Card image cap

students. we're going to give you the skinny on a program that has parents up in arms. our slogan this arm comes from russ in tampa, florida. looking for news delivered fair and balanced and you can trust, watch aly and the guys it's a weekend must. >> not a bust. >> it's "fox & friends." >> i think russ is a repeat offender of the slogan. i think that we get a lot of them from russ. >> i think we get about five people who write. >> and russ, is back. >> russ is prolific like hemmingway, i'm going to mix it up again this weekend. >> thank you, russ. >> welcome, welcome and happy national ice cream day out there. one of my daughter's favorite days although she doesn't know it's happening until she wakes up. >> we have some today, will you get some home for the kids or will it melt. >> i don't think it will make the hour train ride. >> we'll eat it and show you how to actually make a great ice cream treat for yourself. >> let's turn our attention to the gulf of mexico. yesterday, we were reporting some very positive news and it's all still positive signs down there on day 90 in the gulf oil disaster. this morning, bp is going to continue or extend that test. we were going to do it for 48 hours and extend that test to see how the pressure is building up inside that cap, the cap well. now concerns, guys, this thing could be reopened and oil could then be gushing back into the gulf for a short period of time as they try to put additional cap to siphon that up to a boat they'd do it in a measured way, they want to use the oil not just siphon 0 off. you're watching the robot. >> it's good news. >> it is still good news. the cap appears to be working and doing the integrity tests, and at the moment it seems as though things are going in the right direction down there. >> things are going in the right direction and we know that the permanent fix remains this relief well, could be a couple of days, a couple of weeks to actually shove everything down there and stop the well and talking about using the current fix as a permanent measure not using the relief well. they've thrown out the theory of shoving down concrete and golf balls and ceiling the well as it currently is and not using the rewill have well. that's one way of not putting more additional oil into the gulf. >> they're about three feet away. doing it now with the relief well. they were four feet eight inches. roughly about three feet away from the relief well-being drilled down to the side of that thing. to dave's point they might not have to use it, it's there as an option because they want to pour the cement down there and get it capped. the main problem we haven't discussed is the pressure, it's positive if it going up a little bit. psi, pounds per square inch, going up it's a good side. it's bad if it's going down, is escaping somewhere. >> we have information about the anonymous plumber who may be the person, the brains behind the successful cap. his name is joe the plumber. it's not the old joe the plumber. >> not that one. >> our new joe the plumber. here is a picture. he's a married guy, 40-something, blue collar worker, five kids, three hound dogs. >> that's a busy house. >> he lives in st. francis, kansas, the guy who tried to get everybody's attention because he said i think i know how to fix it and ultimately they may have used his model. >> you can find joe the plumber on facebook, said to the christian science monitor, if kevin costner and james cameron were having getting trouble through, i don't have a chance. plumbers don't know anything about science, ph.d.'s and all that can't fix it then how can you, but he thought it was important to send in his suggestion so people could know, an ordinary guy, a plumber can make a difference. bp isn't confirming that they use his ideas, it appears similar, and they accepted 300,000 suggestions how to cap the well. it sounds like it because there's a scientist, a researcher from cal-berkley who says this is exactly like the drawing that joe the plumber sent him. and he's the one that submitted it to bp. >> and also some concern about the deep water for more yum and ban on drilling and bobby jindal penned an op-d piece in the washington post he's blasting the administration's decision to ban the deep water drilling. he says federal officials appear more interested in ideology and scoring political points as they have done with the misguided cap and trade legislation as americans who derive from the energy center. he says thousands of jobs will continue to be lost and the problem appears to have been solved, but the moratorium had nothing to do with the cleanup effort and the current problem. >> he's suggesting a more strategic approach. if you have to add federal regulators to check out the rigs, he yes, so be it, and if you have to halt production on some of the ones where you have some safety concerns, okay. that's fine, but to do a blanket moratorium is just, he said, adding insult to injury and further hurting the depressed job situation down in the state. >> he says 20,000 jobs and almost 100 million dollars in lost wages every month. let's turn the page now to afghanistan where secretary of state hillary clinton is headed and she will be in afghanistan in kabul on tuesday, this as a very controversial cover of "newsweek" magazine is about to come out that declares the war in afghanistan unwinnable. is it worth it, this news week cover story asks? and written fittingly or ironically by richard haus, a former state department worker under the bush administration. >> he had inflammatory words about this process and a number of people have come out about the war recently and he says, the war being waged by the united states in afghanistan today is fundamentally f fundamentally different and more ambitious than anything carried out by the bush administration. afghanistan is very much the war of choice, a point that the president's under scored recentlily picking general david petraeus to lead intensified counter insurgency effort there. it's time to scale down our ambitions there and both reduce and redirect what we do. not mincing words. >> again, what is so interesting, who richard hoff is. he was at the national security council with the first president bush, one of the policy makers to going to war in the first iraq war, colin powell's advisor, it's hard to find somebody who knows more about the future of afghanistan than richard hoff and he basically said that michael steele got it right. >> that in fact may have been wrong, he he may have had some of the facts wrong, but his point was right that this is president obama's war of choice and that we don't have to be there is what richard hoff is saying. and as for the blood saying last month was the deadliest in afghanistan despite 30,000 troops and costing us 100 billion dollars a year. >> this opinion is shared by many out there on both sides of the aisle. let knauss what you think. >> in the meantime, more news to report to you. a fox news alert. while were you sleeping a powerful earthquake has struck alaska's aleutian island region. there are no threats of a tsunami, no immediate reports of danger or injury. the 6.7 quake was centered in the baring sea, southwest of dutch harbor, residents report feeling weak shaking. the largest to hit that region in recent years. two men are dead, four are wounded in a state park in seattle. six people are taken into custody. so far one gun recovered from the scene while more weapons were apparently found in cars that were attempting to leave the park. people were having a party and they don't know what led to the shootings. >> 11 inmates are on the run in afghanistan after a smuggled bomb exploded at a prison. some are said to be suspected insurgents. it happened as taliban fighters staged coordinated attacks on four police check points. forbes say a guard and inmate were killed and three people including a child are dead in kabul. the attack two days before an international conference that will host representatives from about 60 nations, including secretary of state hillary clinton. vice-president joe biden ordered to pay $219,000 in a penalty for campaign violations. the federal election commission says biden inproperly accepted a discounted private plane flight, pa individual contributions above the legal limit in his 2008 presidential campaign. a spokesperson says the vice-president will pay the penalty to the u.s. treasury to resolve the matter. the first family wraps up the weekend get away in bar harbor, maine today. how the locals say it. they're set to arrive in washington in early afternoon and they spent most the time in the national park and went boating on the bay and president obama is expected to return to the gulf coast soon for another look at the oil spill. those are the head lines. >> the president separated national ice cream day with coconut ice cream m maine. >> and rick, i don't know if you heard the controversy at bass kins and robbins. >> i heard it and i'm upset. >> the controversy about them removing french vanilla. >> they're retiring it and they're retiring something else like chocolate truffle. >> what's the matter, fine. but french vanilla. >> it's a state of michigple. >> send it to the blog. >> rick, get on the reporting. heat in the middle part of the country. second versus same as the first. all of the heat advisories, in place across southern arizona, nevada and 114, 115. in across the central plane heat building more across areas of of oklahoma and into kansas where it's going to feel like potentially 115 with the humidity and in and around the new york city area again we're going to be talking about heat advisories in excess of around 95 once again and i put the water up there it gives you an idea to get to the beaches if you can. it's a good day for it. the satellite radar, problems across missouri with the northern areas have severe thunderstorm watch in effect until 9 a.m. take a look at video out from yesterday. this is the same system, but this is from minnesota. they got pummelled yesterday by heavy rain, hail and nine reports of tornados in across the area, causing all kinds of damage, some power outages, some winds down-- some power lines down as well and now we'll deal with more severe weather and it moves toward the south. chicago and city of detroit dooling with this potentially as well. much more coming up. back to you. >> the oil may be capped and journalists say we're not getting the same story. . >> kim kardasian is a hot property now. you won't believe how much she pulled in last year. we'll look at her assets. >> the men in the studio just dropped their stuff. >> big assets. >> custom fit orthotics. dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic center. it recommends the custom fit orthotic that's best for your feet. and footcare scientists are behind it. you'll get immediate comfort... ... and, you could save a couple hundred bucks. for locations see it's tough to get enough servings of vegetables every day if you don't always like the taste of them. good thing v8 v-fusion juice gives you a serving of vegetables hidden by a serving of fruit. [woof woof] v8. what's your number? >> here is day 90. are these the images that they don't want you to see. coast guard released the 20 meter distant limit. journalists are feeling the pressure, sometimes being intimidated or bullied by bp to stay away. >> joining us is a free-lance journalist standing her ground to continue reporting on the gulf cleanup. julie, we've seen so many of your vivid and incredible images. good morning. >> good morning. >> tell us where it stands right now. i know the coast guard and bp keep changing the access you journalists have. where is it today? >> well, they did drop this brief block they had that was 20 meters, 65 feet back from the boom. what a lot of people don't understand, that doesn't sound excessive you can use zoom lens. >> when you're at the boom you're back 100 feet or 65 feet and you have to double that and made telling the story visually just about impossible, let alon reporting because you couldn't see the cleanup. there was no way to see the wild life. right now they've removed it with the condition that if they deem it a safety issue or security, they will remove y you, so the rule is gone, but the threat to be removed is still there. >> some of the images we're looking at, are images you managed to take and sometimes you wouldn't have-able to take them because of the close-up of the marine life and video you've been able to take, but hearing the reports that journalists are intimidated and hired a firm to basically it will you to get back. >> they do that everywhere you go for no reason at all. that's just what they're tasked to do. so, it does make you sarcastic a little to think that you have to answer to bp. i flat-out politely told the bp reps that i don't answer to them if they send over a police officer or someone from the coast guard i'll follow their lead, but that i don't answer to bp. i think it's a terrible policy to have bp out there being the watch dog for the media. >> and yet, julie, does bp have a point is this they also argue that so many people have gotten hurt, have gone to the hospital, with burns, with respiratory problems from getting too close to this oil. do they have a point about the safety measures they're trying to keep in place? >> journalists getting injured, no, the people getting injured are inside the cleanup. even if you do it as a journalist you can do it at your own risk. you can take a hazmat class, as i've done. and you can go to a war zone, you can go to afghanistan, you can go to iraq and have better access than you can here in louisiana. >> i like your statement that you think it's disturbing, the first amendment right is being shut down in your own back yard. julie, you're doing a wonderful job down there and thank you for bringing so much light to the story and bringing these images to the rest of us, we appreciate it. >> thank you, julie. >> you're welcome. >> a bill kept alive by lawmakers, who voted for it on the condition that federal money would not go to fund any abortions. of course, you remember this dehe bait. a new program may prove the white house is breaking that pledge. we'll have the the details n next. we find the labels made in taiwan, made in china. why one man has success in this store and business is booming. clooen >> welcome back to "fox & friends." spinning numbers means it's time for news by the numbers. the spot that lady gaga, the pop star raked in a whopping 62 million dollars last year. . >> she deserves it. >> and 5.45 million dollars, how much industry insiders say kim kardashian makes in a single year. >> for what. >> for her assets. >> thanks to endorsements, magazine exclusives, public appearances, you have a lot of public appearances, aly, do you ever get paid. >> never. >> and her television show and finally, 500 million, how many users facebook will officially have as of next week to celebrate, it will launch facebook story, a visual memorial, about the ways that the network has changed people's lives. >> for the better or for the worse? >> who knows. >> get your stories in now. >> senators, congressmen, religious leaders stood in support on the health bill on one condition, the tax money would not go to supporting abortion. >> and time and time again, with religious leaders. >> you've heard this is all going to mean government funding of abortion, this is not true. these are all fabrications that have been put out there in order to discourage people from meeting what i consider to be a core, ethical and moral obligation. >> but a new program in pennsylvania suggesting the president is already dialing back on vows he made to pro-life lawmakers by giving millions of government dollars to insurance groups that would be eligible for paid abortions. father jonathan is here to weigh in. >> it's a tough story, especially to talk about so early in the morning. we're not talking just about abortion, president obama said these people are talking just about fabrications, no money is going to go for, no federal government money is going to go for paid abortions. 190 million dollars just went to pennsylvania for these high risk insurance companies in specifically, abortion is legal. there's no way that this money is not going to be able to go. i'm looking at papers right here for the only thing in pennsylvania law, that abortion would not be allowed would be if it's only because of the sex of the unborn child, fogs. otherwise, it's just a doctor and a woman can decide together, even planned parenthood, to me this is the biggest convincing reason why money is going to go. federal money, your money, our money is going for abortion because of this health-- the president of planned parenthood talks about the executive order about no money. what does she say about it, it's a symbolic gesture, everybody knows this is what's happening. >> hhs has stood by this, there will not be taxpayer money going towards abortions and bart stupak, the pro-life democrat who refused to give in on to the health care until he got a guarantee from the preds, an executive order, what he had to say about the money going tore abortion. >> the president's executive order made clear that federal funds may not be used for abortion under the affordable care act. including the preexisting condition insurance pools currently being implemented in pennsylvania, new mexico and other states across the country. >> he's standing strong on an island by himself because everybody who studies this from a legal perspective is saying, stupak, you gave in, you're wrong on this. it's simply not going to stand up. >> and john boehner is concerned about the 190 million dollars going to pennsylvania and so he's asked the hhs, health and human services for clarification, and wants to know whether or not in fact this is true and we got a statement of health and human services, a spokesperson came out and side this. as the case with affordable care act, the president's related executive order, more generally, in pennsylvania, and in all the states, other states, abortions will not be covered in the preexisted condition panel except in the case of rape or incest or the life of the woman would be in danger and they're sticking to-- >> of course, this is the way they operate. >> in order you're saying it's not secret. >> it's not secret, hey, listen the states, now, you can now dish out this money. and in reality, when there's no law that's going to go against dishing out that money, it has no weight. not worth the paper it's written on. everybody who takes it seriously reads that except of those who say, don't worry it's fabrication. >> stay tuned, father jonathan morris, thank you. >> we'll follow up. >> sure we will. >> a state department with a location of secret facilities and top secret agencies may soon be leaked. we'll tell you why officials are in a panic mode this morning. >> and a report card fat score has dozens of patients fuming. kids, like a nine-year-old gymnast being told they're zoefr weight by their schools? 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[ female announcer ] only flood insurance covers floods. for a free brochure, call the number on your screen. >> all right. welcome back here to "fox & friends." a fox news alert for you. the state department is in panic mode this morning over reports that "the washington post" may reveal top secret information about defense and intelligence spending. the report is also said to reveal locations of secret facilities and names of top secret agents. >> caroline shively joins us live from washington. it's great to see you back with us. >> hey. >> before we welcome you back, officially, why does "the washington post" reveal the secret agencies? >> well, the purpose of the article that we expect out by tomorrow morning is to talk about some of the waste that is hidden in these contracts, but it looks like it may blow the cover of some contractors who are doing undercover intelligence work by the government. terrorists will be able to open up the paper, look online and find out what companies have been working against them and where. >> "the washington post" counters that the info is all from open sources, that anyone could find this information. it does look like no one has put it together in one place before. state department officials are so worried about it, they sent out the he e-mail, quote, the website provides a graphic representation pinpointing the location of firms, conducting top secret work, describing the work they perform and identifying many facilities where such work is done. the office of director of national intelligence sent out this memo, quote, foreign intelligence services, criminal elements will have potential interest in this kuhned kind of information. a huge amount of work is actually done by contractors, and performed more than half of the department of homeland security's defense work. the administration tells foreign policies the cable, quote, a lot of this explainable you want some redundancy in the intelligence community and you'll have some waste, they say they've been cutting contracts for a year now. dave, clayton, and al son back to you. >> welcome back from maternity leave. >> congratulations. >> boy, girl, name, we need details, we he need information, that's what you're good for. >> it was a boy, his name is will and he was 11 pounds 7 ounces. >> what? >> huh? >> oh! >> the doctor and especially to the moth. >> wow. >> oh, my gosh! >> well done! >> i can't even lift 11 pounds. >> we can't curl 11 pounds must much carry it. >> welcome back. >> thank you. >> let's look at the rest of your headlines, new video into "fox & friends" this morning, secretary of state hillary clinton as she arrives in islamabad, pakistan. she will meet with that country's prime minister and talk about plans to beef up developments to afghanistan and secretary clinton wants neighboring countries to cooperate in the fight against al-qaeda and mine accidents that killed people in north and central china. an electrical cable fire win side one coal shaft caused the accident. all 28 miners working there died. we're hearing new reports of 13 miners currently trapped inside a flooded shaft. they were caught when water gushed into the mine. >> the father of of missing seven-year-old kyle horman says he thinks a third party is involved along with his estranged wife. and gave nothing for her belief, other than briefings. he filed for divorce after she allegedly tried to hire somebody to kill him. kyle disappeared from school on june 4th and terri is reportedly the last to see him. bernie madoff is searching for redemption by volunteering for charity work. the new york post reports that ruth madeoff has been living with relatives and driving around in a 14-year-old clunker and delivering meals to homebound. her life went up in flames, good for ruth, she's turning it around. the naacp is looking at a california state proposal to turn the former home of the king of pop into a state park. parks and recreation should take over the 2500 acre estate. co-owned by the jacksons and private equity firms, but there have been cuts in the department which questions how the state would pay for the ranch or the ongoing costs to maintain and operate neverland. >> i love the idea. >> i'm sure you do. >> i want to go to neverland. >> i'm not on board with that. i'm on board with the british open though, if sunday is anything like saturday. it shut be an under predictable ride. let' go to st. andrews, the green is behind jimenez and off the brick wall on to the green. one of the greatest double bogies you'll see. again, another look at the shot. i love how people were standing there right next to it. they loved it, tremendous effort for a double bogey, the guy is holding a beer. >> tiger woods struggling with his approach on 17. not so good. fore. shot a 73, 12 strokes back of the man. the man who has had a name nobody knows, nobody can pronounce and even the head of the press conference on friday couldn't pronounce his name, didn't know who he has, louie shoots a 69 and louie leads gland's paul casey by four strokes, what a great story, needless to say never won a major. >> and to beer now, clayton, sit up. an ohio brewery a bitter beer, inspired by lebron james and his decision to leave cleveland by the miami heat. quitness is a dry hop india pale leaves a bitter, bitter after taste, describing the move. they say the first batch sold out in less than three hours. the witness, the nike lebron james campaign ad you may have seen. >> that's turning lemons into lemonade. >> there are bitter folks out there, bitter beer. >> let's check with reich rei reichmuth, do we have a quitness? >> why don't we have a test of that. and the summer of the brutal temperatures, that's what we're going to continue to deal with. high temperatures today are going to be heat advisories in across areas of the south and in towards parts of the plains. do we have the weather maps? i'm not sure if we've got them ready for you. if we do, the highs for today. you see the darker reds, that's where we've got temps in over 100. we've got 90's across the plains and 111 in phoenix. 75 in los angeles. that's on the coast, head inland a couple of miles and we have the heat as well. move forward and take a look at the satellite radar picture. we're talking the eastern part of the country and scattered thunderstorms and from the north to the east, it's not going to cool things down too much and in fact, another warm day and it will be the next system, the heavy rain in across areas of iowa and northern missouri, once that moves through, it will bring cooler temps and also will bring you severe weather today. across the mid mississippi valley and towards the ohio valley. across the west we're talking about the monsoons that would kick up again during the afternoon. remember, you can get your fork by going to and get your 10-day forecast there. >> thank you, rick, speaking of obesity, sorry-- >> what? >> no, just joking, we were having a conversation off camera about ice cream and the amount of calories of a reese's peanut butter cup dessert. we digress. >> imagine you're at home and in addition to a's and b's is also your student's fat report and letting your student know-- letting your parents know how much your student weighs and whether or not that kid is obese or not. >> this happened to a nine-year-old athlete, mind you, a nine-year-old gymnast in massachusetts who is in good shape by all standards, got labeled fat. as we told you, the federal government is now tracking your bmi. every adult in this country will have to have their bmi. >> body mass index. >> on file by 2014. that's body mass index. here is that nine-year-old gymnast not so happy about this report. >> i would be considered big for my grade and age, but definitely not overweight. >> i think for people who got these letters and can't handle it 'cause they think they're trying to take it into their own hands. i think don't take it into your own hands 'cause it's just going to make matters worse, take it to your doctor. >> well, she makes a-- >> well, let's get clayton to stand up. >> go ahead. >> because when he first had his body mass index checked a couple of months ago, he was borderline obese by bmi skardz. >> this is the-- i know, oh, no. >> statuesque. >> he's an adonis as he thinks. >> i'm a rock. >> and nowhere near obese. >> and also the point being, this is worrisome on so many levels because bmi can be wildly inpre sees as you are living proof of, change from day-to-day and also telling a nine-year-old girl that she's too big, that can have lasting consequences, that's an impressionable age and with girls having so many eating disorder problems, this is a dangerous territory. >> even i have lingering problems as a result of being told i was borderline obese. >> have you recovered yet? >> it's hard, oh, boy, better do something about that, other people say you're not obese. >> i'm 6-2 and maybe a padding around the mid section. am i morbidly obese acourting to this. >> on another level, what about the reading, writing, arithmetic with the school. >> they're tracking that. but we have gotten away from education, into more of this kind of nanny state stuff. >> they cut out recess and a lot of the teachers have criticized no child left behind, getting rid of recess, focused on testing, testing, testing, we don't have kids returning arou running around outside losing weight. >> fortunately, that girl is confident and knows she's in good shape. >> that's good. >> coming up on the show, republicans trying to take back congress, some say the strategy should be do nothing. will that work? a fair and balanced debate next. >> a terrifying studies who see other colleagues, other doctors impaired on the job and do not report it. how widespread is this problem and what can you do as a patient? we have this coming up. >> bring a breathalyzer to surgery. [ announcer ] how do you plus up breakfast? introducing total plus omega-3 honey almond flax cereal. all the nutrition of total, plu10% daily value omega-3 ala, and a delicious honey almond crunch. new total plus omega-3. and a delicious honey almond crunch. why do women like you love activia light? sometimes i have no choice but to eat on the run and to eat whatever happens to be around. heavy greasy food that's hard on my diet and my digestive system. so i eat activia light every day. activia light, with bifidus regularis, helps regulate your digestive system in two weeks. mmmm. activia light is not light on taste! and with only 70 calories activia light helps make it easier to watch my weight. it helps me feel good and look good too! ♪ activia >> welcome back to "fox & friends" on this sunday morning. according to a washington post article, the republican plan for retaking the house is simple. do absolutely nothing. that includes no debating, no taking of sides on any issue instead just criticize the democrats. will this strategy lead the republican party back to the house? joining us for fair and balanced debate, a senior advisor to a think tank and steven crowder, welcome to both of you this morning. >> thanks for having us. >> steven, start with you, a do nothing strategy, no issues, no policy, do nothing, will that work for republicans? >> no, i think it needs be to be part of a multi-pronged approach. of course, distance themselves from democrats. and display with this administration winning on capitol hill and not with voters. aren't the party of the people they claim to be and republicans should focus on lower taxes, cutting the debt and strong national curt and the party of ideas and not just the party of no. >> wow, sounds like kind of a reversal alicia from that side. what's your take on this? >> my take is we've seen this before in both parties, play politics with these issues especially in the minority. we've seen seen a party act as egregiously as the republicans, most recently voting against the extension of benefits for hundreds of thousands of americans currently out of work. that's unforgivable and i don't think that voters are going to forgive them for that come november and sent a bad message to democrats. they've tried to include conservative ideas in some legislation, cap and trade, conservative idea. market based exchanges under health insurance reform and conservative idea. securing the border before we go into immigration reform and a conservative idea. this shows democrats even when you include republican principles, republicans are going to take the ball and go home. >> i don't know about cap and trade. there's the famous cap and trade aid, fired upon by the conservative base, i don't know where you get that from. >> let's take a look at the poll and maybe some disagree with you. take a look at the dynamics poll, 50% of americans think that president obama's or democratic control of the presidency and congress has been bad for the country. so, you know, given all of these policies we were just talking about, american voters seem to be making up their minds, are they wrong on this. >> i don't know if they're making up their minds, the economy stinks right now and the party in power is going to be responsible for that. i think we have time for those numbers to bounce and i also think in november that voters are going to be given a clear voice between a party that tried and maybe didn't get as far as they wanted to get and a party that sat home and did absolutely nothing and i think when you are given those two choices and when people are asked to compare how they're doing november, 2010 from how they were doing november of 2008. that's going to be a stark contrast. >> or they could be looking for a party that pushed through their agenda at the expense and agenda and will of the american people. >> these are the american people who voted them into power in 2008 and knew exactly-- >> i agree with you, i agree with you, a lot of them voted this guy into power and voted initiatives and didn't vote in a government official, it was a hype machine that went into the office. >> the celebrity that you mentioned has the most productive administration ever. >> steve and alicia, we appreciate it this morning. the final debate. >> thank you. >> actually we had some substance, it wasn't a do nothing debate. thank you, guys. the president promised that the health care plan would not create new taxes this morning, a change in tune that could hit your wallet hard. a store selling products strictly made in america. we will he' hear why business is booming right now. and that owner joins us live next, made an america right here on "fox & friends." >> all right. you may remember this. we first told you about a new store called made in america, back in april. it specializes in selling products that are 100% made on american soil. everything from the product to the packaging. >> since we first told you about the store, business boomed and the store expanded even attracting international media attention. joining us this morning, is the founder and owner of made in america, he's mark andel and basically brought us a yard sale here on the set. i don't know if you can see the stuff we have here, but you have everything in this store and everything that goes into the products you see here, all made in this country. >> 100%. yeah, that's the whole story, our story carries 100% american products and that's what's neat. we guarantee the customer it's 100% and it's been an unbelievable three, four months here, the traffic, my voice is almost gone. it's been a high paced life. >> your life apparently has changed a lot since we first met you in april. in fact, you've attract add lot of international attention, even the biggest newspaper in the world, a japanese newspaper with 14 million readers, wanted to come and feature your store. tell bus that experience. >> yeah, last wednesday, i got a call the day before and i didn't really take it that seriously and the next day two japanese reporters flew in and i sat with them and we got through the interview about two hours, but they flew from japan talking about the chinese influence on america and what i'm doing in my store and not only may it be the only 100% store in the country and maybe the world and they loved the story. i wasn't sure, i love our country, i said you should love yours, but i'm all about the american worker and helping out and it's making a difference. >> everything from onesies to rakes, to what is this? >> that's a handle that you put on a can. >> oh got it. >> a handle. >> and why, why, mark, do you think it struck a chord right now in particular, what's made people get behind your store. >> i think that people lost trust in the system. i don't think, i know they did. we make a huge difference and a statement and we've got to get our american worker back to work and it really shows you them that there's hope. if we get the mom and pop shops, i call a company fabbri carateding and tough shape, and helps my business and people get back to work because i make a lot of the steel products like this, but people want hope. we can fix the economy with the store idea if everybody researching, buying american and people told me thanks to you, it takes longer to shop. i'm looking for american. i'm not just about me, buy america, put people back to work. >> it's crazy that nobody thought of this except you, and it's been a wild success. >> yeah, absolutely. since we met last and thanks again for asking me down, this is great. we've went to seven days, due to customer, customers wanted us to and we have a brand new e-commerce website, save our country and we went to two, two expansions, one expansion we did for memorial day, unbelievable. added food and refrigeration and then we did our second expansion for july 4th and now we're on our third, and we've been researching franchising and all kinds of stuff. >> great news, mark, again the store made in america, ought to work for clayton's little one on the way here. so thanks for coming. pressure it. >> happy birthday to my mother-in-law and also, ricky-- >> score some points there, mark. >> ricky lee, great country singer made a song made in america and again our website and rickylee >> our pleasure, mark. >> the war of words heating up in the arizona senate race between john mccain and jd hayworth. >> my old friend bob dole told me never get in a wrestling match with a pig, you both get dirty and he likes it. >> and our own version of joe the plumber, meet him. keeping your house smelling like it should. purina tidy cats scoop. keep your home smelling like home. mmmmmm. mmmmmm. wow! you have got to be kidding me. 80 calories? light & fit has 80 calories versus 100 in the other leading brand. i love light & fit. now save money with our new super saver four packs. >> good morning everyone, it's sunday, july 18th. here is what's happening at this hour, will it work? that's the question whether is asking this morning, the wait and see game continues in the gulf. the cap is holding at this hour, but oil expected to leak again as teams relieve the pressure. we'll explain. >> and alcoholism in doctors is more widespread. startling reports that many doctor would not turn in a colleague with a problem. >> wow. did this toy car add-- teach toddlers unsafe driving habits? do you think? >> don't use your feet to move the car first of all. >> britney spears driving there. the company says no, but many parents strongly disagree, we're going to dial up the details straight ahead. our slogan this hour comes from chris in maryland, presenting fair and balanced news is like a juggling trick, but "fox & friends" does it with aly clayton, dave and rick. >> i like it. >> hello. >>. >> hey, everybody, this is steven baldwin, you're watching "fox & friends" and it's the place to be. >> did anybody tell you not to talk on the show, don't talk on the phone. >> posting photos of the godiva chocolates and ice cream i'm posting them on twitter. >> national ice cream day. >> these things are ridiculous. >> yeah, they are redonklus they're so ridiculous. and baskin robbins is retiring four flavors they say have gone out of fashion. >> we'll start with the oil spill. it's now day 90 of the spill in the gulf. it may not be a spill anymore, it may be capped because when you look at the pictures it does appear that the good news continues to flow, pun intended, there's no oil leaking out that have well. what they are going to do soon is reopen the well and send some oil back up to the ships on top of the ocean which means oil will seep back into the gulf. not the flow that we saw for the last 89 days or 88 days, however, but they're going to reopen this thing, lie likely today. >> not so fast, the integrity test looks good at the moment although the pressure is not as high as they wanted. they had a target of 7500 pounds per square inch. not sure why it hasn't reached that and they're continuing the testing. >> what would keep it from reaching that, that's the question, a leak. if there's a leak underground on the sea bed floor although they have sonar down there, noaa down there researching that looking at sonar to see if there's any leak on the sea bed floor. it might not be coming up that tube and seeping out in another area and that's a huge aur. >> the other thing that caused that lower pressure, more oil leaked into the gulf than anyone knew, maybe that's the reason for the low number and the relief well, the only thing we seal this permanently, that mid august and could take a couple of days, could take a couple of weeks to actually solidify and close off that well. >> and yet, people are feeling so good about the progress that has been made in the gulf, that we see hotel reservation lines, again, busy and we're seeing people fishing, recreationally fishing out again and seems as though they've turned a corner at least in public perception, things are on the mend. >> and people are starting to call their plumbers again. >> joe the plumber apparently is the man behind this entire stoppage of oil leaking from the gulf sea bed floor. there he is, that's not the joe the plumber we knew from the election cycle. this is joe caldart, sent in a suggestion, lives in kansas and sent in a suggestion of the 3000 that bp received, they believe his was taken. here is a quote from him on facebook page, what he said to the christian science monitor. >> i was thinking, well, if kevin costner and james cameron had problems getting through as famous as they are, i didn't stand a changes. a lot of people had a negative reaction, you're he a plumber, plumbers don't know anything about scientists. if scientists with ph.d.'s and all that can't fix it, how can you. >> a university of california professor, an oil engineer expert took him seriously and when he got that sketch, when the professor saw the sketch from joe, he said i think he has something here and forwarded it on to bp. the time line is interesting, because the plumber first made the sketch may 25th, on june 15th he said like nothing is happening and they're not using-- he tried to reach out to bp. thanks, but no thanks. he saw the oil spill was getting worse and sent it to the professor and appears after that. they put it together and they made that containment cap that looks suspiciously like his. >> of course only one of 300,000 suggestions that bp take from ordinary citizens and they're not confirming that this is the one they used. they said they use add lot of different ideas that they had sent in, joe could be the man though, a father of five, three hound dogs, maybe perhaps he could seize some royalties from the folks at bp. >> perhaps. >> we'll have to see-- pool some money for his. >> and his facebook page is about to get a few more friends. >> the story we've been following you, we were telling you about julie, the free-lance reporter, but published some photos in the atlantic magazine about bp's access and cutting off access tore reporters down there. they published photos and said, look, if they put this barrier in place and we're not allowed access on the beach we would never be able to see some of the images. she joined us to say that some of this intimidation factor from bp still going on. >> they did drop this brief block they had that was 20 meters, 65 feet back from the boom. what a lot of people don't understand, they said that doesn't sound excessive. you can use zoom lens. when you're at the boom, you're already back sometimes 100 feet or 65 feet so you have to double that. so it really did make it willing the story visually just about i am be possible. >> pretties remarkable when you consider that this is america. first amendment rights being infringed bohn and she said she was surprised to see it happening in her back yard. >> bp had some cover, people are getting injured and people are too close to the oil. we're doing it for your safety. julie had a great response. as reporters and photographers, we're willing to take that risk. we are take risks on war zones, front lines and that didn't pass muster and by the way, no journalists have been injured during this. >> let's turn the page to health care. so much attention focused on the lawsuit regarding immigration, let's rewind, a couple of months ago the big story in the country is how 20 states are challenging the health care plan because of that mandate that requires you have health care and you pay a fine, a fee, whatever you want to call it, if you don't have health care, well, now, the president, his administration, the department of justice is saying, well, it's a tax and they're therefore justifying how they're able to charge you a penalties if you don't have health care, that violates everything the president initially said about defending this health care mandate. >> congress, they say has a mandate. congress under the constitution has a mandate to be able to collect taxes and that's what the argument is. now, the state's rights trump this federal kinard as they're pushing it. remember what president obama said in 2009? if you don't, take a list in. >> us to say that you've got to take a responsibility to get health insurance, it's absolutely not a tax increase. >> so he's saying there, it's absolutely not a tax increase, it seems as though the administration is now doing a bit of double-speak because they've saying in their legal sense well, we're allowed to tax people. the fact that you're going to have to pay a fine. >> right. >> if you don't get health care, that's going to fall under a tax and as you know, the federal government can tax people about when it's in the best interest of the nation. >> the president promised not to lower taxes on somebody making lower than $250,000. >> most are those folks make less than $250,000 a year, clearly new taxes on the way. >> in the meantime, more headlines for you, because the first family is wrapping up their weekend get away to bar harbor maine today. expected to arrive back to washington earlier this afternoon and wendell goler joins us now from bar harbor. how much lobster have you consumed, wendell. >> just a little, alisyn. the 95% and 90% humidity for a comfortable 80 degrees and low humidity here, they've spent a lot of time outside as you can imagine and that's very much in keeping with the first lady's let's move fitness campaign. yesterday, they visited the bass harbor headlight house built in the late 1800's after tennis and time at the pool. the president came to maine a day after the two state senators, olympia snowe and one of the priorities. snowe and collins are probably the only two republicans not criticizing him for coming to maine instead of to the gulf coast where the oil spill left folks starving for tourists. here is sound from one of president bush's former advisors. >> encourage americans to vacation on the gulf coast and yet, he didn't choose to take a vacation there, so i think that's a bit problematic for him at a time when he could be setting an example for the country by vacationing on the many places along the gulf coast that aren't sullied by the oil spill. he has chosen not to do that. >> friday, the first family took a both ride around the island and did some hiking up cadillac mount and some biking as well. 18 months into his administration, president obama has spent about a third as much time away from the white house as gush gush had, a year and a half into his first term. mr. obama's advisors say his pay czar, mr. bush's advisors say that texas ranch with more work than vacation and presidential historian says they shouldn't rate a president by how much time he spent at the white house. >> jimmy carter had the lowest number of days off and highest inflation and lyndon johnson who achieved the most legislation you may not like the legislation, but even bad legislation is a lot of work, he may have accomplished the most and probably spent more time away from the oval office than any president. >> well, bp's progress in capping the oil spill has made this a much more restful vacation for the first family and the president's not ruled out the chance that he may cancel plans to go to martha's vineyard next month and go down to the gulf coast instead. alisyn, guys, back to you. >> wendell, thanks so much for the update. >> i like putting that in perspective there. thanks, wendell. let's toss it over to rick reichmuth for the forecast. >> you like at that? >> rick reichmuth. >> very nicely done, anchor-like, almost. here is your temps as you're waking up. we are a dealing with the heat. it's been a rough summer for so many people, hasn't been that bad really out west and you're starting to get in on the action, going to feel like around 115. not that humid. and phoenix, again, mountains to the north of l.a. and some of the valley areas around there are going to be around 100 to 102. one more day of heat at least around l.a. and that will break. the worst part is across the central plains and it's going to feel like 115 with the humidity in across areas of kansas and oklahoma and 108 across areas, the broader central part of the country and this heat is with us all week long. take a look at video out of chicago. people are suffering so much there, doing anything they can to get, to stay cool. fortunately, that big lake there, those temps don't warm up that much and jump in that lake and helps things a little bit. and today, another hot day in chicago and you're also going to be under the threat of severe weather there as we have a line of storms that's going to continue to pull through the area. and at some points in the afternoon, it could be severe, around the chicago area towards detroit and ohio and kentucky. one severe thunderstorm watch backs in effect across parts of missouri and a new one popping up, see how long that goes, until nine, this new one popping up and that includes areas of illinois. so, guys, a lot going on here. but this heat i tell you what, if you do not like a hot summer, this is not the summer. remember last summer, it was so cold. >> didn't it like snow in july. >> i recall that. >> a the foot of snow. >> thanks, rick, not a day for the new york city triathlon going on. and how about the government wants to track your fat and tracking every single americans' bmi. is that taking things too far. >> could male independents be the one who doom democrats in november. and chris wallace with the potential problem in the mid term election. >> all right. democrats, as you may have heard, may take a lashing in both houses, some say, in the coming november elections, but some say this could actually help the president get reelected in 2012. is the administration trying to lose the house in order to win the white house? >> fox news sunday anchor chris wallace joins us with more on this. chris, good morning to you. it's interesting, it was the bottom of an article from charles krauthammer, talking about don't underestimate the president and specified at the bottom, quote, for obama, 2010 matters little. if democrats lose control of one or both houses, obama will probably have an easier time than 2012, just as bill clinton used newt gingrich and the republicans as a foil for his 96 reelection campaign. is that perhaps part of the president's plan here or are there democrats that share this opinion? he needs to lose the house? >> no, absolutely not. i'm not sure that charles really means that. i think what he's saying is that if he loses the house to republicans, that he'll be able-- he'll have a foil and be able to run against them the way that bill clinton did in 1995. i promise you, nobody in washington wants to lose democrats want to lose the house to republicans and i can just say it in two words, subpoena power. if suddenly you've got people like darrell issa, the ranking republican and the government oversite committee. suddenly the chairman of the oversite committee and can issue subpoenas to call the members of the administration up to talk to them, for instance, about handing out or offering to hand out jobs to so sestek and andrew romanoff in colorado, they do not want to lose the house. if you do, do you a try angulation in 1995 like bill clinton did and run against them. >> i think what krauthammer was alluding it and independents, a buzz word, independents voters, where is the president on there. according to new numbers out the president may be doomed as a result of losing so many male independent voters, into the teens. could this be the thing that loses for him in 2012? >> well, i think, look, first of all, you can't say doomed. you know, a week is an eternity in politics and do a straightline projection of where we are in july of 2010 tough to say what we're going to do this november let alone three novembers from now is not very productive, but having said that, there's no question, and i was shocked to see in the polls, that there were a raft of bad polls for barack obama. his support not just among independent men, but independents in general is down about 20 points from 56% support, back in 2009 when he took office, to 36% support, now, and i think what it boils down to is this. independents are not nearly as impressed with the democratic agenda, with getting through health care reform or trying to get through cap and trade and they're primarily concerned with job one shall the economy and like a lot of other americans, they don't think the president has delivered on his promise to turn around the economy and to get people back to work. so that's the bottom line for them and they just, at this point, don't see the president performing very well. >> chris, always great chatting with you, we of course will tune into fox news sunday today. check your local listings to find it, thanks, chris. >> thank you, guys. >> coming up on the show, a disturbing new study showing that some doctors who see their colleagues impaired on the job won't actually turn them in. how big is the problem and what can you do about it as a patient next. >> now that bethany got married, what is next. bethenny frankel with her new baby, her book, her show, everything, the inside scoop. >> is she a real housewife? >> she's real. >> now she's particularly a housewife. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] try fixodent with a time-released formula. use just once per day for all-day hold. it is important to use the product as directed. for poor-fitting dentures, see your dentist. for hold from dawn to dark... fixodent and forget it. >> here is a scary medical story, according to a study many doctors who see their colleagues impaired, acting drunk, acting incompetent do not report it. why keep the dangerous information quiet? joining us now is dr. jason giles, board certified anesthesiologist, an addiction specialist to suffered from alcoholism himself. thank you for being with us. >> you're welcome, good morning, alisyn, how is everybody. >> we're well here. massachusetts general surveyed 2000 doctors and said that 17% of them had encountered an impaired colleague in the past three years and yet alerted no one of the first of all, why are so many doctors working under the influence of something? >> well, that study that you're talking about is in jama the way it's phrased, have you come across an impaired colleague. 17% were not involved directly in the reporting. i think there's a prom with the study. >> do you reject the premise? you were a doctor, you have an interesting story yourself because you were addicted to some pain killers and alcohol and did you feel your colleagues turned a blind eye to your impairment. >> absolutely not, not at all. the study itself, that's why i was trying to address some of the method logical problems, i don't think it's quite an accurate reflection, there are ways to ask questions, but the original question was how come on is this? doctors are people, we're people and as you mentioned, i'm a person, too, and have been through this on the the other side. how common it is, as common as it is in the general population, which is roughly 1% or so per year. now days, what i'm encouraged by in the study is that, you know, the code of silence as it used to be or the conspiracy of doctors protecting each other, is gone. and if you read the study, it's about 6 out of 7 have no problem reporting, even a suspicion, so, things have changed. we have a ways to go, it's not that it's all better, but it's a lot better. >> that's good to know. the way the study makes it sound, obviously, nobody wants to tattletale on their friends and colleagues, but it puts patient's lives in danger, obviously, if you don't know that your surgeon or your doctor is operating under the influence. >> absolutely, or airline pilot or anyone else, you know, we're required to take care of one another and because we're dealing with taking care of patients, it's critical that doctors, if they have any suspicion at all, that they just go to the head of the hospital. if you're a patient and you have any suspicion at all. go to the hospital administration or go to the group administration, there's no reason that anyone has to be in fear of wondering if their doctor is okay. >> all right. dr. jason giles, board certified anesthesiologist, you have a very interesting personal perspective into this. thanks so much for coming on to talk about it. >> my pleasure, alisyn, have a great day. >> you, too. >> coming up, president obama finding an ally in the form of rand paul? find out what the two political polar opposites have in common. she's a real life new york city housewife, a spin-off of her reality series and new mom and author of a new book. she's busy, she's bethenny frankel and she's coming up here on the curvy couch. while bethenny will help you stay, quote, a skinny girl. it's national ice cream day. we have tasty ways for you to enjoy ice cream at home. we asked real people to film themselves taking the activia 14-day challenge. i'm mary ellen smith. day one of the activia 14-day challenge. my digestive problems are irregularity. so i'm really excited to see if this really works. my husband tried this last night. he loved it. he said it's the best yogurt i've ever brought home, so...mmm. have just started to notice a slight difference in my digestion. help regulate your digestive system. take the activia challenge. >> welcome back to "fox & friends," an improve group doing a scene on a new york city subway car. >> why doesn't it happen on a car where i'm travelling. >> what did they do? all the people on the subway were startled and didn't know what in the world were going on. you can look at their faces, she walked into the subway originally reading a book. galactic rebellion for dummies and sits down and people are looking at her book and then stormtroopers walk in what in the world and grab her and arrest her and darth vader on the next stop. >> what surprises me, people actually noticed in new york. i mean, i have seen the most absurd things on the planet and people don't even notice. >> i saw-- >> naked and no one noticed. >> i posted a guy, did shoot video of a guy on the subway, looked like a yeti. no one noticed. >> why do i get the strange smelly guy, oddball sitting next to me. >> i call it luck. >> clayton next to you. >> stop riding near me! >> well, texting and talking on the cell phone behind the wheel, one of the biggest problems facing this country. and one company, it seems, may have planted the seed a bit earlier than parents are comfortable with. it's the company, lil' tykes. you know the little cars that kids drive. they apparently had an ad featuring a young britney spears. >> and road rules that are being broken in this one shot. she's driving with one hand on the steering wheel. >> yeah, 10-2, kids. 10-2. >> no 10-2 here, she's talking on a cell phone. >> without wearing her seat belt. >> no seat belt and i believe she may have using her feet to, to move the car. >> and she broke rule number four, she broke the adorable rule. >> oh. >> i'm going to let that hang for a while. the cell phone actually comes with the car that you see featured in that ad. now, this company has in fact, canceled that ad and i think taken the cell phone out of the car. needless to say it's still out there, still available online. is this a horrific idea for young children? >> i mean, look, it's obviously, reckless, yes. it's reckless and they're-- it makes it seem like that's okay and that mommy hanging out the window on the phone is common place. >> which is-- >> of course illegal. >> use that in many states. so, it's the wrong message. >> they should just have them on the phone not talking, and more accurately texting and driving. >> and applying makeup. >> what a great role model you will be, i'm excited. >> oh. >> in the meantime, here are your headlines. we do have some new video to show you. it's out of baghdad, it's a horrible, horrible story this morning because at least 48 people are dead, following two homicide bombings. >> dozens more have been wounded and the attacks targeting members of a government backed anti-al-qaeda militia, the attacks struck within hours of each other and the bombings are said to be the series of deadly attacks in iraq. at the aleutian island regions, no immediate reports of damage or injury. the 6.7 quake was centered in the baring sea southwest of dutch harbor. residents there report feeling some quote, weak shaking and one of the largest to hit the area in recent years. republican senate candidate rand paul is defending president pom's right to make decisions on the war in afghanistan, without interference from congress. speaking at a g.o.p. event in kentucky, paul says congress should not micromanage the war in afghanistan, it should leave the decisions on troop levels to the white house. arizona senator john mccain and former representative jd hayworth are duking it out in our second, final, televised debate before the august 24th primary. >> if john had told the truth about barack obama, the way he's spreading falsehoods about me, john would be president right now. maybe he'd do a better job on the border. >> senator bob dole told me one time, never get into a wrestling match with a pig. you both get dirty and the pig likes it. >> former new coming deacon accused both of being career politicians. >> took the high road. >> i love this story. a history chunk for you, the remnants of a centuries old ship dug out of the world trade center. it could be a merchant vessel that ferried rum around the time of the american revolution, and it could be a two mathed schooner, it was skofrd close to 30 feet below street level on tuesday. so it used to ferry rum, dave. my question for you, you're probably down to sniffing around to he see if there's any of that 17th century rum. >> finely aged rum, i like you got the liquor part of the of the story. and filtered tiger out of it, it doesn't mean the british open is not entertaining. let's go to st. andrews, one of the birthplace of golf. miguel jimenez, off the brick wall and behind him up on to the green, a back screen on it. missed the putt, but still, what a memory of the fans and speaking of bogies and here it is again. here is the approach on 17, let's call it wayward. he shot a 73. he's 12 strokes back of the man, louie oost eye hun. half the people can't pronounce his name and nonetheless in the lead including a putt on 16. he's never been in contention at a major and paul casey though from gland an after the round on 66 just four strokes back, what a great sunday it will be. louie tees off at 9:05. that's joe montana's son you're looking at one of 11 notre dame athletes arrested for underage drinking. he'll be a backup quarterback at notre dame and any possible discipline would be handled internally. >> he's just a young man having fun. >> look at joe. >> picture joe there with a six pack and he has a-- >> what's my excuse, i don't have an injury and i have a-- i don't have a six pack at all. >> we can talk about that later, trust me. it's excuses, is your excuse. all right. so guess what, ronald reagan is attributed to many great things, the end. cold war and designated the third sunday in july as the national ice cream day, pretty brilliant. i've got the franchise owner of baskin robbins. you're doing a ridiculous thing retiring flavors. >> as many do at 65, french vil vanilla. why are you retiring these. >> 65th birthday we need to make room for flavors, we have over a thousand flavors in our cat category. you have a little bit more supply of them. once it's gone, it's gone. >> yes, we have supplies, get out to your local baskin robin and shop for the flavors as soon as you can, once it's gone, it's begun, it will be taken away in a brinks truck and an opportunity maybe to vote for it later on. >> your last chance for french vanilla. >> mitch here, the guinness world holder for scooping. >> 19 scoops in one minutes. >> i'm going to scoop some and alisyn will have godiva. >> you have truffle flavored ice cream that everybody can buy at godiva. tell us about these. >> this is actually the limited edition, ice cream truffles. >> okay. >> and we have very different flavors in there, we have orange and cream here. >> yes. >> we have mint chocolate chip, caramel pecan. >> which should i try. >> the orange and cream. >> for research purposes, obviously, mmm. it's a newfangled cream sickle. >> yes, it is. >> delicious. >> thank you, thank you. >> and everybody can purchase these at any godiva store. >> any godiva store, hurry up because they're flying off the shelf right now. >> because i'm eating them all. i'm finishing them. >> and rick, you can look at people here-- >> there you go, alisyn, i'm over here with katherine cassidy, and continue our ice cream celebration you're going to make some including my favorite straw dberry rhubarb. >> this is cheesecake, and once you have it-- what we're going to do layer some homemade vanilla ice cream with instant pudding and milk and ease toy find in grocery stores. >> layering it. >> yeah, layer a little more and dump it in this and then we're going to take the crushed graham cracker crumbs, a little bit of sugar and little bit of cinnamon and butter and then this is is a homema homemade blueberry sauce, very easy, fresh blueberries and we're just swirling it a little bit and then it's ready for you guys. >> the basic concept of homemade ice cream flavors, take vanilla and add on what you want. >> and it costs a little bit so worth it to have it in the freezer, dig in. >> is there a trick to make sure your homemade ice cream is great. >> read the directions, people don't do it. you have to do that and chill the mixture before you put it in the freezer? what do you think? >> it's my favorite day of the year. everybody can make it at home. thanks for the recipe, we better go inside to dave and clayton. >> this show is not helping me lose weight. well. >> that's why you were out of the segment. >> thank you. >> we're worried about your behi bmi. >> speaking of bmi, the government wants to track everyone's bmi. they want it on record and is that going too far? we report, you decide. >> and secretary of state. hillary clinton head today afghanistan, the latest news week story calls the war unwinnable. is the battle, quote, not worth it? ♪ me neither. it's new beneful incredibites. it's just the way you like it-- with carbohydrates for energy and protein for muscles. [ man announcing ] new beneful incredibites. another healthful, flavorful beneful. we gedouble miles on every purchase. so wearned an l.a. getaway twice as fast. we get double miles every time we use oucard. no matter at we're buying. and since double miles add up quick... romans! get em! [ garth ] ...we can bring the whole gang. [ sheep bleats ] it's hard to beat double miles. whoa -- he's on the list. but we're with him. [ male announcer introducing the venture card from capital one with double miles on everyurchase every day. go to [ indistinct shouting ] what's in your wallet? [ deb ] people don't just come to ge capital for money. they come to us for help. at ge capital, we've been financing taylor guitars for over eight years, helng them build a strong dealer network. bringing music to people... i like that. ♪ ♪ [ bob ] i didn't know you could play i didt either. ♪ while i was building my friendships, i didt either. my family, while i was building my life, my high cholesterol was contributing to plaque buildup in my arteries. that's why my doctor prescribed crestor. she said plaque buildup in arteries is a real reason to lower cholesterol. and that along with diet, crestor does more than lower bad cholesterol, it raises good. crestor is also proven to slow the buildup of plaque in arteries. crestor isn't for everyone, like people with liver disease, or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. simple blood tests will check for liver problems. you should tell your doctor about other medicines you are taking, or if you have muscle pain or weakness. that could be a sign of serious side effects. while you've been building your life, plaque may have been building in your arteries. ask your doctor if crestor can help and go to to get a free trial offer. announcer: if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> tracking your fat. literally. the department of health and human services want to mandate that every person's bmi be measured and included in electronic health record beginning in 2014. is this going too far? joining us now for a fair and balanced debate, the president of the institute for liberty, andrew langer, and national obesity, meme roth. >> good morning. >> we told folks about this and they were fired up not on your side, meme. people found it intruding. andrew why do you not like the idea and part of the stimulus plan. it gets back to the whole problem with the stimulus package itself. not related to the idea of stimulating the economy and it's a big, big drag on it and doesn't get us where we need to go in this so-called war on fat. i mean, putting a fat stamp on everybody's medical record is not good public policy at all. >> we can all agree it's a good objective to fight obesity in the country. how does it help and not intrude in our lives. >> this is less after big deal as you think it is. if they know your height and weight, they know your bmi. driver's licenses for years included height and weight and i think they stopped on weight because people had a tendency to low ball. you end up forfeiting freedoms when you ask her people, fellow countrymen who pick up the tab for the consequences of choices. what we have a done, become a nation that's made ourselves sick and we've got a price tag, we have chronic illness, 50% of us are chronically ill, 750 million annually and three quarters of it avoidable by different life style choices. we've got to stop asking other people to pick up the tab and the government would get out of way. >> by the same token, meme we should mandate that everybody has to go to college because in the end, you know-- >> well, if you make me pay for not going. >> the cost of unemployment and we know that folks go to college, they're going to be, they have more likely to be employed and let's force everybody to go to college. >> i'm not following that argument. >> back to the bmi. how does it lower costs then. you're talking how much it costs the country, obesity. how does it help us. >> the reality is more than 70% of us do not fully recognize the degree of our own obesity. so this helps bring that information and put it in front of you and say, look, you're in a danger zone. >> sorry to interrupt you recognize this as much as health professionals in the country, bmi is wildly inaccurate. >> only if you're a body builder-- >> hang on. >> all we're doing is guessing, height and weight and factoring in bmi. doesn't give awe accurate bmi. we've soon people who are perfectly hel healthy who are measured obesity. >> we could do neck circumferen circumference. >> if anybody has a big waist in japan, they make the employer pay. >> there are other options other than bmi. >> you're essentially putting a fat stamp on everybody's medical records. >> no, you put your own fat stamp on yourself. this is a result of life style choice. >> what happens with the public policy implications down the road, once they get the fat stamp on the health medical records, what policy goals are articulated by folks that-- >> as long as people ask someone else to pay the price for their decision, constitution doesn't say other people have to pay the price for your decisions. >> thank you both for being here, a passionate debate. coming up on the show now that bethenny got married. what is next? bethenny frankel with the scoop on her show, her baby and the latest skinny girl book. >> oh, yeah, the cap has just come off. she starred in "the real house wives of new york city" for three seens and now a star of her own hit "bethenny getting married." . >> did your water break? >> there was a puddle on the bed and maybe my water broke in the middle of the night. nobody told me that was going to happen. the movies say it's standing up and like niagara falls out of your legs. that's not the case. the bed a puddle, trickle down my leg and now i know, my water broke. >> wow, reality star, new mom and author of the skinny girl. bethenny frankel. you have ahad quite a year. >> i know. >> you got a baby, got married, you have a new show. what's changed for you over the past couple of years since we've first met you? >> what's changed, everything he is a changed, but what's changed in me, i think i've softened a little bit and calmed down and a little more at peace. everything seems just a little bit more finished. >> calm? >> i'm complete. >> that's a nice feeling. >> yes. >> now, we've seen-- i'm not sure i want to buy that, i really want to believe that. on real house wives, there was always a lot of tension and consternation and at the end of the last episode seemed to be some friction about maybe you going off and getting your own show. any friction there? >> there was definitely friction, it's just like the elephant in the room, the underlying tension, it was never discussed, the elephant in the room, never discussed between me and my cast mates and i've moved on and doing incredibly well and showing an intelligent witty show can succeed without slapping each other and cursing and flipping over tables. it's about the minutia, devil in the details. >> people love the new show, huge ratings on bravo. so, are you done with real house wives of new york? are you not returning? >> i mean, given the cast and the way it was, i really think i'm done. there's no reason, we beat it to death. we laughed and we cried, and we cursed each other out and it's over. >> so i imagine, it's difficult on its own, getting married and going through the life changes and then having a camera around while you're dealing with all of this. some of your most private moments, your water breaking and there's a camera guy there. >> it's interesting. the planning. wedding was the most stressful to be doing with cameras around. it's a time when you and your partner have differences of opinion, a the lot of conflicts and that was difficult. it really was. in general, i -- i like sharing it, i think it helps women. i think that a lot of women are in their 30's and conflicted, i'm not married yet, the clock is ticking, i don't know where my career is and i feel i take pressure off for women and i'm happy to do that because they've invested so much time watching my show and me and i like sharing that part of it. >> one of the things people say about you, you're authentic and you seem to be real. you peel back the curtain and let people see you warts and all. what about your husband? he tried to stay out of the frey during real house wives, does he like having the cameras around? >> it's not like that he likes it. it would be a problem if he liked it, it would probably be a problem if he didn't like it. it's right in the middle. he supports me. he didn't like house wives because he didn't like what it represents. that's not who he is. but he likes my show because it's supporting me and us and here the crew is really nice, bravo has been really nice. >> but it's so intrusive, isn't it? you're trying to have the first year of marriage. >> i have to tell you, it's, it's really-- we don't notice that the cameras are there, it's not big brother, they're not with us 24 hours a day, it's a schedule. a rose, it has petals and thorns and the petals way outweigh the thorns. there are definitely drawbacks, but the positive outweigh. like any couple who has a first child you may be considering a second child. rumors of a possibility of a second child on the way? >> i don't know. my husband would like to have a second child and i'm not going going to do something because i feel pressure because of my age because i love all the time in the world to be leisurely about it, but it is a conversation, i don't know. >> you're an author, mommy, new wife, and everything else. you're going to be back next hour. you're sticking around, you've got the books and cooking and sharing a recipe with us from the new book, skinny girl, how to make an mocamole, which is a version of guacamole. >> how you're able to look good in that skinny dress after having a baby three months ago. >> i was healthy before and i've written on this, how to lose weight. >> i'm reading that because i want to look good in a dress as well. >> you have more work to do. meanwhile, coming up is bp buying off scientists? the report says that bp has been hiring hundreds of scientists from around the gulf to protect themselves in potential future lawsuits. we have the details for you coming up. >> and a record card fat score to be sent home with kids has parents fuming mad. girls like this nine-year-old gymnast told she's overweight. is that going too far? we've e-mail and blogs, a lot to say about this. we'll read as many as we can during the next two hours of during the next two hours of the show coming up. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. like, keep one of these over your head. well, i wasn't "supposed" to need flood insurance, but i have it. fred over here chose not to have it. ♪ me, i've got a plan. fred he uh... fred what is your plan? do i look like i have a plan? not really. 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>> dave: yes. >> announcer: it's "fox & friends." >> alisyn: good morning, thanks for joining us. we know that you want to hear the latest on what is going on in the gulf, there is good news this weekend and continues to be good news, the containment cap is working, though, at this hour, they are still doing the integrity testing because the numbers in terms of the pressure of the well are not exactly what engineers and scientists hope to see. >> clayton: but it is strickaling up and here's why, they want the -- trickling up, they want the pressure to continue building up, if not, it means the pressure maybe seeping out somewhere else and goings into the sea floor or coming out at a different opening or dave's point, it may be because enough oil already gushed out of the well that it may not have the pressure we think it might have. >> dave: ultimately, look at the pictures, the folks in the gulf are thrilled, there is no oil now leaking into the gulf and tourism is beginning to spike, immediately from when they capped that thing, the phones are ringing and people are returning to the beaches, especially, in coastal alabama, so, any time we have good news in regard to the story we want to pass it on to you. the relief well, weeks away, mid august they think it will be permanently sealed. as for the ban, on deep water drilling, bobby jindal, the governor of louisiana is not happy about it. he has taken aim in a "washington post" op-ed, and he says it is hurting the economy, this is a misconceived ban, quote, by simply stopping all deep water drilling, federal officials appear more interested in ideology and scoring political points as they've done with the misguided cap-and-trade legislation at the expense of americans who derive their livelihood from the energy industry and he says it could cost 20,000 jobs in the gulf region and cost between 65 and $160 million in wages, every month, that the ban continues, guys. >> alisyn: what is his suggestion? he says what the federal government should have done is taken a much more strategic, methodical approach. and he says yes. they should increase oversight, the mms being asleep at the switch and more oversight to check the rigs, fine and you can halt production on any rigs that are suspicious, and, anywhere safety is called into question but to do a blank yet moratorium hurts more than helps. >> clayton: and there are question about access from reporters, getting the story out of the gulf has not been easy and many reporters who have been down there have experienced this as well, freelance reporters, photographers, trying to get close to the story to bring you the images of the gulf oil disaster, and have had a difficult time and some have said bp has in fact hired a security firm to intimidate people and keep them away from the perimeters, of where they can get these stories and julie dermanski is a freelance photographer and brought us amazing images she said she wouldn't have been able to get had bp not put the ban in place and told bp reps, i don't answer to them. take a listen: >> it does make you sarcastic to think that you have to answer to bp. i flat-out, politely told the bp reps, that i don't answer to them and if they send over a police officer, or someone from the coast guard, i'll follow their lead, but, i don't answer to bp. i think it is a terrible policy to have bp out there, being the watchdog for the media. >> clayton: and setting up a ban of 20 meters to keep people away. but there are safety concerns and can they hide under the blanket of safety. >> alisyn: julie, we posed the question to her and she said no journalists have been hurt, some fishermen went to the hospital, getting too close to the oil. >> clayton: they are deep into the process. >> alisyn: and she took a hazmat course and she said she's willing to take her risks to get the photographs, and those photographs you saw are hers and she's wailing to take the risk to get the story out to the rest of us. >> dave: hopefully they allow the journalists access. that is our internal threat, exeterally, the war on -- external, the war on terror, where hillary clinton is going tuesday, heading into afghanistan for a conference as a cover of "newsweek" magazine is set to be unveiled, that tells the administration that is not a winnable war, and, asks the question, is it worth it? the author is richard haas, a former state department official under the bush administration, ironically and he's studied this very, very deeply and he says, quote, the first thing we need to recognize is that fighting this kind of war is in fact a choice, not a nasecessity, we wt to war to oust the taliban government which allowed al qaeda to operate freely out of afghanistan and mounts the 9/11 attacks and they were routed, and members of al qaeda were captured or killed or escaped to pakistan, but that was a necessary war and it sings afghanistan not continue to be a sanctuary for terrorists, who can be again attack the american homeland or u.s. interests around the world. point is, he wants us out of afghanistan. it costs too many lives and too much money. >> alisyn: and he was an advisor to colin powell and president of the council on foreign relations and incredibly respected in foreign policy circles. this is not just janeanne garofalo saying she doesn't like the president sticking in afghanistan. this is someone who actually served as the coordinator for the future of afghanistan and no one knows better what the future of afghanistan looks like than richard haass and he says, people this morning are paying attention. >> clayton: let's be specific. because the real issue is this corruption that is involved in the government. and you go in and you have this secure and hold in these different facilities, marines are being asked to go into cities, secure and hold it so corruption cannot come back in and that is nearly impossible when you have tribal leaders in towns who are absolutely corrupt and there is no incentive for them to give up their corruptive ways and not work with the taliban and not be funneling drug money and not having the corrupt government beneath karzai who has not been held accountable and that is the real problem and people say you cannot stop it. we need to get out. >> dave: and some of the criticisms though article says, we need to support our troops. it is not against our troops, we need to support them but those like richard haass and the two terrorist experts said we have to get out there and, they do support our troops fully and why they want us out of afghanistan. >> alisyn: we have other headlines to report to you, and there is a shooting at a state park near seattle, left two men dead and four others wounded and police have 6 people in custody and two of them are believed to be the attackers, authorities have recovered one gun so far, though, other weapons were apparently found in the a car that was attempting to flee and the park has been closed and will likely remain that way through this morning. as police investigate this. the father of missing 7-year-old kyron homran says he thinks a third-party is involved likely with his estranged wife in the disappearance of his son. he gave no basis for his belief other than what he called, quote, briefings. terri moved out of the couple's home, and he filed for divorce after she allegedly tried to hire someone to kill him months ago, kyron homran disappeared on june 4th and terri was reportedly the last person to have seen him. vice president joe biden has been ordered to pay a $219,000 penalty for campaign violations. the federal election commission says he improperly accepted a discounted private plane flight and individual contributions above the legal limit in his 2008 presidential campaign, the vice president will pay the penalty to the u.s. treasury to resolve the matter, a spokesperson says. the first family wraps up their weekend get away in bar harbor, maine, expected to arrive in washington, early this afternoon, the obamas spent much of their time in acadia national park and went boating and the president is expected to return to the gulf coast soon for another look at the oil spill zone. those are your headlines. >> beautiful weather in acadia national park. is there any other nice weather around the country? let's ask the one man who knows. >> rick: that little corner of the country is one of the few spots that has not been brutally hot and across the pacific northwest, you are too cool and everybody else, dealing with the sheet and it is so high we have heat advisories in affect across nevada, california, arizona and the colorado river, up to 115° and the mountains and valleys, just to the north of l.a. dealing with the heat, up to 102% and this area towards california, southern california will expire, by tomorrow. you will cool off a little bit and the worst part is across areas of the central plains, not getting a break, will feel like 115° where you see the red area, 108, 110° and another oppressive day, hot an extremely humid and because of that the heat indices, the red areas, already feels like it is over 9:00 -- excuse me, over 90° and it is only 8:00. there you go. not doing good and here's the other story we have going on, severe weather, really rapidly moving line of storms, here, developing looks like into a little bit of... causes a thunderstorm watch until 1:00 p.m. and winds maybe up to 60 miles per hour, that will cause pting problems. here's your high temperatures, guys, it is hot everywhere and cooler towards rapid city than yesterday and nonetheless, it is just a brutally hot summer for everybody. >> clayton: let's ask the question of our audience, we threw it out there on social media, what do you think of schools reporting students' weights on their report cards, as you, bs, and cs, the measurement of your bmi, your student may be obese. >> dave: and how woo like it what your kid, who is in shape and an athlete and shows a report that your daughter or son is fat, though you know better? that happened to a 9-year-old gymnast, yes, 9 years old, the state of massachusetts, brought it home to her parents and they were not happy and she's confident enough to know she is not obese and was shocked, nonetheless, by the results. >> i would be considered big, for my grade, and age. but, definitely not overweight. i think for people who got these letters and can't really handle it, because they think they are trying to take it into their own hands, i think, don't take it into your own hands because it is just going to make matters worse. take it to your doctor. >> alisyn: lots of people would say it is not good to tell a -- impressionable young girls they are overweight went body image is such a big concern at that stage and he says, it should be up to the parents to watch their children's weight, but in all fairness, it is clearly up to the parents. that is why schools have to do this, because parents have not necessarily monitored their children's weight, so, schools are taking it upon themselves, to fight obesity. >> dave: in some cases a that are wildly inaccurate in the -- >> alisyn: bmi is often wildly inaccurate. ask obese morris over here who got the rating. >> clayton: e-mail from terry, if teachers, would pay more attention to teaching the fundamentals of education and less to things like bmi, they would not be the awful failures that they are today. >> alisyn: let's talk about the fat grams, perhaps, in a milk shake instead. >> juliet: and i have four children and they go for annual check ups and it is up to the pediatrician to dell me if my child needs to lose weight, not their school. >> clayton: hubba 112: shunts the teachers also show their bmi? that would be a little hypocrite of them, if they are overweight. >> alisyn: and, i don't know where i'm getting the impression, but hamma is having a good time! >> clayton: parents are all read not taking responsibilities for grades, why would weight be any different, parents need to step up. >> dave: doing the sprint... coming up on the show, bp accused of hiring hundreds of marine scientists and subjecting them to confidential should tun agreements. is it preparing for lawsuits. >> alisyn: and offering advice to tom cruise and... >> clayton: clayton morris. >> alisyn: an britney spears, she has car safety tips for all of us. a segment clayton and every parents to be, should see. ♪ ♪ for the first time ♪ feels like life... do what? you made it taste like chocolate. it has 35% of your daily value of fiber. tasty fiber, that's a good one! ok, her mind. [ male nouncer ] fiber one chewy bars. it's new beneful incredibites. ever seen anything like it? me neither. it's just the way you like it-- with carbohydrates for energy and protein for muscles. [ man announcing ] new beneful incredibites. another healthful, flavorful beneful. how do i know if i'm getting a good deal? you should talk to the specialist. the specialist? he compares rates side by side you cod save hundreds. it's easy. great. okay, pickles! do your thing. [ bell rings ] that's amazing! i trained him myself. i meant the... okay. same coverage, more savings. now, that's progressive. call or click today. a heart attack at 57. that was a rough time. my doctor told me i should've been doing more for my high cholesterol. ♪ you should've listened. you're right. now i'm eating healthier and i trust my heart to lipitor. [ male announcer ] when diet and exercise are not enough, adding lipitor may help. lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. lipitor is backed by over 18 years of research. lipitor is not for everyone... including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications, or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. my dad learned the hard way. but you may be able to do something. [ male announcer ] have a heart to heart with your doctor about your risk. and about lipitor. >> clayton: welcome back at "fox & friends," bp reportedly hiring marine scientists from all over the gulf, in a move to bellster the company's legal defense, against the anticipated lawsuits related to the spill. those who have reportedly accept bp's offer are subject to strict confidentiality agreements. >> dave: this is a cover-up move by bp? environmental lawyer robert wiegele says the actions are troubling, good morning to you, sir. >> good morning. >> dave: tell us what bp is doing, grabbing up scientists all over the region. >> what has been happening, bp has been having scientists, universities, across the gulf region, sign agreements to be expert witnesses which is different from just being a researcher. being an expert witness is being part of a litigation team. >> clayton: it sounds a lot like a soprano's episode, because it reminds me of tony calling up every lawyer around new jersey so carmelo -- carmella, couldn't file for divorce, she'd call the lawyers and they'd say i have a conflict of interest, tony called me. is that what is going on here. >> i'll tell you what is most troubling about this, is that when you talk about a specific place like the gulf of mexico, or a specific resource, like the blue crab fishery or the wetlands or the reed fish fisher, there may only be a half dozen scientists and academics at the top of the game and they've done decades of research and spin it their time and done their phds on that and if you take those folks out of the process, following up on the oil spill and determining the damages, it makes them answerable exclusively to bp, i think you really have a problem from the public's perspective. >> dave: but on the flip side, if you are bp it is good business? wouldn't you do this? and, number 2, they grabbed a half a dozen universities in the country and region which there are hundreds, if not thousands of research universe that are capable and willing -- universities capable and willing to study the region. could they really put a dents in a the amount of colleges capable of complete research. >> in answer to your first question it is a cagey legal move on bp's part. i don't think there is anything illegal about it. it is much more troubling from a policy perspective. on the second part, i don't think i would agree with you about that. because you have the people in the universities in the region, are the ones that know the most, about this particular place, and about these particular resources. and as an attorney, who takes cases all the way through from the beginning, through the trial, you know sometimes, having that one witness that is really the best, and the most credible and presents your information most persuasively can make a huge difference. >> clayton: on the surface, something stinks about it, robert wiegele, environmental lawyer from new orleans, we appreciate you shedding some light on this. >> thank you for having me. >> clayton: you bet. >> juliet: dup, a warning from the state department this morning, that the location of secret facilities and names of top-secret agencies may soon be leaked. why officials are in panic mode, this morning. >> clayton: no doubt about it, america loves the celebrity melt downs. why do we have such an appetite for their downfall? knock 'em when they are down? we talk about that, next. this , your father is alive... your son is safe... your wife is recovering... and your baby is coming home... is this really the moment to cut $4 billion from our hospitals? >> alisyn: time for quick headlines, authorities in puerto rico have arrested the nation's most wanted fugitive, jose david augusto was wanted for escaping from a puerto rico correctional facility ten years ago, after he was serving a 209-year sentence for kidnapping. he was also wanted by u.s. and dominican republic officials for several other violations. britain's parliament says it should not try to ban wearing full length veils in public. this after the lower house passed a bill in france allowing muslim women to be fine ford wearing the burqa. britain's immigration minister says the law would be at odds for the country's tolerant and mutually respectful society. over to courtney freely. >> we saw lindsey lohan's emotional day in court. as she was noticed to 90 days in jail. >> i'm not taking it as a joke. my life, my career, i have worked my entire life and, you know, i have learned from my experiences and i take responsibility for my actions. >> reporter: what is the deal with everyone's obsession with celebrities when they get in trouble, with me to discuss this is psychiatrist dr. dale archer, good morning. first of all, let's talk about how things changed because we used to build celebrities up and now it seems like we want to break 'em down, why is that. >> i don't think it is us. i think that for so long the hollywood industrial complex and the mainstream media conspired to keep it under wraps and these people were bigger than life, superstars and almost god-like and now for the first time the curtain is pulled back and we are seeing what is behind it and as americans we want the truth and want to know the real deal, don't want to see scripted, polished, buffed and now we are getting that. >> and it is easy to gossip about the people, everybody knows them but are we trying to make ourselves feel better because we don't have their problems. >> yes. i think partly that is true. i mean, obviously, you think, i have a problem but i don't have a cocaine problem, or i have a problem but my husband doesn't beat me or doesn't have 100 mistresses on the side. that is part. but the other part i think is about fairness. we want to know that they are accountable like we'd be in the same situation. and we are finally getting that. >> with lindsey lohan, we want to know she'll have real consequences. >> here's someone who gets convicted of cocaine and serves 4 minutes. in jail. 84 minutes in jail and she painted "f-u" on her fingernails, in front of the judge, and it is a mockery of the justice system and we want to know she'd be punished like we'd be if it happened and we are getting that. it looks like she'll serve jail time. >> mel gibson, he seemed so likable before the anti-semitic rant and now the tapes, alleged tapes, you know, saying horrible things to his wife. why would we want to see him fall? is he too egotistical. >> the thing with mel, he's a different situation, than anyone else we talk about, because, usually it is between them, and, the court, i have a drug problem or beat their wife or have mistresses and mel gibson's case, he bashed everybody from other religionses to minorities, to women and i think because of that, he really crossed the line. and, i think he's done. i don't see him being able to come back from that. he was too mean and too vile and too vicious. >> tiger woods, golfers still love him and charlie sheen and inmates, we did the story on inmates love him. >> i have to tell you, i was a prison psychiatrist for a while and inmates love anybody, rich, powerful and famous because they think they can help them and in tiger's case, it is a real indictment, golfers say we don't care about his personal life, we want to watch him play golf, hello, if he is not held accountable, no one will. >>, we are holding the celebrities accountable. make sure you go to the web site when you want entertainment news, let's toss it over to dave. >> dave: thanks, court. will it work? the question everyone is asking as the wait-and-see game continues in the gulf and now, word that despite the progress there may be more bad news, for the area's seafood industry. a live report, is next. and, the top vehicles, coming up, we have important car safety tips. every parent should know. ♪ ♪ every time i see above the fray ♪ ♪ starts in my toes ♪ and i crinkle my nose ♪ wherever it goes... >> alisyn: the 90th day of the worst oil disaster in the u.s., and today scientists are continuing trials to make sure that that gulf oil well cap is holding, phil keating is live in louisiana. explain why they need an additional 24 hours of testing. >> the well appears to be good, there is no new oil or methane gas, no hydrocarbons detected escaping from the well. throughout the entire 48 hour testing process and had another 24 hours and gave the scientists and engineers a little more time, to conduct more seismic testing and sonar testing to be sure there is no new oil gushing into the gulf of mexico and we are 65.5 hours into this, on thursday, and, they got the -- no new oil has been going in there and admiral thad allen and bp are pleased with everything they have seen so far but admiral thad allen said once the testing is over and kill lines to the riser and let the oil flow up to the surface ship and keep containing the oil an checking it and off-boarding it until the relief well goes down and bp this morning says in the technical briefing, the teleconference that if they can, they would like to not do that. just keep it capped as it is. basically, a bottle being corked and wait for the relief well and apparently is under seduction. >> clayton: you mentioned the relief well, that is interesting, all eyes were on that as possibly the only chance of stopping it an drilling had stopped, they were 4 feet away from the thing. and where does the relief well stand, will they still do that. >> reporter: no, no, they are taking a pause but the drilling resumed and we are close, 100 feet away on the deepest well from actually intercepting with the leak -- we went on board transocean's dd2 drill ship, one of two ships that are drilling these deep wells, 189,000 feet below the surface and bp believes the deepest one can make the point of interception, by the end of july. >> day by day, we can't tell how long it will take to do the final runs with the well bore, may take 7 days or a week. they want to be sure it... something does not go wrong. >> reporter: the reason why the last remaining section of the well head, three months into it almost now and have gone almost 18,000 feet down, the reason why the last stages are going more slowly, they go 30 feet and pull out all the well equipment, that goes up quite a ways and then drop down magnetic equipment so they get close and close and close and don't miss the intersection point. it has to be a bull's-eye when they do it and they'll try and cement it shut. >> dave: good news, no oil leaking into the gulf and tourism, got a quick spike but there is bad news from what we understand in regards to the seafood. tell us what that is. >>. >> must has been -- specifically gulf shrimp is heavily impacted and they went east of the mississippi river, scientists and environmentalists checking out the public reefs where the oyster beds are and what they found was widespread death, a lot of these oysters, almost all of them did not produce, and the reason, that they are attributing this to happening, is, not because of the oil getting into those reefs but because of the mississippi river fresh water increased, in early stages to flush through the mississippi delta, all in an effort to keep the water flow and keeping the oil flow at bay. so the fresh water killing the oysters that depend on those public reefs and that is half of the $330 million louisiana oyster industry. >> alisyn: thanks for the update, one of the unintended consequences, no one can see, they are trying to help and this happens, thanks for the great reporting. meanwhile here's the rest of your headlines, secretary of state hillary clinton arrives in islamabad, pakistan, this morning. today she'll meet with the country's prime minister, there you see her arriving, she'll also announce plans to beef up u.s. development assistance to pakistan. secretary clinton wants to push neighboring countries to cooperate in the fight against al qaeda and taliban extremists. 11 inmates are on the run in afghanistan, this morning, after a bomb exploded at a prison. some are said to be suspected insurgency, the attack happened as this taliban staged coordinated attacks, and a guard and inmate died in the attacks and meanwhile, three people are dead in a separate attack near a market in eastern kabul, and, at least 40 people there are injured. several mine accidents killed 36 people in northern and central china. this is the latest video of rescue crews on the scene, after an electrical cable fire inside a shaft, all 28 minors work there died and rescue operations are underway for 13 miners trapped inside a flooded shaft and, three workers were safely lifted out and zsa zsa gabor is in serious condition after falling in her home, the 93-year-old was reportedly watching tv and reached for her phone and fell. she was rushed to ucla medical center with broken bones and her sub cyst sa publicist said her injuries were not life-threatening, she was partial paralyzed in an accident in 2002 and had a stroke in 2005. they are duking it ought, john mccain and j.d. hayworth, before the august primary. >> if john told the truth about obama, he'd be president about and maybe he'd do a better job. >>... said never get into a wrestling match with the pig, you both get dirt and the pig likes it. >> alisyn: john mccain and hayworth are accused of being career politicians, and there is no worse insult you can lodge at someone, other than career politicians. >> clayton: in the climate, let's toss it out to rick reichmuth and bethany frankel. >> rick: aside from doing this, you are a chef. >> a natural foods chef, i'm a health foodie. taste is number one and health is not far behind. it has to taste good, but, it really should be healthy as well. >> which explains why you are then, ten weeks after having a baby. >> yes, i would be the first person, angela lansbury, and it was a scandal that i lost so much weight and, i have written books on the topic. i will not blow up. >> you have ideas about guacamo guacamole. >> i replace half of the avacado with peas and normally frozen peas and first of all, i have a use what you have variations and in my book, 70 recipes, turn into a thousand, and if you don't have cilantro, use basil or parsley. >> rick: the freedom to substitute. >> and the recipe, i use an immersion blender, the handheld blender and we are using what we have, we're in the streets of mann, this is peas and avacados and you can be the masher. you can be the masher and this is cilantro, red onion and tomato, mash it all together. gorgeous and then, fresh lime juice, okay? brightens it up and use -- avacados get brown. mush. get involved! this is tabasco, i like things to have a lot of flavor, do what you want, garlic salt, i use a lot, a lot of people don't have fresh garlic and i want it to be simple and that is what my book is about, not being overwhelmed with expensive ingredients, long lists of ingredients, nothing complicated, it is stuff you already have, or buy one or two ingredients. >> worcestershire. >> it is a secret to a lot of recipes and now... 17 pounds of pepper. . it had a wide spout. and the perfect... >> and all right. so you burst -- and as i watched your show, which i do. it was one of the saturday afternoons on the couch and you get sucked into a marathon and next thing you know, my god, this is brilliant tv, and, skinniville margarita. >> the booze is in the bottle, 100 calories a serving and not just for breakfast any more. i have to -- >> i prefer it for breakfast. if you can do it larrter. >> i was mad, they got peas from a can, which i'm not a fan of and i have to say, it terrorists good. use what you have, if you have shoe leather sticker it in here, they taste good. i have to say. i'm not mad any more. >> i'm glad we made up. >> we worked it out. >> i wanted one last thing. "people" magazine cover. >> i know. exciting, right? i have no idea how i got that, because, that was kind of a pinnacle. other than this moment, right now. >> >> rick: pick that up, and the will not get better than this. >> clayton: eating guacamole with rick reichmuth a tossup. coming up the location of secret facilities and names of top-secret agencies may be revealed, the ominous warning from the state department, a live report from washington, straight ahead. >> alisyn: she's the baby proofer to the stars and offered advice to tom cruise an britney spears and today has important car safety tips for all of us, a segment every parent and parents to be, clayton, listen up... >> clayton: okay. >> alisyn: should see, coming up. ♪ [ male announcer ] we make them beautiful. ♪ we make them tougher. ♪ we make them legendary. we make them better... ♪ to make your life better. ♪ and we've never made one... ite like this. the 100% electric nissan leaf. ♪ winning at losing on weight watchers. i have never been this size in my adult life. so it's a special place, for me. ♪ win i'm so comfortable in my jeans. i love the progre. it makeme love myself that much more. i win. and you can too. [ female announcer ] if you join right now, hurry, offer ends august 7th. weight watchers. because it works. >> alisyn: a "fox news alert," the state department is in panic mode over reports the "washington post" may reveal top-secret information about defense and intelligence spending. the report is also set to reveal locations of secret facilities and some names of top-secret agencies. >> dave: caroline shivley joins us live from washington with more. caroline, why would the "washington post" publish this article? >> reporter: well, the article is aimed at exposing the huge expense of the contract work, billions of tax dollars go out for this stuff every year and the government itself -- something the government would do, not private citizens and what they say in d.c. is the article will blow the covers of contract companies doing top-secret work and terrorists pick up the paper and go on-line and find out who is working against them and who they are. >> alisyn: the intelligence community is nervous and they are afraid secret agents or whatever you call them will be exposed. yet it sounds like the "washington post" said we got this from open sources. >> reporter: absolutely them. post says anyone can get it. go on-line, it is open information and information open to the public. the real problem, though, is, it never has been lined up like this before, saying the company is doing this specific work in the place making it easy for terrorists, you me or anyone to get the information and the state department simply is so worried about this, they sent an e-mail to all employees saying, quote, the web site provides a graphic representation, pinpointing the location of firms conducting top-secret work and describing the type of work they perform and identifying many facilities where such work is done. the officer of the director of national intelligence is worried this morning and they sent out a memo saying, quote, foreign intelligence services and terrorist organizations ankrim elements will have potential interest in the kind of information. bottom line we will not know details, the full effect until the article comes out, and it is tet to come out tomorrow and could pop any time. >> dave: what is inspection? where does the investigation head next? what can they do, ultimately, the intelligence communities. >> reporter: the intelligence community is sending up a warning, as i'm, the obama administration also responding this morning, tell folks, look we have been looking into waste and looking into this egregious example, that will be out, in the post article. they say they are working towards it but i think we'll see information, some confirmation hearings for the intelligence community, congress will be asking some questions. on tuesday, in fact, dave. >> alisyn: thanks so much, caroline. i have guacamole caught in my teeth -- it is interesting, republican and democratic administrations have always had the tension with the "washington post," and, "the new york times" and not wanting to expose what they say are the secret information. >> dave: interesting stuff. coming up, before you hit the road with your kids, this summer. stay tuned. for this next segment. vital car safety tips, all of you parents and parents to be... mr. morris... should know. hi, i'm looking to save money on my car insurance. how do i know if i'm getting a good deal? you should talk to the specialist. the specialist? he compares rates side by side you cod save hundreds. it's easy. great. okay, pickles! do your thing. 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they won't let you leave the hospital if it isn't. >> no, and note that 75% of car seats are installed incorrectly. >> clayton: 75%. >> to be able to able to install a car seat correctly you need to know your child's age, weight and height. this seat by safety first, complete air is a convertible seat and goes either forward, or backwards, read the side of the seat to know which direction your child needs to be. >> clayton: based on hate and weight. >> and my recommendation, choose a restraint that has the highest weight maximum rear-facing because your child is safer rear-facing. >> clayton: and four things to remember, location, direction, selection, and installation. >> read the vehicle owner's manual. to know exactly where in the car is this safest location, for the child restraint. >> clayton: that is a problem some people don't have their vehicle information manual and need to look it up on-line and most car manufacturers have the information on-line. >> it is extremely important, the center back seat is most haven't you the safest, however sometimes it isn't, it depend on the vehicle. >> clayton: straps wise, what do we do, after it is put in place? is there a system in place and i walk in and see this and i cot confused. >> there are statistics and requirements and what is confusing for parents, the basics, it is called a test clip and it needs to go straight across the shoulders at armpit level of the child. if you are -- if your car seat is rear-facing it needs to be installed at a 45° angle. very important. >> clayton: 45° angle and keeping it secure to the seat is the next step. >> the next step is securing it into the seat and i've been fortunate enough to be able to use latch, here. on this child restraint. and you can hear it snap. you feel into the bite of the seat and it snaps and there we go. it is in. what i wanted to also make note of, is it is hot. especially here, during the summer. >> clayton: after they are in the seat. >> after your child is in the seat it sounds odd, but parents often do forget their children in their child restraints and what i want parents to do is, grab a little stuffed and medical from kids' room and put a pin to it, and stick it on your shirt, right after you install your car seat, so when you go to get into the car seat and drive off, you have this reminder that your baby is in fact in the back seat. >> clayton: back seat, possibly hot, because a lot of people do that, statistics, last -- since 199, 468 children died either from hypothermia or in hot vehicles, themselves, by people who simply have forgotten about their children, a very important tip. now, once are driving, you have the bear on your chest and remember that have the baby in the back seat and hit the road. what is the next step to be sure our children are safe while driving? >> follow oprah's advice and make your car a no-phone zone, take your purse, put your cell phone in it and trunk the purse. mommies are busy and you don't want to be tempted with phone calls and texting during your drive. you are -- your focus needs to be on the road. >> clayton: get rid of the phone. any other tips for driving? i guess don't be distractioned with other things in -- distracted of things in the car. >> and make sure there are no projectiles in the car, any objects in the car that are not secured. in the events of a crash they go flying and take on much greater weight in the event of a crash. >> you have a baby facing backwards and grossries in the back seat and the trunk and it could be a big issue. >> in the seat, behind the in the trunk, you are safe, don't store them up in front. >> clayton: parking lot safety, parking the car. it sounds easy but it's not. >> especially when you have two and getting one out and have the other, behind you on the door is called a parking pal and, imagine i have taken my four-year-old out and i say, honey, give the parking hal a high-five and make it stick and put the hand up on the parking pal and keeping an eye on them and multi-tasking, and the parking pal helps keep your baby here, tight to the car and not in harm's way. >> clayton: i'll give it a high-five now, kimberly mitchell, thanks, a lot of useful information, "fox & friends" will be back in two and two. at? 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