overnight. the measure passing just 15 minutes before its midnight deadline. the the program allows the government to collect information from non-americans outside the country including spying on conversations with americans in the u.s. if. pete: uh-huh. will: the bill passed with reforms to address privacy concerns for lawmakers including upgrading the penalty or -- can penalties for anyone mess using the program. pete: i'm sure. will: the fbi officially serving subpoenas to dalton, illinois, mayor and other village officials over corruption accusations, she's accused of spending taxpayer money on trips. he was also named in a lawsuit accusing a village official of sex assault during a trip to las vegas. she previously vetoed the board's request to launch a federal investigation into her. if. morgan wallen breaking his silence after a his arrest in nashville. the country star faces charges for allegedly tossing a chair from the roof of a downtown bar owned by a fellow singer.