community, people pushing for that. but that's evolved. you know, when you get to be the speaker and you get different types of intelligence briefings than just rank and file members, so i think that's some the influence there. you're right, he wanted something on border. i asked him, pressed him on this just a couple of days ago, and he said i can't put border in there, or it's not going to get through the senate. and the reason they had to glom everything together, he didn't think israel would go by itself alone in the senate, so that's one of the reasons they had to do this combo panel. and if you mentioned fisa. that program did not go dark. the senate, in the wee hours of the morning -- you know, the deadline was 11:59 last night, the senate passed it with 60 votes. notably, there was this odd coalition of democrats and republicans, kind of civil libertarians who got together opposing that including dick durbin, the democratic whip. pete: and, chad, do you think, do you believe -- what would you put the timeline on the threat that speaker johnson's facing from this motion to vacate?