into play and then we have generational debt coming into play. there's zero way of paying $52 trillion for a health care system without taxing the middle class. >> that means they're coming for you. seth, we appreciate you coming in. >> thanks for having me on. >> what a story. mark zuckerberg turning the tables on screen writer aaron sorkin, using his own words against him after he attacked facebook over free speech. our next guest says the feud shows how powerful big tech has become. we'll discuss, the fight over facebook, next. ♪ orlando isn't just the theme park capital of the world, it also has the highest growth in manufacturing jobs in the us. it's a competition for the talent. employees need more than just a paycheck. you definitely want to take advantage of all the benefits you can get. 2/3 of employees said that the workplace is an important source for personal savings and protection solutions.