they said they went back and forth with two juries and it was totally different when he took the stand. that's when they were able to win the jury. and, obviously, it worked in trial time as well. will: i think remarkably bold move from the defense especially since the evidence had been pro-defense. the key witness actually ended up key witness for the defense. you sort of were at that point in the lead and to then bring in kyle rittenhouse was a bold strategy but clearly it worked. this was a very genuine individual. i know folks like lebron james, jury consultant lebron james felt that the tears were fake. but those were real tears. nobody can conjure that up. this was a 17-year-old kid who wanted to be a paramedic not an actor. that was remarkably convincing. and if you looked into his eyes, which is the reason we need juries in buildings, not virtually, you could seat