become to school and become pastors and texas correctional system is known for that. have you all these people that are clearly worshiping christ, giving their life to christ. shouldn't would he be celebrating this as a country when you are a criminal, your life was jacked up, and you decided, you know what? let me get some stability in my life. turn over a new leaf. this is anti-christian rhetoric. ed: lawrence actually interviewed kanye at that church. rachel: his mom is a pastor to a womennens prison in texas. so, here kanye west giving hope to prisoners and i guess that's still legal in this country. pete: it is. a guy like chuck coal son who runs prison fellowship has for decades. long tradition. if kanye does it we have got to complain about it. rachel: we will turn to some headlines. a college student accused of accusing her boyfriend to kill himself. she has pleaded not guilty. she districted text messages -- she has