said that the hill he was going to die on was border bill hr2 -- we haven't died on that hill. remember that? that was the statement now we're voting on foreign aid bills. to the tune of billions of dollars to other countries and still have nothing on our own border. nicole: he's getting some praise because they're saying that he's perhaps looking more like a speaker not necessarily republican on democrat right now but what he's actually doing is thwarting republican effort as we head into the 2024 election. because again, republicans look like they just don't have to together and don't have a unified stance to hurt them in 2024. pete: luges working with democrats isn't going help them either necessarily we'll see. we turn to some headlines and this just in. u.s. defense officials confirming that the u.s. is agreed to pull all u.s. troops up niger the decision of the west african prime minister. as of last year over 1,000 american troops were stationed