you know, we've learned the lessons of history, is that what we should be watching for right now? >> i mean, look, 100, right? but we're are, we're way -- we've got the cart before the horse, as my dad would say, right? i mean, what is our interest in ukraine, right? let's say that we do have interest there. if we go there, what's our plan? are we going to occupy it forever? the taliban was, i mean, their military was the rees advanced military e we've ever fought, and guess what they did to us? they waited us out for 20 years. do you think russia won't do the same thing? what's our interest? how are we going to keep that forever if, right? it's just not a sustainable option. will: yeah. and, i mean, i think everyone, most everyone watching knows, but it's always worth highlighting, you're somebody who knows the cost of the investment, put his life on the line for the types of investments the united states makes, in your case afghanistan, obviously. and potentially now here in europe as well which only means we need truth and a real debate