which was rich because it seems like e these students don't really understand how lgbt people are treated in palestine is. but it was shocking to me. it's my first semester as a part-time students at columbia. i knew what i was expecting because i'd prior been a student at nyu, but i really think this post-october 7th creepiness on campus is really reaching a new level and a fever pitch. and i would never have imagined that i would watch nypd officers in literal riots here need to break up hundreds of columbia students who were willfully getting arrested in sport of -- support of palestine and many support of, i think, a cause that they really, clearly don't fully understand. will: i think that's a key point, do they understand. by the way, k.b. cotton who works with fox went to campus and tried to get a little understanding of their understanding. here's how it went. >> reporter: hi. wondering, can we talk to you guys about your demands for the university? >> we have -- do you mind?