soaring. instead, we are not. rachel: it's really hurting small businesses who really, you know, obviously you need people to go to work and you have all these job openings you need to raises wages in order for people -- pete: it's a huge problem. rachel: big businesses can do it better. they all got rich curing the due pandemic. small businesses hurting. i will say this as a caveat. i agree -- by the way, i think this is by design. i think the government wants to create a dallas of people completely dependent on the government. who have basically learned to live with less, you know, take the crumbs off the government take. i'm satisfied with this and i will just sit back and watch netflix or whatever i think the pandemic on a positive note has given women, in particular, a new look at life. and so some women are just saying i want a new work life balance. i enjoyed the time that i was home with my child. so there could be some of that as well.