman of that committee, spencer baucus of alabama i argue is perhaps the worst offender of this kind of behavior and it is like asking a felon to sit on a jury to decide whether somebody else is guilty of a crime, or whether it is a crime at all. >> alisyn: or the fox guarding the hen house, and, so, why -- here's something simple. instead of lots of hearings, why doesn't congress just have to apply the same laws and rules that affect the rest of us? >> that is a very simple solution. and that is what the stock act in effect would do, say that it is indeed a felony to use insider information as a congressman or a staff member to trade stock and part of the problem is, i'm concerned the securities and exchange commission really wouldn't enforce this. i mean, in the past when the fbi has investigated criminal actions, by members of congress, congress is has threatened to cut the fbi budget, so, i'm concerned that the law in this case is not going to be enough. i think we needed to have, you know, near instant disclosure of their trades and if they are having a big debate on health care we know whether they are trading health care stocks and need to look at blind trusts for everyone in the house and senate and that way, they don't know exactly what their stocks are and who is trading them and what is happening. and, it avoids the appearance of sort of conflict of interest or insider trading. >> alisyn: those are great suggestions. are either of those part of the stock act? >>, no, neither one of them are and it also doesn't deal with an additional problem, which is, they get the sweetheart ipos, initial public offerings of stocks and in fact one gentleman sitting on the hearings on tuesday, congressman ackerman from new york, made $100,000 getting access to stock danand didn't have to pay for the stock, the company in question loaned him the money to buy the stock which he later sold for a $100,000 profit and it doesn't deal with that in any way, so the stock act is a good first step, but it is only a first step and i have a lot further to walk down the trail. >> alisyn: sounds like it. let's hope the hearings are not and exercise in futility, thanks for calling our attention to it, peter schweitzer, author of "throw them all out." that's easy, thank you, you can't call a christmas tree a christmas tree in rhode island as you probably heard by now and texas, santa can't come into the classroom and what is going on with the war on christmas? are christians the only ones forced to be tolerant? father john has thoughts on this, next. but, you can't take away christmas from this house! one family is showing off their christmas spirit. well, with that amazing display of lights, and the who... ♪ >> clayton: welcome back to fox and friend, quick headlines, look at this new video out of brazil, at least 30 people have been killed, after a tractor-trailer slammed into a bus. 13 others were hurt, and some in grave condition. people were -- sugar-cane cutters were on board and the driver reportedly lost control while rounding a corner. and police now on the hunt for this man, they say robbed a preschool in chevy chase, maryland and told the receptionist he was interested in learning more about the school and cameras caught him wandering the halls before he stole a purse and they got the videotape there. >> dave: from holiday trees in rhode island to santa being banned. from schools in for the poort, texas. the war on christmas. it is heating up. >> alisyn: fox news religion contributor and author of "god wants you happy", father jonathan morris joins us this morning. hi, father. this is really about people trying to be sensitive, isn't it, to other religions? do you see it as a conspiracy, against christianity? >> no, you know, someone said it is a war on christmas and let's remember, that this is the metaphorical language, right? there are a lot of places you cannot celebrate christmas and there are more serious things going on. >> alisyn: in the world. >> in the world, right? you simply cannot be who you are. so, is that -- you know, we might get frustrated at times, when we see these examples we showed, but, to be quite honest things are good in the u.s.a. and if we are talking about war on christmas, it is more of a linguistic debate. yes. it has importance but thank god we can celebrate christmas as christmas. >> clayton: are people overreacting? we had a parent on earlier this morning who is fired upsanta's into the school. >> the driver who brought me here this morning, he's an atheist but even atheists love santa claus and it is nonsense to think we'll -- i guess hurt the kids by killing the joy of santa claus. >> clayton: what do you make of this, overreacting? >> there are a very small percentage of the population that says i -- we'd love there be no public expression of religion. okay? but most people as you said, ali are trying to be sensitive, happy holidays, i don't know exactly what you celebrate. happy holidays, happy holidays, but i think a great response to that is, when someone says happy holidays, you say, thank you and to ask, what holiday are you celebrating? not to try to get them, but quite honestly, are you celebrating a jewish holiday, christmas? and get into a conversation about it. >> dave: an effort to get away from christmas. >> i believe there are some people, because of political correctness, especially people in power and government, say, not to offend, lets do that and -- let's do this and it is bad for a country, to call a christmas tree a holiday tree, and let's celebrate the diversity of what we are celebrating and if someone says happy heads, i'd say, thank you, what holiday are you separating, well, actually, i'm not sure or i'm celebrating hanukkah or christmas, wonderful. >> alisyn: you are a more patient man can dave briggs. he will not be engaging anyone at the mall with what their tradition is. and the point is, is this: by saying it's a holiday tree, it dilutes. some people celebrate christmas and you shouldn't be ashamed of that. >> language matters. because, language has to do with explaining the meaning and if we get rid of the meaning over something, we dilute the value and importance and we should be unafraid to say, merry christmas and when someone says, happy holidays they are not trying to destroy your religion. >> clayton: like not calling a menorah, a menorah and calming it a holiday candle. >> or a holiday light. no, come on. >> clayton: reduces the importance of the item to the religion. >> and is demeaning to people, right, to say you cannot handling thand handle the fact that you're different than me or i'm different than you. we can be adults. >> alisyn: let's celebrate all the holidays, how about that. >> wonderful. >> clayton: there's a lot of them. >> dave: father john, thank you. >> clayton: a lot of days off! >> i'll celebrate, too, the cleveland browns beating pittsburgh after thursday night and, at the stadium, we talked about it on the break, another wonderful thing, to celebrate. >> dave: waving the terrible towel? that will be a sight. father, thank you. >> clayton: thanks. >> alisyn: thanks for your perspective, father. >> clayton: coming up the congressman versus the mogul. donald trump and ron paul, exchanging jabs. after paul disses donald over the debate invite. >> alisyn: and, then, listen up, women, listen up. if you want to climb the corporate ladder all you need is a personality makeover. >> dave: you need to be like ali. >> alisyn: be like donald trump or newt gingrich. overconfidence helps you climb the corporate ladder. we have your tweets and e-mails, they have been pouring in on this story, and we'll read this. mary? what are you doing here? it's megan. i'm getting new insurance. marjorie, you've had a policy with us for three years. it's been five years. five years. well, progressive gives megan discounts that you gs didn't. paperless, safe driver, and i get great service. meredith, what's shakin', bacon? they'll figure it out. getting you the discounts you deserve. now,that'sprogressive. call or click today. >> alisyn: welcome back, everybody, having a little fun here during the commercial break, really at the expense of the commercial break. >> clayton: i love the foot thing, i want that for christmas, i want the foot scrubby! >> alisyn: that's what we'll get you. >> dave: all right. back to politics, we go. and, there is a big battle brewing, over the december 27th debate that will be moderated by donald trump. it seems not everyone is on board with this idea. jon huntsman said yesterday he is out and ron paul, boy he's not interested in participating in the debate. >> clayton: steven hayes we had on the show, from weekly standard, when he heard of the debate, tweeted the word, absurd and ron paul agrees and he sent out the statement, why he won't attend, the selection of a reality tv personality, to host a presidential debate that voters nationwide will be watching is beneath the office of the presidency. >> alisyn: when you call out donald trump he can return in kind and can return one better. >> clayton: that's right, alisyn. i have been working on that, all day. >> dave: donald will get you. >> dave: clayton is hosting tomorrow when donald is on. >> alisyn: donald trump's statement to ron paul, he has a zero chance of winning either the nomination or the presidential and my poll numbers were substantially higher than his and few people take him seriously and many view -- and his views and presentation make him a clown-like candidate, and i'm glad he and jon huntsman, who has an incons vengs chance at winning, will not be attending the debate and wasting the time of the viewers who are trying very hard... >> alisyn: it will be interesting, to see what happens and one topic donald trump doesn't suffer from is lack of confidence and there is a study out of columbia business school that shows, men's overconfidence, not always connected to their skills, that allow them to be promoted over women. men tend to inflate their performance, reporting of their performance, and how well they've done by 30%. >> clayton: that's right, alisyn, 30% and over women, 15% and we were reminded, listening to newt gingrich being the g.o.p. nominee and, we asked the question, confidence or cocky? and it fits en to tinto the whe, look at newt gingrich. >> it is hard not to look at the recent polls and think that the odds are very high, i'm going to be the nominee. and, by the way, i don't object, people want to attack me, that is their right, i'm only suggesting it will not be very effective. people will get sick of it very fast. >> dave: does this overconfidence pay off in the boardroom? >> clayton: apparently. >> alisyn: what they did in the study is separated two groups and asked them, men and women, to report how well, they thought they had done on the math test and the men inflated their scores and thought they had done better, than the women, and they were the ones chose tone represent the group. -- chosen to represent the group and everyone believes their baloney, in other words. >> clayton: i got a 90% and you really got a 70%, i felt like a got a 90%. >> alisyn: and we should elect you leader. >> clayton: he says it isn't egoness it is boldness. >> dave: and ian from utah says, seems those who are honest about their abilities will be penalized and those who exaggerate will be rewarded. i guess being completely honest does not pay. you will lose out to someone else who sells better. i could not agree more. i see this in all walks of life and all professions, these people that do overestimate things, seem to do well. >> clayton: car salesman tactic, right? this thing is a beauty, have you seen it? no, it's not. well, i know it might be on its last legs but it is a beauty. a tweet this morning, confidence is a projection of one's self-and a distinction the viewer makes when deciding one's competence. >> alisyn: here's a lesson, let's start pumping up the volume on our own skill sets, even if -- >> it's not innate in me. i just cannot do it. >> alisyn: i know, because you are self-deprecating which is charming. >> clayton: look at yourself niein the mirror -- >> i can't even watch myself on television. but the lesson is it pays off to overrepresent your abilities. said the professor, who conducted study. there you go. >> alisyn: can't argue with that. let's get to the rest of your headlines now, shall we? we have to tell you about this story, with relations strained between the u.s. and pakistan, secretary of state hillary clinton is trying to get the two nations back on solid footing. clinton has expressed regret over the nato bombing that killed 24 pakistani soldiers last week and the blast sparked protests across the country and fox news has confirmed u.s. personnel are indeed now vacating the airbase in pakistan and the government ordered the u.s. to leave after the nato strike and it was reportedly a hub for u.s. drone strikes. and california has another blast of extreme winds this morning, 100,000 homes and businesses were still without power from wednesday's windstorm, when the new one moved in, the state littered with downed trees and power lines. the threat of wildfires also increasing, as the dry and gusty conditions continue. it has been called the welfare mention, look, officials say the woman who lives in the 1.2 million dollar seattle home gets more than $1,000 in taxpayer funded benefits, every month. that includes public housing vouchers, and food stamps and this comes from both the state and federal government and the scam going on the last 8 years, before federal agents were alerted to it an raided the home this week and no word on what charges the woman might face. the spirit of christmas is really lighting up, one neighborhood in maryland. ♪ >> alisyn: the family they spend 40 hours in a week hanging up all the decorations and, started the tradition in 2002, and, that's not the only cool christmas display. look at the 3d christmas light show, projected on the side of a church and cost more than $100,000 a week to operate, all donated by one very merry parishioner. >> dave: and i believe our own rick reichmuth is headed to a christmas display, aren't you headed somewhere to capture one of the country's finest? >> rick: south carolina, myrtle beach, next sunday, i believe. get ready. all right, look at the weather maps, guys. temps, as you wake up, pretty good across parts of east and the west, cold, 18°, in boulder and that will be warm the next couple of days and you will be colder, and look at the satellite/radar picture and you can see, we have a big storm right across the central part of the country and exactly where you see the temperature difference, where the storm is, in front of it is still warm and behind it is cooler, and heavy rain falling the next 36 hours across parts of arkansas, towards places like paducah and indianapolis and we'll see flooding from those, rest of the country, forecast for the day, east coast looks really nice and we'll see plenty of sunshine breaking through and temps nicer than they were yesterday, at least, 5 to 10 degrees warmer than yesterday. 54 in boston, this time of year not looking bad and across the south, a nice day, cooler in places around atlanta and towards raleigh, but, 72, gulfport and, dallas 44 and the temperatures dropped and, to the north, temperatures the 20s and 30s and sunshine today and across the west, we have snow across parts of the rockies and will dive down the southern rockies an new mexico tonight, and tomorrow and the santa ana winds are with us at least threw the day on tuesday. guys, back to you in the studio. >> dave: best of luck to you as you rappel down the side of a giant building today in stanford, connecticut. >> alisyn: still ahead, the puppy was a life saver for a navy s.e.a.l. who was the lone survivor of a taliban attack in afghanistan. the american hero's dog was killed in cold blood when he got back to the u.s. well, there is justice to report. a navy s.e.a.l. is here, live and has an update for juice the story will outrage you, you'll be off the couch. >> clayton: and making your holidays merry and bright, if you have extra money, we will show you three splurge gifts. >> alisyn: the "fox & friends" smart car! >> clayton: i want a side car like that. you will not believe this. a tv that will blow your mind. >> alisyn: wow! ok, people. show me the best way to design a vacation on a budget with expedia. make it work. booking a flight by itself is an uh-oh. see if we can "stitch" together a better deal. that's a hint, antoine. ooh! see what anandra did? booking your flight and hotel at the same time gets you prices hotels and airlines won't let expedia show separately. book it. major wow factor! where you book matters. expedia. >> clayton: welcome back to fox and friends, my favorite time of the year, splurge gifts and we're back with robin moreno, author of "practically posh" and now we are talking about splurge gifts. >> this is a smart car made by mercedes-benz and it is a splurge on the environment and it is 85% recyclable and, recycled materials and you get 41 gallons or more on the highway and it is good for you and, it makes a statement. >> clayton: it is small, will not hold up well in a crash. >> it has 8 airbags and has a built-in cage and you will not get smashed. >> clayton: and we have the "fox & friends" logo and the pictures on the side of it and you can get all kinds of different color options. >> i love that, right away. >> clayton: i want to drive around in this and no one will know where i'm coming from. >> you can get it, hello kitty. >> clayton: camouflage. >> it is a lot of fun. >> clayton: instead of the lexus holidays to remember, get a smart car. >> a smart buy. >> clayton: and here something i'm excited about, an incredible television from mitsubishi. a 92-inch television, from mitsubishi. tell us about it. >> the largest mass produced tv on the mark and basically the size of four standard tvs, and it comes with dlt deck knowledge and, it is -- basically home theatres use... 3d effect and it is a thousand times faster than l. c. d. and basically, you have a home entertainment system, like a theatre in your home. >> clayton: we're looking at dave, in the hallway and he is taller than dave briggs and dave briggs... a good, 4'11" with heels on and it is really tall. >> basically like bringing imacs into your home, and, people who love to entertain, super high quality, 16 speakers built in, $6,000. >> let's be honest, you need a room big enough to sustain that, there is no way in the world my wife would let me have a tv in the size of our room. >> new york apartments, is not ideal but out there in america we have more space. people love big tvs, man. >> clayton: thanks for honking, they are honking for this, which is this incredible side car? i wouldn't think to put this on my list. >> that is why you come to me, i would do it for you, from a russian company, they've made these vehicles since 1941 and they used to be military vehicles and now make them for the public and it is vintage-looking and is totally modernized and is really smooth and save and on the road and goes off-road as well. and if you are into hunting or things like that, and, the motorcycle enthusiast who wants to stroll around town with his wife and, maybe the dog. >> clayton: i met someone recently who wanted to buy these things and tanks, there is an underground market for this. >> but, there is also -- >> what is the price. >> $14,000. >> not bad. >> and it comes in red. it is really unif, right. >> clayton: thank you so much, robin. a great splurge gift idea and a lot of fun. i know what you have picked out. >> dave: the tv is unbelievable. coming up a therapy dog was a life-saver for a navy s.e.a.l. who was a lone survivor of a taliban massacre. so, just is a few months in jail justice for people who killed an american hero's dog, in cold blood, for no reason. the navy s.e.a.l. joins us, don't miss the segment. next. and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. 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[ male announcer ] want great taste and whole gin oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. >> alisyn: this is an incredible and disturbing story. it has a happy ending but you may want to turn the volume down for the kids, a lone survivor of the brutal massacre of seal team ten at the hands of the taliban in 2005. and when retired navy s.e.a.l. marcus latrielle returned home to the u.s. he was given a yellow lab puppy to help him recuperate. >> dave: the puppy instantly became family and marcus naming the dog daisy, after the team members he lost in the massacre. but in the middle of the night, april 1, 2009, four men walked up to her and beat her with a bat and shot and killed her and marcus chased down the suspects, in his truck. >>... chasing the guys down and they just shot my dog >> dave: last week two men were convicted for killing daisy. >> alisyn: marcus is the author of. >> lone survivor" and joins us with his new dog, rigby and it is great to see you and you must feel tremendous satisfaction, two of the guys who shot and killed daisy have been convicted? >> yes, ma'am, you know, i don't really use the word closure, but it was a justifying feeling, that those two guys actually saw the inside of a courtroom and justice was served. so to speak. we're still standing by for the sentencing phase but they were found guilty. good news. >> dave: after the ordeal you went through as a navy s.e.a.l. you know all about loss but, if you could, tell us what datesy meant to you in your recovery, and what that pain was like, to see what these men did to your dog. >> you know, these dogs are more than just animals, anybody who has a service dog they know what i'm talking about. especially, i mean, this one here, for example, he's with me 24/7, he's my best friend and knows he in and out, and, so, to lose one of them like that, to, you know, the brutality to be beaten by a baseball bat, and then shot, for no other reason than just to do it, i, i have seen a lot of stuff in my day, a lot of terrible things but i never came across along like that, you know? and it kind of -- i was beside myself, with a lot of emotions, anger, mostly, but... that void will never be filled. she was very important to me and i loved her to death. you know? i move on and tragedy happens, you move on, so to speak, but, like i said, the best thing was that justice was served and they were found guilty and we'll see what happens in the future with that. but... now, we're kind of waiting and hoping. >> alisyn: marcus, there are so many incredible parts of your story, and, one of the most horrifying, yet incredible, was on april 1, 2009, you were awoken by the horrible sound of gun shots. that is what alerted you, that these men had come onto your property or near it and killed daisy and you chased them, as we heard in the 911 call, you chased them at 110 miles per hour and you could have done something violent to them but chose to just catch them. >> yes, ma'am. i mean, i'm not in that business that i was in, anymore, though i would have -- you know, i don't think -- don't think it was in the back of my head, even standing face-to-face with them. but, the police were involved, and, it is just a... i'm not a murderer, not a killer, i'm a soldier and that is how it works in the u.s., they break the law, they need to stand before the law. so... it took it out of my hands and like i said, that little voice in the back of my head was screaming at me, to do what i, you know, know how to do, but, i didn't. i held back and, let the law take care of it. >> dave: it is amazing restraint. reading the story. i wanted to reach through and do whatever i could. we want to mention dasy, the dog represented the names of the men you lost from the seal team, and, the law should do more to punish people for cruelty to animals? >> well, i've heard people say, animals don't have as much meaning to people as human life does, and obviously, we weigh human life a little differently than an animal's life, but, i think that all depends on who you ask as well. i don't know, some people say they'd rather hang out with a dog than a human being, you know? i'm not one of them, but, there needs to be more attention weighed on it. you can't just walk up and kill somebody's animal and think that you will get a slap on the wrist. i mean, a lot of people depend on these animals to get through their day-to-day activities, such as i do. >> alisyn: it sure looks like you have a good companion with rigby, who seems likes a mellow dog, thanks for sharing your story, it touched us here and all the viewers, keep us posted on the sentencing. >> thanks for having me. >> dave: thank you for your service, more fox and friends. daddy, come in the water! [ gnome ] awwwwwwww. i just feel bloody awful. she told tiffany, stephanie, jenny and becky that she was coming to a place like this! but somebody didn't book with travelocity, with 24/7 customer pport to help move them to the pool daddy promised! look at me, i'm swimming! ♪ [ gnome ] somebody, get her a pony! [ female announcer ] the travelocity guarantee. if your booking's not right, we'll help make it right, right away. from the price to the room to the trip u'll never roam alone. >> clayton: tomorrow, donald trump, karl rove and actor