vigilante, it's probably on the line of opinion. but a white supremacist? that's a incredibly injurious statement that can either be proved or disproved. that could be clearly, in my mind, defamation. there is also the tort of false light, really offensive statement that portrays somebody in a misleading or false light. and the standard there is also much less. reckless disregard. so i think against joe biden, especially against members of the media who put on a cavalcade of lies about rittenhouse, he has a strong case. lawrence: you know todd i want to go back to you and i want you to put on your legal hat. we found dr. demetrius was the jury consultant in this case. i remember when i was a private investigator for criminal defense we would have these mock trials and we would get as much opo on a jury and its makeup. how important was it to have kyle take the stand?